Lovecat ...The origin of my college DJ name ...
Lovecat Blast from the past ... an all-time favorite ...
Lovecat Part of my soundtrack, Summer 2009 ...
Lovecat ... sunny day soundtrack ...
Lovecat This one's for you, SisterShirley!

Pale Saints- Blue Flower

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Lovecat ... Taking me back in the best way ...

Love Will Tear Us Apart- Joy Division

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Lovecat I learned about this band from the bagger at Wholefoods ... goes to show that you never know where you'll get turned onto something new ...
Lovecat Killer cover of classic Joy Division tune ...


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The Bird And The Bee-I Hate Camera

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MGMT "Kids" Video

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Passion Pit "The Reeling" CALVIN HARRIS REMIX

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DareToEatAPeach Lady Gaga better look out: these beats are the shit.

M.I.A.- Bamboo Banga

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DareToEatAPeach Finally, eh? ;) @CLARITY: "So honored to finally be a favorite DJ of yours miss @ daretoeatapeach :D " (reblip)
DareToEatAPeach @CLARITY Good cuz I got lots of reblips coming your way. =D (reblip)

Yo-Yo Ma: Elgar Cello Concerto, 1st mvmt

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2. Band of Skulls-Friends- Twilight New Moon OST

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4. Lykke Li- Possibility- Twilight- New Moon Official Soundtrack

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6. Anya Maria- Satellite Heart- Twilight- New Moon OST

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7. Muse- I Belong To You (New Moon Remix)- Twilight- New Moon OST

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9. Black Rebel Motorcycle Club- Done All Wrong- Twilight- New Moon OST

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10. Hurricane Bells- Monsters- Twilight- New Moon OST

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12. Ok Go- Shooting the Moon- Twilight- New Moon OST

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14. Editors- No Sound but the Wind- Twilight- New Moon OST

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The Meadow, Alexandre Desplat, New Moon Soundtrack (piano cover-improv) (arr. kressmey)

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Beethoven op. 131 string quartet # 14 (1/5)

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Beethoven op. 131 string quartet # 14 (2/5)

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Beethoven op. 131 string quartet # 14 (3/5)

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Beethoven op. 131 string quartet # 14 (4/5)

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Beethoven op. 131 string quartet # 14 (5/5)

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Lovecat @jonny Deeper: Wow! Love this, never heard them before ... Thanks! (reblip)

Chinese: Choral Tribute to Lily Allen by Capital Children's Choir

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Doing The Unstuck

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Yeah Yeah Yeahs "Cheated Hearts"

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Maps: I Dream Of Crystal (HD AUDIO)

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PHANTOGRAM ::: Running From The Cops :: Music Video

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Beach House -- Norway

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DareToEatAPeach @sundaesunday only needs 1 more listener to get her first star! Show the girl some love, blipiverse!


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Moth's Wings- Passion Pit

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Lovecat OK, here's a shout out to all you lucky f*^k#^$ers with tickets to Phoenix tonight at the Fillmore ... :'-( :'-( :'-( ...

Phoenix-Liztomania (Música e Letra/Music and Lyrics)

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The45KlNG #nowplaying Catherine Wheel – Judy Staring At The Sun (feat. Tanya Donelly)
craigz @HellenKellersIpod: "@Fated The Norwegian vampire movie that @Mollykills made me watch? Yes it does." / Yes! (a favorite Lou Barlow song here.) (reblip)


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Best Coast | When I'm With You

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Lovecat "I held onto my dreams, as if they could run from me ..."
brakattack Zebra by Beach House. Wait for the chorus. It's beautiful.
craigz @Modster omg, start with Painful, and just keep going, a treasure box each LP. Fakebook is also a gentle start (all but 3 are covers, guess which 3!)
DareToEatAPeach rb@GarlandGrey: "Real love it finds you... somewhere with your back to it..." (reblip)
craigz @GraceFell Spacemen3, must rb. Thanks! (reblip)


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Lovecat @craigz ... u're on a role today ...ty for Spacemen 3 & here's right back at you ...
craigz @Lovecat another Box Elder cover. (I just heard this a week ago, can't remember who(m) blipped it, thanks fuzz brain.)
indieearcandyforeveryone yes, indeed. rb! @RadioFreeIllinois: "Editors ~The Weight of the World~Every little piece of your life...means something to someone" (reblip)
craigz @shoplifterslocal415 sure I had something in mind, but this works quite well! Thanks! (reblip)
Lovecat ... takin me back ...
Lovecat omg, Patsy Cline sample ... ;>0
craigz @newNEWwave: "Silversun Pickups didn't win at the Grammys. I hate the Grammys." / yes, I agree completely; however are the GRAMMYs even relevant? (reblip)
craigz now I know I blipped this oh about x hundred times last year, but this is 2010, and well, here we go again. (shamma-lama-ding-dang!)
muzicmajic this band opens for Editors! my first concert of 2010 will be awesome! :)
ronherr45 you'll like this if you never heard it yet

DovesWinter Hill

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Lovecat You are the cover God. ;-) (reblip)


