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over 100 listeners


United States United States. DJ since May 16, 2009

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TheWorkingDead Sad news today... still happy, but it's a bittersweet feeling now...
TheWorkingDead It's friday, I'm in a good mood, and staying that way with old friends SQZ.
TheWorkingDead Off one of my favorite albums, this is what was running through my head this morning.
TheWorkingDead "Tonight I need something more sub-sub-sub-substantial..."
TheWorkingDead I'm not sure what it is, but there's something very haunting about this twangy, indie track. I love it.

Dixie Dirt "Boulevards"

TheWorkingDead Placebo's new album came out this week, have to wait a bit to hear it so making do with their back catalog.
TheWorkingDead Woke up with this in my head. Been humming it all morning...
TheWorkingDead Ghostbusters videogame out today, featuring voices of all the cast and a script by Aykroyd and Ramis. Fun so far.
TheWorkingDead "Oh is this the way they say the future's meant to feel?" And old high school favorite as I head back to work.
TheWorkingDead From my morning setlist. Hard to find anything by Byrne that isn't live, but this is a good version of the song.
TheWorkingDead Another monday, another TNG marathon. Every episode I start singing this. "Captain Jean-luc Picard of the USS Enterprise..."

Picard's Song

TheWorkingDead I love the part of this video where he straight up steals that little girl from the dinner table.
TheWorkingDead Frustrated today dealing with my daughter's dumbass preschool teachers. This song seems appropriate.
TheWorkingDead Goodnight from me, and good morning to @LizzyStardust.


TheWorkingDead I don't know what it is, @wordgrrl, but you always seem to inspire cover song blips.
TheWorkingDead The sound of 80 iPods on shuffle, with a visual equivalent. This Love the Rod Stewart at the end of this.
TheWorkingDead In honor of the horrifically depressing Funky Winkerbean strips. http://tinyurl.com/dbzkzp I suggest scrolling back and reading all from this week.
TheWorkingDead I'm not really a fan of this band's normal albums, but I'm a sucker for sci-fi rock opera, so I'm in love with this time traveling E.P.

Broken Bride LUDO lyrics

TheWorkingDead Wow, @TheCinema4Pylon, I usually enjoy all your blips, but you are just on fire today. Great stuff. (reblip)
TheWorkingDead @Sherryness: "This is one of many reasons I love 'OK Go' - Who else would have thought to cover "Lovecats" originally done by the Cure?!!!" (reblip)
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