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United States United States. DJ since Jun 14, 2009

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krisswensen This track will alter the way you see things. It's painful and beautiful at the same time.
krisswensen Another blast from the 90's. I loved this album so much.
krisswensen It's a Matthew Sweet Twofer!!!
krisswensen A very pre-emo era song that I've loved for a long long time. No, there's no symbolism for me in here. I just love it. :-)
krisswensen I've never hated a song more than I've hated this very track. Worst lyrics ever, and terrible terrible singing. Enjoy getting annoyed.
krisswensen This is my last Blip for today (presumably). But I had to share my lord and savior of guitar with you... Tommy Emmanuel.
krisswensen "But they don't know what the queers are doing to the soil!"
krisswensen This LA gloom is reminding me of my Seattle home. Therefore, Hammerbox at EMP's Skychurch is in order.
krisswensen A classic new wave track from the '80s. I used to love this song as a kid.
krisswensen Uprooting songs out of my past. Alice In Chains is a huge part of that past.
krisswensen Amazing how much John Williams and George Lucas borrowed from Holst's "The Planets" for the Star Wars saga.
krisswensen This 1992 hair metal film is really forcing me to expose myself to hair metal I had once forcefully forgotten all about.
krisswensen Wow. What a sound from my past. I totally forgot about Gruntruck.
krisswensen This generation's "Bad English", @wearepalmdale, are performing tomorrow night at Hotel Cafe in Hollywood.
krisswensen Some of you wonder what goes on in my head. This is the song I awoke with today stuck in my head for no good reason.
krisswensen A little cliche seeing as I'm about to fly up to Seattle. But God, I love MFatGG.
krisswensen Yes, today is a wonderful Saturday. And I found a song to blip that isn't via YouTube.
krisswensen As I'm in my 30's, Eddie Money got a whole lot more cool to me. Just bought some of his shite on iTunes.
krisswensen Been a while since I blipped. So I'm going to do a good one. God bless the Dead Milkmen, and what those queers are doing to the soil!
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