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Lovecat @HellenKellersIpod "Fans of electronic music will be left breathless and cross-eyed ..." Sweet. ;-)
SabriESC One last one- such a great cover...hellos to absent friends @Epicrates @by_starla @jong @Pesest... : )
DependableSkeleton I had not heard this one. It's gorgeous. Thanks! RB vi@Lovecat: "@DependableSkeleton ... heard this one?" (reblip)

The Arrogants you trip me up (Jesus & Mary Chain)

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HellenKellersIpod This is when I would cry if I could
DareToEatAPeach So when I search for Lasso nothing comes up...maybe videos aren't coming up in search? This one was only avail as video @by_starla
DJLifesGood #coversthatdontsuck =)@MrsASoprano: "rb@Gen22: "Radiohead ft. Sparklehorse - Wish You Were Here (Pink Floyd Cover)"" (reblip)
DependableSkeleton Oh, I've been so excited about April, I almost forgot that I'm gonna see Asobi Seksu tonight. #remixwednesday
craigz @randomfreckles: "aw shucks - i didn't think anyone was listening ;-) thz @markmac @space_cadet craigz @Davrocks" / it's majicks! gotta rb this one 2! (reblip)

02 Tiger Lily

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Lovecat Wow, look at the time! Time for more Silversun Pickups, me thinks ...
Lovecat ... and just 'cause it's a mighty cool cover ... (God, I love Ride, too ...)

ridesight of you

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indieearcandyforeveryone very nice. cut song title down?@iamnotlefthanded: "@indieearcandyforeveryone Thanks for the blip - here's a full band version we just finished, x" (reblip)
indieearcandyforeveryone gotta reblip. :) @Indie_Tunes: "Nate Martinez' (formerly of Pela) solo project... The story:" (reblip)
Lovecat @lurgee: "@Lovecat This is my fav. ;-)" Sweet! Out of props for you tonight :-/ (reblip)
shoplifterslocal415 rb @Epicrates: "goin out w/some underappreciated classics...hello's to @SabriESC & @newNEWwave missed ya's tonight" (reblip)
Epicrates thnx @Davrocks THATS sum good Gazey Droney shite =) (reblip)

Astrobrite "Hopefully"

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kogamon Phoenix – Love Like a Sunset (Animal Collective Remix) d-.-b
bellrm00 @sgonzalezyanes Si te gusta cocteau twins, vas a encantar A Sunny Day in Glasgow (from my hometown)
Lovecat @katost: "Bat For Lashes – A Forest (Cure cover)" nice one. love Bat for Lashes ... ;-) (reblip)
kaosicism ..rb vi@shawnz: "And tonight, one for all the lovers out there..." ...I posted Jeff Mangum's version earlier...but I think I like this better :) (reblip)
DependableSkeleton This morning on the train, Exoskeleton said she thought Big Pink sounded like Gene Loves Jezebel. I think she was trying to be insulting.
Lovecat You really do ... ;-)

The Bryan jonestown Massacre You Look Great When I'm High

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Lovecat "...with every blow comes another lie/you think it's all right ..."
Lovecat <--- wired on Yerba Mate ... ;-)
libbi_libbi_libbi NICE!!!@jilliansaint: "rb@IchBinDave ~ i seriously should get off blip and go see about all the stuff i oughta be doing ... (grumble grumble)" (reblip)

EelsFresh Feeling

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Lovecat @newNEWwave: "Last one. Goodnight @all. Good to see you!" Sweet Dreams ... may they all have good fuzzy guitar ... (reblip)


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Lovecat @craigz: i'm at 1.7, spent a year of college in Sheffield, so really gettin a kick out of it ... ty ty ty.
Lovecat "... sometimes shit just goes down like that ..."
SabriESC @Totengrber- yes, TY- you are definitely upping my prop count : ) Still have to try the Minute Maid rice.. w/ a little soy sauce, it could be good : )
Lovecat @craigz: cool. "Skins" music is kinda kick-ass. Even better than Gossip Girl, me thinks. Done now, gonna go watch & sleep tight. 'night.
Lovecat @photogurrl: "She keeps bees - revival" <--- high fives photogurrl ... happy Friday! (reblip)
kaosicism ..rb vi@MsBojangles: "getting ready to share my thought bubble =•)"...ouch...never had one of those before....I hope it's not contagious ;) (reblip)
craigz Kim & J. Mascis. / I've blipped this so many times in the past 3 days; still couldn't resist.
craigz Hope and Jim from Stoned and Dethroned.
VillageGirl Ain't Neighborhood #1 the best neighborhood of the bunch @soniktruth? Howdy back! @jennyleepenny
craigz "But when the night is over and the walls start burning when fire starts to matter and the clock is churning ..."
Davrocks Get a Dropbox from - UL to the box and copy the public link into blip via settings/music@VillageGirl: Blip won't reject the urls (reblip)
Lovecat @UPriedMyEyesOpen: "you used to say to me "hey baby." now you won't return my calls." Oh, Julia <sigh> ... Yeah, it's a girl crush. (reblip)


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Lovecat @DependableSkeleton ... Ah, it's a new day & my props bucket is full ... how long are we going to last today? l-) (reblip)

The xxStars

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Lovecat @UPriedMyEyesOpen: Crap, it's not even 1am yet & i'm outta props ;-) (reblip)

"I Picked You Up"

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craigz Love this Shins cover of a JAMC favorite.
craigz "It's like we never met." / oh and that's Feist.

