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United States United States. DJ since May 9, 2009

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DJ_L_i_a @MC_bitch_please: "You're the hottest ticket in Illinios state." (reblip)
DJ_L_i_a this is amazing (amazing idea, amazingly funny, amazingly done! lol*)! " 'cuz i*m ste-ven brule! hoy! hoy! hoyyy!" :P #foryourtechnology
DJ_L_i_a @MC_bitch_please and i turned 24 today- have a party in our honor- there*s your excuse to drinky! ;) LOL* #yaybday
DJ_L_i_a i was looking for "Rip-Did-a-Lip-Dip-Dip-Dip It*s Your Bday" song(tim&eric), but found this & MUST blip it. but meredith=lia&erin & 21=24. #itsourbday

"Meredith is Turning 21" by David Liebe Hart

DJ_L_i_a @MC_bitch_please, this one*s for you! (another good 1 she heard on cold case!) enjoy! :)
DJ_L_i_a another 1 for @MC_bitch_please. heard this on cold case & liked it a lot. enjoy! :)
DJ_L_i_a this 1 goes out to @MC_bitch_please, who*s looking for this to d/l & can*t find it. LOL* g2 love blip! heard it on heartbreak kid 2day & love it! :)
DJ_L_i_a here*s a good 3:17 for the mamas of the universe! love the record- love thy momma! #iheartmom

I'll always love my mama by The Intruders

DJ_L_i_a i*m still looking for adam sandler's mothers day "i love my mama" song (no luck. :( boo.), but found this. always loved this- had to post! :P
DJ_L_i_a @MC_bitch_please the movie is "wish upon a star". i know it was just a short lapse of memory on it, though. :) <3u!
DJ_L_i_a happy cinco de mayo, chippies<3! :)

Tim and Eric Season Cinco

DJ_L_i_a awesome echo in the beginning. LOL* mothers day is may 9th- get mama something nice! :) #iheartmom
DJ_L_i_a today*s the 136th kentucky derby; place your bets (& hope all the horses stay safe!!!)! here*s a clip from last year to get you all psyched- enjoy! :)
DJ_L_i_a 5-9-10 = moms' day. don*t forget it like these clowns did! LOL* :P SNL Digital Short w/ Andy Samberg & Justin Timberlake. #iheartmom

Mother Lover Snl

DJ_L_i_a i had to blip this (esp. b/c of diarrhea mix! haha*). their voices almost sound like farts- enjoy! :D
DJ_L_i_a it*s saturday night, and i feel fine! :P

Let's Rip It Up

DJ_L_i_a this is the closest thing to "the bunny hop" i remember that i could find. we used to do the bunny hop @ skateaway! lol* hop! hop! hop! :D
DJ_L_i_a not the "bunny hop" i was thinking of, but it*s too cute anyway, so i had to blip. :) "let*s go to the hop!" happy easter, all<3! :)

bunny hop song

DJ_L_i_a AM-A-ZING vid for an amazing song. it makes me laugh every time- never gets old! if you ask me, the music & vid style was WAY ahead of its time. #LOVE
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