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United States United States. DJ since Apr 16, 2009

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PandaGrl #MM RT @pastorronnie im glad God didnt give up on me when I gave up on myself. He never gives up never lets go. "I know the plans I have 4u." Jer29:11
PandaGrl #MM by @thekatinas ..RT @FL411: Had a very good talk w/ my friend & former shipmate tho.. He's struggling financially.. I've been in that boat B4 too.
PandaGrl #MM RT @FL411: Drove out to Waiks earlier this eve to pay a friend in need a visit.. Had coffee.. A very small cup - so i thought ((O.O))
PandaGrl #nowplaying Draw Me Close to You by @thekatinas #MM ...iWas up late last night.. praying for a friend & former shipmate who's struggling financially..

Katinas -- Draw Me Close to You

PandaGrl The magic words for a great relationship are "I love U just the way U are." via @oceanbutterfly7 @LOVquotE; FLW: Yes but U have 2 mean it too
PandaGrl iChecked in w/ @thekatinas blog today to hear this awesome song! #MM James, mahalo for the FB-inbox-"new post"-alerts! <3
PandaGrl #nowplaying "Ready Or Not" by After 7 <~ so THAT's who sings this song [ via @valdezign #googlebuzz ]
PandaGrl @AliveinMe Aloha Hetty :) RT @worldprayr: His huge outstretched arms protect U-- under them U're perfectly safe; His arms fend off all harm. Psalm91:4
PandaGrl #FF Listening to "Come Back to Me" by @tracitoguchi ... (originally ♫ blipped via @ChefMaxient) Wow, u sing beautifully, Traci! RB@CelebratetotheMax (reblip)

Traci Toguchi Come Back To Me w/ piano (written by Traci)

PandaGrl listen closely & u'll hear my #MM version #lyrics for "One Time" ;) Me + You, I'ma tell You, One Time...When I met You *God* my heart went knock knock
PandaGrl was looking for the full song to listen to but now I'm wondering.. Is this @JustinBieber song incomplete or is this - it? ... #lyrics on screen

Justin Bieber Can't live without you with Lyrics

PandaGrl Wow. I didn't know @JustinBieber fractured his foot. His leg looks just like mine did when I fractured my right foot in 2002 =]
PandaGrl Can't sleep.. so I'm listening to my fave song "One Time" by @JustinBieber, my 12yr old son's fave singer.
PandaGrl Talked to my son in Samoa last night via Skype. He loves @JustinBieber's music! His fave songs are Baby & One Less Lonely Girl. My fave is One Time :)
PandaGrl Ah-ha! It was the theme from #movie Tootsie "It Might Be You" sung by Stephen Bishop #Love #song #video
PandaGrl RB:"When there seems to be no Way, God can make a Way!" // Aloha @phelippa, mahalo hou for that awesome & powerful prayer you wrote me last year! :))" (reblip)

God Will Make A Way (Worship Video w/ Lyrics) HD

PandaGrl "Sometimes u have 2B apart from ppl u love but that doesn't mean u love them any less. Sometimes it makes u love them even more."
PandaGrl Gonna play my fave Rawsun song on my iPad til the battery needs 2b charged again, heh.. #lyrics iNeed You around.. The truth is that iLove You baby

Always Love You by Rawsun ft. Cherie

PandaGrl #acronym .. iMade 5yrs S.O.B.E.R. ystrdy 4/11/2010 =)) GO ME! iJust wish iCould also say iMade it thru 5yrs w/o being in a relationship w/any drinkers
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