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United States United States. DJ since Apr 8, 2009

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JefDrus was looking for "All in the Family," but i'll settle for the deftones hook up.

Korn - Wicked

JefDrus changing pace a bit, rockin some 90's alternative, classic.
JefDrus Released during the interim of Rage. Still waiting for the new record.
JefDrus ...featuring Zack De La Rocha. Waiting for the next RAtM album.


JefDrus Still counting the days I've been without you 1, 2, 3, 4... oops! Done With You - Papa Roach!!
JefDrus Are you curious what you do, whenever you go somewhere? Anywhere?
JefDrus Featuring Adam Gontier of Three Day's Grace. How trendy, but i like the song, and the album, thanks Alexandra. :)
JefDrus I gotta be straight, this is "Another F.U. Song," not for those easily offended. Straight to the Point, RBF
JefDrus Fast Food Nation is a good book, not because Fat Mike Sings about it, but this is still a good song, he does an extra verse live on Conan, its good.

NOFX - Franco Un-American

JefDrus Do you wanna get down with me? How bout Erykah? So soulful, so delicious!
JefDrus They aren't really, its LCD Soundsystem in the House, 'Raise the Roof' ... do the kids still say that?
JefDrus welcome to goodburger, home of the goodburger, can i take your order please?
JefDrus Latin Ska! and revolutionary at that!

Mestizaje - Ska P

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