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StreamingMimi TY, hon! So nice to see you! @matoart: "hello sweet #Lady, nice song #alive .. #honest #men! warm hugs@ StreamingMimi: "Billy Joel ~ Honesty"" (reblip)

Honesty Billy Joel

NocturnalOne hehehe @Miss_Philosophy: "At least ur being #honest make it vibrate girl @NocturnalOne: "Twerk at work. LMHO@Miss_Philosophy (reblip)
ILLUS I may not sell a lot of records or be as "cool" as the you but I am #HONEST & #TRUE & 100% #HIPHOP & my people know this is a FACT. I'm the BEST ME.
Douryeh Billy Bragg & Wilco - The #Jolly Banker thx @ChIcCoDoRo: "." I don't mind as long as they're #honest (reblip)
sswayze this is a new day... we are together... we are unified and on one accord, because together we've got powER apart we've got pow OW! #blipdidit #honest (reblip)
ampm Would really like to hear more of this #honest #true rb@vajracutter: "Issa Juma was a vocalist and band-leader . #tanzania #africa #juju" (reblip)

SWAHILI SONG-sigalame issa juma

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