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DJ since Sep 4, 2008

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cado_rocha @rerichter "tell me what's on your mind!"

Information Society -What's on your mind Rock'n Rio 2

cado_rocha @supralux Gostei dessas suas manifestações instrumentais, mas não consigo deixar de fazer meu muse-marketing! (pra drums agora =)
cado_rocha @supralux e que tal ESTE baixo aqui? :)
cado_rocha the choir in which I dream, in which I sleep, in which I wander
cado_rocha Feel the beat, music and rhyme... while there is time

we're all in the dance

cado_rocha Nada... NADA me tira da cabeça que o refrão dessa música do Franz foi influência do Calypso... NADA.
cado_rocha so naive... i keep holding on to what i wanna believe...
cado_rocha @interventionist dragonette nova (y)
cado_rocha You're wise, you're tough, you've heard their lies enough. You smile in sympathy.
cado_rocha pra ouvir swingando numa cadeira de balanço.
cado_rocha novo ringtone para ligações de @interventionist, @rerichter e uns outros tipinhos... =D hehehe
cado_rocha Hoje é dia de ouvir "April Fools". And you will believe in love, and all that it's supossed to be!..." Tocaí.
cado_rocha Monroe, Barrymore, Mansfield, Judi Dench, Madonna (Ritchie...), Streep, Close, Hepburn, Burt Reynolds. Niven, Danson, Bundy, Bardot. Joaquin, Swank!
cado_rocha Can you climb, climb, climb higher?
cado_rocha Love is the drug im thinkin' of
cado_rocha and until you´ve re-paid the dreams you bought for your lies, you´ll be cast away alone under stormy skies
cado_rocha You know it´s kinda hard just to get along today... né!...
cado_rocha Just can´t get enough of it!!!!
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