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DJ since Dec 22, 2008

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TheMeltingSnowman What a day indeed....


TheMeltingSnowman For all those who saw that new TV show on Ch 5 tonight...
TheMeltingSnowman You won't ever have heard this song anywhere before, and you must... Super Luckies..

Big Brown Bread

TheMeltingSnowman #MusicMonday - I used to do the bass vocals to this in a bar I worked many moons ago..

Blue Moon-The Marcels-1961

TheMeltingSnowman SO in light of this, i blip you this...
TheMeltingSnowman Is it Penry, the mild mannered janitor? Coooooooooould be! (rare cover)
TheMeltingSnowman This is SO much better than the original...
TheMeltingSnowman A sunny saturday morning song, and if it's not sunny where you are now, it will be..
TheMeltingSnowman Apologies to @wogsland for blipping, i know he hates them... (so do I)
TheMeltingSnowman blippety blip blip.


TheMeltingSnowman Tank fly boss walk jam nitty gritty....


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