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United States United States. DJ since Jul 21, 2009

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nick6489 When #isles fight, this song from Nielsen's homeland should play
nick6489 Thanks to @innocentyouth, the #isles goal song, Opus - Live is Life
nick6489 Oh, it's good to be back home again.
nick6489 SO @MaaikePeterse, make @Ivarus73 listen to this, it suits him.
nick6489 I could see @Rijnveld taking lead vocals on this, for instance, if TSO europe existed.
nick6489 We'll never hide, we'll face the glare...
nick6489 At least i have this...dark, haunting, and exceedingly beautiful.
nick6489 Moses stood on the Red Sea shore, smoked the water with a...
nick6489 Old Dan Tucker was a fine old man, watched his face with a frying pan...
nick6489 Despite horrible lyrics, I could see this song being played in a hockey arena.
nick6489 Here's an amusing little ditty, blipped because HOckey's back tonight!
nick6489 Is it a sin to seek the truth, the truth beneath the rose?
nick6489 There's nothing like some metal in the morning.
nick6489 Metal meets Trance? This rocks.
nick6489 This was the first Epica song I ever heard in my own collection, and still one of my favorites.
nick6489 This song will not get out of your head, one of the hookiest songs I've heard
nick6489 This is what Pop music should sound like. @amsomerville rules!
nick6489 If only this band's brilliance didn't come in small flashes.
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