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DJ since Jan 21, 2009

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Quixote74 "Bits and pieces of the night before, Candle wax lying on the floor...." #MusicMonday

shea seger-last time

Quixote74 "It doesn't matter where you've been, as long as it was deep...." #MusicMonday
Quixote74 "She is mine, and she is wise; She is more than candy eyes...." #JSBX #MusicMonday
Quixote74 "And I was waitin' over here for life to begin...." @peteyorn #MusicMonday
Quixote74 "The say no one's gonna play this on the radio...." #MusicMonday
Quixote74 "Gonna get through your head what the mystery man said, because I'm gonna." #MusicMonday
Quixote74 "Stories and cigarettes ruin lives of lesser girls...."
Quixote74 "Come on over tonight, come on over this morning. Mama says you only fall in love once." @PeteYorn - Burrito #FF
Quixote74 It's 0730. What's the "0" stand for? "Oh my God, it's early."
Quixote74 They just don't make 'em like this anymore. <sigh>
Quixote74 "She never mentions the word addiction in certain company...." #MusicMonday
Quixote74 "I got two women, you can't tell 'em apart - I got one in my bosom, and the other one is in my heart." #MusicMonday
Quixote74 "I can't help it, everything's a mess; I can't help it, you're so treacherous...." #MusicMonday

Since You're Gone (The Cars- Best Quality)

Quixote74 #MusicMonday "If you go lookin' for hot water, don't act shocked if you get burned a little bit."
Quixote74 Kicking off the morning with a forgotten road trip classic.
Quixote74 @MarIaSinger "Well we know where we're going, but we don't know where we've been..." #MM Talking Heads - Road To Nowhere
Quixote74 "Why can't I get just one kiss?" Violent Femmes - Add It Up #MM
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