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Miles Davis

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CharlieZipp Use this to puzzle people. Some might even be frightened. I find it delightful.
ate2zee Love the memo producer Teo Macero sent to Columbia Rec execs: Miles just called and said he wants this album to be titled: Bitches Brew. Please advise
ate2zee Huffing paint is dangerous CZ. LSD is a natural substance. No one ODs @CharlieZipp: LSD, also know as "acid" is a dangerous and volatile substance@ATE (reblip)
CharlieZipp LSD, also know as "acid", is a dangerous and volatile substance@ate2zee Beware of "wholesome" types trying to trick you into "dropping" (taking) it.
CharlieZipp The Mod Squad were Julie Barnes, Pete Cochran, and Lincoln "Linc" Hayes. They drove a woody in season one. Captain Adam Greer was their boss.
ate2zee Seriously, how about you fire up the Honeywell and power thru it...or do a copy/paste from YouTube to Search?@CharlieZipp: "Not much can be done now." (reblip)
ate2zee Never. I only knew of Alex Chilton from the Replacements' song@CharlieZipp: You never heard of Chilton auto manuals?@ATE (They're for motor cars.) (reblip)
CharlieZipp You never heard of Chilton auto manuals?@ate2zee (They're for motor cars.)
CharlieZipp Imagine me with my own motor car. Why, the whole neighborhood would think me a regular mister fancy pants!
CharlieZipp Boy, I still miss Bank One. Great times, great banking.
CharlieZipp I'm going to get that outfit he has on. I wonder if it was custom?
CharlieZipp Grandpa got up this morning, saw the shadow of his soul, and now it's thirty weeks of sorrow.

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