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United States United States. DJ since Oct 5, 2009

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frailgesture Closing in on my millionth play of this song. Roughly.
frailgesture Great first-mixtape-for-a-girl song. Trust me.
frailgesture I listened to this album so goddamn much in college.
frailgesture Someday our kids will roll their eyes when we play this song, but that day has not yet arrived.
frailgesture Warming up to this album.

Feist performing "The Circle Married The Line" on KCRW

frailgesture Destined to be a huge hit at 20-year high school reunions everywhere.
frailgesture I would pay good money to see her if Anouk ever toured America.

Anouk, 3 days in a row, live in Paradiso

frailgesture Heavy rotation on my biking playlist lately. Discovering that dance stuff is way better for it than rock music.
frailgesture Catchy. What's up with Scandinavian bands? The stuff that I hear is almost always great.

The Golden Age

frailgesture Are we separated by five states, two countries? Or the next town over?
frailgesture One of my favorite instrumental bands. Crank it.

Avarice would speak with every word, it 'acts' every part and it even pretends to be not avaricious

frailgesture "Stranded on a desert island" album, for sure.
frailgesture Just kidding with that last one. Go ahead and crank some Ghostland, though.
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