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United States United States. DJ since Jun 9, 2009…watch?v=Ji-cT58rgNc

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elliott425 My desire to get six-pack abs by rigorous exercise is matched only by my desire to read random book reviews on Amazon to avoid exercising.
elliott425 You can call me John, or my Indian name, Stands With A Beverage. I answer to both.
elliott425 I'm the Michael Jordan of steering my car with my knees while fiddling with my iPod. #fiddling/violining
elliott425 @anothercraze How about a pre-owned K-car with a giant bow on top?
elliott425 Christmas is the one where we bring a dead tree from outside in our living room and wrap it with electrical wire, right? Asking for a friend.
elliott425 Just a heads up to everyone: Yet again, none of you will be receiving luxury autmobiles for Christmas from me. #decembertoremember
elliott425 "Whenever I start to feel spontaneous, my bank account quietly reminds me to calm the fuck down."
elliott425 Remember when Kim Jong-Il was on blip? He played a lot of hip hop under the handle LicenseToIL
elliott425 Is it the winter of my discontent yet?
elliott425 I have to go to a baby shower tomorrow night. There is no joke here. I just have to go to a baby shower. In a related story, I will be drinking.

Chairlift "Met Before"

elliott425 Do you think Metric was a fan of the Yardbirds...or would they have been bigger fans of the Meterbirds ....#jokesthatarentfunnyfor400alex
elliott425 I wrote up a sign and put it in the dairy section of the grocery store right next to the Skim Milk. It said, "We are the 1 Percent"
elliott425 "October: The only month pumpkin patch owners and their wives don't bitterly fight about money and career choices." P.S. Fantastic video
elliott425 So how many sleepovers do we think Casey Anthony and Amanda Knox have had together so far? #bffs
elliott425 If I can go through my life without being shot at by a rebel fighter, I win. #Gadhafi
elliott425 This just in: Shakespeare maybe wasn't Shakespeare!!!....oh, you heard that one before?
elliott425 I buy grapes and bananas on Mondays, because a Thursday just isn't a Thursday without throwing out some grapes and bananas.
elliott425 If I didn't have my problems, I would be totally unstoppable.
elliott425 This track was originally called "Green Isles." This is much, much better.
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