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over 1000 listeners


United Kingdom United Kingdom. DJ since Sep 19, 2008

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darlin Sometimes I miss being heartbroken. O for the knife-in-the-belly thrill of a song like this, twisting it in, just in time.
darlin For those of yall still too rarefied to speak Polish, this track's about drivin to yr drop to pick up yr green.
darlin Call yrself a Londoner and you can't name even ONE Polish hip-hopper? SHAME ON YOU.
darlin WOWZER. This is just horrible. Seppuku death of a circuit-bent pokemon muzak-accordion. I love it! Can I keep it? (reblip)
darlin Eloquent summation of troubled heterosex in the age of post-feminism & gender shift. With KAZOOS. I KNOW, right?!
darlin And then I said, "No, listen, you don't understand, I'm VERY BUSY."
darlin Hauntological torpor [constantly in love, now; you could call that a haunted kind of logical].
darlin Ain't this jus the whiteboyest lil PoMo slice of angst? Rain, acne, iPod: check. Let it in, kid. Let it in.
darlin @nanpansky heard this & thought of you. @everybodyelse: hear this & think of someone. That's an order.
darlin MY SOUL IS A TEENAGE BOY, pt II: my soul goes to bakeries all day long/ & listens to this/ on repeat.
darlin Pre-zeitgeist blues: my bandmates used to say I was crazy, talkin' polka-metal; but howdja like me now?

Kesha-Tik Tok(Polka-Metal Version)

darlin Fuzzy, sore & sweet as hangover sex when one of you is bleeding; it's a damn good thing.
darlin Huh yeah, huh, one two three four. Pump. Up. The huh. Huh, what.
darlin Oh look, it's my song. "Do you tell the truth online?" he said. Yes, I said. But obliquely.
darlin Some 8-bit Ghostbusters to accompany your vagina.

Ghost Busters Theme Tune (8-Bit Remix)

darlin Best colour-by-numbers good-time Aussie ska-wop you've never heard, evar. Turn it up, suspend judgement, enjoy.
darlin @redjives what flavour ice-cream would I be? Srsly? Well, since you ask; maybe something a little like this.
darlin El's in the kitchen, cooking & playing this song. I've had some beers & right now it's all so goddamn poignant.
darlin Guaranteed the oddest & most bombastically melancholy youtube dub-rap you ever did heerd.
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