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Jason Mraz

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StellaBears Think Good SisX. Think Evil, Evil things happen to U :(@elyss @StellaBears Ah Sis if wishes were currency I would be wealthy indeed:)
StellaBears HA, Ok, SisX, I'm here for not only music but for Garfield, LOLLLLLL@elyss
StellaBears if U look for the Good, you'd be surprise, the Good comes to you, Tenfold:) @srecen
StellaBears TYSisX :) 2U2, CU indeed @StellaBears always wishing for better things for all good Blip Folk THAT INCLUDES YOU SIS! See Ya :)
StellaBears You can BOOGIE with some Pancakes & Butter, SisX lol :) YUMMY YUMMY, good for ur Tummy, Shake Um Up, Girl, LOL@elyss
StellaBears here's a fave SisX, Mraz gettin' HIGH:) Gots lot here to Share lol:) sending out my Ray of Sunshine x@elyss @StellaBears ty Sis a fave of mine :)
StellaBears TY SisX, HA! Typo on ECSTATiC! Life is Good:) @elyss: @S Carry On Sis catch you tomorrow and good Luck with your Work :)
StellaBears Love to go roller skating, SisX... ice skating is FUN :) but I've never roller skated before? HaveU? Looks like you need broom for balance lol @elyss
StellaBears You do that SisX, call me if U need help. lol, I'll bring my sword:)@elyss: Goodness Sis! I'm gonna look under the bed just to make sure! lol G'Nite:)
StellaBears TYDoing Good! everything seems back to normal at work. Fun w/my colleagues:) think SisX is Ok2.Take Care!@WhereAreUAagochan I hope you're well@S@elyss
StellaBears YES, eagle eye lol, Urso funny :)))@ptmp you talkin' about me @StellaBears ..SisX, was talking about ptmp, I give him credit, lol@elyss

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