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United States United States. DJ since Aug 18, 2008

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thenoodleator Although I love the DAAS version, the original is an absolute classic of Aussie music.
thenoodleator I've always loved the delivery of "sticky black tarmac"
thenoodleator Oh, boys. Take me away on your glorious ship.
thenoodleator Better catch my mind and untie myself from the frickin' mast. I got a bucketload of stuff to do today.
thenoodleator Added whipped cream to a skim milk pumpkin spice latte. Cancel each other out? Who cares? Do tha dance!
thenoodleator I try real hard to get through afternoons like this. Hopefully this song is what I need.
thenoodleator Don'tcha just hate teenagers? They're so frickin' loud. (And yes, I am Andy Rooney.)
thenoodleator My GH3 guitar seems to be broken again. *sigh* just when i was getting good at the hammer ons/offs with this song.
thenoodleator Ah, I remember coming to New York and being a total hick. But being aware is half the battle.
thenoodleator I'm contemplating an adventure. Why? Because I haven't updated the SHNoos ( in forever. BOOM!
thenoodleator You know, some days NY feels like living on Mars. Other days, like living on Mars Bars.
thenoodleator Actually, I should apologise to my TV. It's not you Bravia, it's her. I still love you.
thenoodleator I have never been so angry at my television as I was last night. And now I'm wearing my angry eyes. Billy says it best...
thenoodleator This exit poll says, crack another one.
thenoodleator I could really go a piece right now. Chocolate, a little frosting, a bib and a giant fork.
thenoodleator I wouldn't go that far. But I will burn my eyes out.
thenoodleator Any song with the word filibuster worked into it is a winner in my book.
thenoodleator Would this be half as good if it were "blop" instead of "bop"? Hey ho, let's frickin' go!
thenoodleator There's a coffee goblin behind my eyeball singing this right now. Focus is an illusion feed by infomercials.
thenoodleator Nearly at 6 o'clock. This'll get me over the hump!
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