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over 500 listeners


United Kingdom United Kingdom. DJ since May 26, 2009

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DerekFME Pop songs don't come better than this. Heavenly. Oh and hello everyone for the first time in a billion years.
DerekFME Anyone got any mnml techno suggestions? Prefer something a little more tiktik than this...
DerekFME Vile Electrodes are also thoroughly excellent.
DerekFME This song is just thoroughly excellent.
DerekFME Hello everyone, I've been away for quite a long time. But here's me live.. (selfpromotionist) @leaferi @die_Kalte
DerekFME A new favourite band of mine. The guitarist and drummer of which have previously been in the rather ace goth/psychobilly band Bone Orchard.


DerekFME Just came to say hello. And see if this site had stopped crashing randomly and being slow and awkward. And to hear some nice new music too.
DerekFME Damn @brokentv beat me to it. I should have bliped first tweeted later. Still I have the performance rather than just music. #freeLibyaNOW
DerekFME It's Valentine's Day so obviously I had to play 'Valentine' by TSOM
DerekFME You can never beat the power of SIouxsie though. Doesn't come much more powerful than this.
DerekFME Some days I really need to listen to this song. This day is one of them.
DerekFME Nice to see everyone again but I really must be off for now. I'll try to return at some point.
DerekFME Any other people listen to @G_r_e_g some nice stuff on there. Like this. For example. (reblip)
DerekFME This is rather good and interesting rb@die_Kalte: "rb@HaLaN: "Bauri – Lembit |||| | |||| | | | | | | |||"" (reblip)
DerekFME Looks like my soundcloud works here. Here's one of my recent creations... a nice bit of music for winter.


DerekFME I do wonder sometimes how I keep getting more listeners despite not bothering to blip things much. They just follow.. Hello @DJ_DanceMix
DerekFME @die_Kalte got frustrated with half the music not working here. And I up all my music to now.
DerekFME Is there anybody out there listening? to me anymore? (having 546 listeners suggests yes)
DerekFME You don't have to be gay to like this do you? I hope not. Because I do. Lots. Also hello again everyone. I've been neglecting you so long.
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