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United States United States. DJ since May 16, 2009

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TheWorkingDead That was a cool cover, @Sherryness. Here's another band that thought to do it.
TheWorkingDead Half day at work, spent it getting introduced to the work of Val Lewton on TCM. Here's one from the remake of his great Cat People.
TheWorkingDead Some days I agree with this song's title, others I don't. I suppose today I agree. Your all safe. For now...
TheWorkingDead Great song that I've been wanting to hear again for awhile now. Could do without the video, though. (reblip)

The Trembler

TheWorkingDead This song was on the same mix that introduced me to Wolfsheim(good choice, btw), @LizzyStardust. I think you'll enjoy it, too.
TheWorkingDead OK, I've blipped this before, but I'm obsessed with this song. She performed it on Conan last night. Couldn't find that, but here it is on Letterman.

Neko Case This Tornado Loves You (Live on Letterman) 2009.04.15 (HQ)

TheWorkingDead My goodnight blip. One of my all time favorite TMBG songs, off of Miscellaneous T.
TheWorkingDead OK, one more Threepenny song. This one by Stan Ridgway, of Wall of Voodoo! Effin' AWESOME.
TheWorkingDead League of Extraordinary Gentlemen also has Pirate Jenny! Man, I love the Threepenny Opera.
TheWorkingDead It's such a great song. Here's another version. A rather bouncy, jazzy song about a thief, killer, rapist and child molester.
TheWorkingDead Woohoo! Finally got the last month of comics. The new "League..." has Mac The Knife in it! Here's his ballad in the original german.
TheWorkingDead Never really cared for this whole phenom, but I do love this song. Amanda Palmer does a good live cover that I can't find on blip, but this is good.
TheWorkingDead Haven't heard this band in years. Kudos. @DuncanDogg: "Amazing, mostly forgotten band. I used to LOVE this album" (reblip)
TheWorkingDead What I've been listening to this morning at work. Indulging my indie side.
TheWorkingDead Nothing but doom and gloom on the internet these days.

David Byrne- Nothing but Flowers

TheWorkingDead Awesome song cut from The Crane Wife. There are some AMAZING live versions of this kicking around Internet Archive, officially approved, too.
TheWorkingDead Video was the only version blip had. Such a sweet sounding way to get into a fight.
TheWorkingDead What the Silence of the Lambs musical lacks in subtlety it makes up for with obscene enthusiasm. (reblip)
TheWorkingDead Check out this catchy little number, also inspired by SOTL, @ak_hepcat.
TheWorkingDead A look at what I'm listening to at work. Coworker reaction: Aaron! I didn't know you were a lesbian.
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