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United States United States. DJ since Apr 15, 2009

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hellohawk @Flying_Roundhouse Did you just challenge me to a Gabe-Off?!? Let the party begin!!!
hellohawk A good bookend for the day, not to mention a GREAT hundredth blip! Every time I pass the actual Kill Creek on K-10 highway, I give the rock fist.
hellohawk Blipped these guys the other day. One of the early KS punk bands, like The Feelies if they had really ROCKED.
hellohawk Nada Surf was forced by Elektra to cover this on their second album, which the band reissued without the song after switching to an indie label.
hellohawk Newly reunited and on tour! Didn't even know who this band was until some kid (who is now a great friend) moved from Cali and told me about them. Ha
hellohawk Not a ska fan, but these are my hometown homies and they used to put on great shows. Still do every once in a blue moon.
hellohawk Yep, he's originally from KS, though his music career didn't take off until he moved east.


hellohawk Featuring members of Panel Donor. Lyrics to this song were taken from an angry letter sent by a neighbor to the band's practice space.
hellohawk Great song from their newest album. Wayne Coyne from the Flaming Lips sang on their last one.
hellohawk Now I am going to do some Kansas bands. First: One of the most inventive guitar bands from the area EVER.
hellohawk Since we are on the topic, I can't leave out my all-time favorite song! It really is one of the greatest riffs ever recorded.
hellohawk Another great riff! Never really got into this band til I heard it.
hellohawk While we are on the great riff train, here's one from Frank's first solo album. Pretty sure that's ex-Pixie Joey Santiago playing it, though!
hellohawk Look, here comes Brian May to shred you all some new assholes!
hellohawk Maybe the best punk song ever, partially because it's not really what one would expect from a punk song. Isn't that what "punk" is all about?
hellohawk The very first single from one of my all-time favorite bands...and, they're CANADIAN!
hellohawk I love Dando, even though he's, um, Dando-riffic...
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