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United States United States. DJ since Mar 24, 2009

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frockenstein Trying to get my guitar chops back up to snuff. Been learning this one these days. #fb
frockenstein Not too proud to rock Another Bad Creation once in awhile #fb
frockenstein Just realized that the "tink" noise that Gmail makes when you get a chat is the same as the opening piano on this Stevie Wonder song. #fb


frockenstein This new Spoon song's seeing some serious action these days #fb
frockenstein A fun one for the kids #fb


frockenstein "and if you're tired... then go take a nap" #fb
frockenstein This one's getting rocked alot over the last couple days. Wish I knew what they were saying!
frockenstein Had this Built to Spill song in my head for a couple days now - and I'm perfectly okay with that.
frockenstein Heard this at The Sports Authority last weekend. Got all pumped up and feeling sporty. Why don't sports stores play more songs like this?
frockenstein Can't get enough of this song. Hope once I get old and raspy I can pull off songs like this.
frockenstein Gimme a "Ho!" if you got your funky bus fare... #fb
frockenstein We'll be on the road to GA shortly. I always think of this song when we're headed out.
frockenstein These guys are fairly new to the rotation these days.
frockenstein Haven't blipped in awhile. Rockin' this one at the house and making the dog howl..

It Takes A Worried Man

frockenstein A nice song for an overcast, kinda downbeat day like today. #fb (reblip)
frockenstein Feelin' a little M Ward-y this morning... #fb
frockenstein Woke up to a little Zeppelin. Pretty sure it's a good sign, but might also mean a German invasion's coming. Keeping eyes peeled. #fb
frockenstein Not a huge Springsteen fan, but this one's always welcome. #fb
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