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United States United States. DJ since Jul 17, 2009

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Ozomatli Extended Remix: Cumbia de los Muertos

RoxUranus Most insane live performance by any band...these guys just flat out rocked out with their C's out for 60 minutes...oh yeah...and two bass players...
RoxUranus I'll take Transcendent Music for $100, Alex
RoxUranus Brilliant composition...less really is more...
RoxUranus tried to save myself but myself keeps slipping away...
RoxUranus hard and so groove-y...

Orbital - Satan (Industry Standard)

RoxUranus If this doesn't make you want to go out and F*** S*** up I don't know what will...
RoxUranus just tight as the hell do you go from the elegance of Cerulean to the crunchy pop-punk stuff here..amazing...
RoxUranus one of the best pop bands ever...great work...
RoxUranus Sure it's a blatant rip off of pretty much anything by Gang of Four, but it just sounds so honest and fresh....too bad the Indie Kids are so gullible.

Moving Units - Between us and Them

RoxUranus Such an amazing bass line...built for slow grindy naughtiness...
RoxUranus Epic Industrial song. We need dueling power drills with Alain Jourgensen and Trent Reznor
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