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Canada Canada. DJ since Jan 20, 2009

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Feenstuh Can I get at least 10 people to confirm this song? My wife said it's a classic, and I can only begin to agree after 10 people agree with her..

FROZEN GHOST "dream come true"

Feenstuh Today's Hump Day makes me wanna do the Hump. The Humpty Hump
Feenstuh ...and you're an animal too
Feenstuh Where's the romance in today's music?
Feenstuh It's one of those mornings. I, too, want to bite that hand so badly...


Feenstuh I have this song stuck in my head thanks to a friend's FB status

New Age Girl

Feenstuh I love these guys. In other other words, they're...
Feenstuh Right when I think I need some new music the old music reminds me that I really don't
Feenstuh #Songsfrommyyouth Breakin 2 was so bad that now all sequals are followed with "Electric Boogaloo"

Ollie & Jerry "Electric Boogaloo" 12" Electro Old School Breakdance 2

Feenstuh #Songsfrommyyouth Oh no he didn't. Did I just bust out the Breakin'?

Breakin' Turbo Broom Dance

Feenstuh #Songsfrommyyouth Oh yes, there was definitely a little Sugar Hill Gang

the sugar hill gang rapper's delight

Feenstuh #Songsfrommyyouth Art of Noise- I used to watch this video over and over because mtv only had a handful of others to play for 24 hours a day...
Feenstuh #Songsfrommyyouth DEF LEPPARD- hahahahaha I want to go back in time and kick my own ass...
Feenstuh #Songsfrommyyouth Kiss Alive II- along with The Muppet Movie as my rockin 8-Track collection.
Feenstuh #Songsfrommyyouth The Muppet Movie from when I rocked the 8-track. Aw yeah...I said rocked.


Feenstuh #Songsfrommyyouth Samantha Fox- too bad the song doesn't come with the poster I had on my wall. lol
Feenstuh #Songsfrommyyouth The Primitives

The Primitives Crash

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