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United States United States. DJ since May 29, 2009

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CajunGypsy @romanus: "Thank you Both =) @motthoople: "@Sly_dog: "re: "This one's a bear to find, hope you like =) ~ B-52´s ~ Roam""""" (reblip)

B-52´s Roam

CajunGypsy Another of those songs that makes even less sense when you read the lyrics than it did when you heard them and couldn't quite make them all out.
CajunGypsy Heard this a couple of times on the car radio and it kinda got stuck in my head.
CajunGypsy Because if I have to have this damn song as an earworm, my listeners bloody well will too.
CajunGypsy Because it just plopped down on the ol' mental jukebox for some reason.
CajunGypsy Nobody online seems to have the lyrics to this one...and with this chick's heavy accent, that's a damn shame.
CajunGypsy Are you beginning to sense a theme here? :-)
CajunGypsy For NJohns12, because s/he just played "Penis Song" by Macklemore.
CajunGypsy @NJohns12: "Most spiritual song around." This is a true find of silliness. (reblip)
CajunGypsy I may need to listen to some of this woman's other music because of this song. (reblip)
CajunGypsy @ShannonGrissom: ":O) @enricchi: "There's no exception to the rule.... TY rb vi@Voguequeen"" Thanks for the blast from this '70s kid's past. (reblip)

The Main Ingredient Everybody Plays The Fool

CajunGypsy In honor of this week's GLEE episode featuring her music...and a guest appearance by La Spears herself!
CajunGypsy Still prefer the original cut to the live version.
CajunGypsy The song is still freakin' weird...but sticks in your head like mental peanut butter.
CajunGypsy Because a friend on Facebook just mentioned this in a post.
CajunGypsy People these days tend to forget that some of the late Mr. White's biggest hits did NOT feature him on vocals. Consider this a little reminder.
CajunGypsy Because someone just blipped the original.

Galactic Empire State of Mind

CajunGypsy Because the ol' mental jukebox just coughed this one up for no reason I can figure. Aside from being a cool song, this video is fun too.
CajunGypsy Because it just sounds so flippin' weird.
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