WilcoYou And I

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nastysurprise @SueBlue: "Beck is so funny. I love when musicians are funny. Gotta love Jenny from the JC Penney and her sister Debra" I need a fresh pack of gum. (reblip)


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craigz @Lovecat: "...Maybe i should just call u the pusherman, eh? ;-)" / s'ok; been called worse ;) / S02E03 by the way is titled "Sid", dig?
Lovecat @craigz: "Ok, we'll let Moz sit in on this take :0 / @SabriESC @Lovecat" Wow, cool. Thinking i'm falling in love w/ them all over again. TY. (reblip)
SabriESC Hey @Modster! Any big Vday plans? How about you @Davrocks- now I know it's already over in Aus.- did you do anything special?
craigz @RadioFreeIllinois: "Iron & Wine~ Waitin' For A Superman" / sweetness, this; thanks! (reblip)
DependableSkeleton Niiiiiiiiiiiiiiiice. RB vi@Modster: "These Arms of Mine - Big Pink ...yo, Otis." (reblip)
Lovecat @soniktruth: "Beat Happening – Red Head Walking" Sweet. ;-) (reblip)
craigz @if 3 made you teary; get a box of tissue for the last one of the season; yeah all SiD. / bedtime for me; night night.


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Lovecat @orangekittypie: "needin' some warmth :)" Outta props already? :-/ (reblip)
craigz yup, Jason was sampled in that Negativland blip; here's Spiritualized first single covering The Troggs. sheesh; i say and say but really; zzz.
Lovecat @photogurrl: "The Strokes - you only live once" Hiya @photogurrl, Happy Wednesday! ;-) (reblip)
nastysurprise @tieTYT: "@shortygal: "Gorillaz – Dirty Harry"" I'm in the mood for this. Thanks. (reblip)
Lovecat @craigz: "Wayne's explanations here are priceless; time to get" whoopee! i was totally doing something else & was like "what the hell ...??? LOL (reblip)
craigz I'm really out the door now; leaving with this Kim Deal/Pixies joint. / Morning @Lovecat.

Imogen Heap- Hallelujah

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SabriESC @noiseAnnoys83: " i'm also kind of disorganized. the true mark of a genius." LOL- that's what I tell myself when I put my keys in the freezer ; ) (reblip)
SabriESC @nastysurprise72- my little ones go to sleep to this most nights.
Lovecat ... a little Luna as i turn on my nite light ... cheers @ all ... 'night 'night ;-)
craigz @newNEWwave: "Just saw this video on TV and had to blip it. Forgot how good this song was!" / just heard this song on blip and ... yeah exactly! (reblip)
Lovecat ... one more ... "i love the way u swim" ... & 'night 'night ...
Lovecat @craigz: u always blip the coolest stuff, you know that? ;-) (reblip)
nastysurprise @pecusita: "@nastysurprise72 Hehehe, that was actually mean to the song :P" Of course I knew that (nervous laugh). I'm no idiot (eyes turn down, tear) (reblip)
VillageGirl He wrote this for me. I lied. He wrote it for Michael Stipe. She's a singer too.
craigz @Epicrates dude: Opal - Kendra Smith + Hope Sandoval = Mazzy Star / (Kendra Played bass in The Dream Syndicate as well.)
craigz drat!!! that last Galaxie 500 blip seemed to not exist.
craigz @Lovecat (rb4props); thanks for this, night-night. (reblip)
Lovecat inspired by @Davrocks ... cheers.

GBVHot Freaks

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Lovecat on a blip break... see you all later? ;-)
unpopular morning, blip :-)


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craigz @soniktruth: "been here before.....rb@pajaritos: "i was happy in the haze of a drunken hour but heaven knows i'm miserable now"" / you can only give 3 (reblip)
Lovecat @ronherr45: ": "you guys talk about awesome coversongs,,, check out this cover of joy divisions shadowplay"" Oooo holy obsession! ;-) TY. (reblip)
Lovecat @stevthory: "Haven't heard this before. Need to get a copy of Bloodbank." oh yeah ... totally got a Bon Iver thing goin on this wkend ... ty. (reblip)

Bon IverBabys

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Lovecat @orangekittypie: "just had to blip this again :) @Lovecat - a cover of my skip and dance song! :D" too funny ... just got home! (reblip)
Lovecat @orangekittypie: "For @Lovecat :D BUT @muzicmajic - no reading of these books for you!! ;)" RB! (i think i'm writing one of those, LOL) (reblip)
Lovecat @craigz: "hiya @sasskarooni; and thanks for this (backatcha)." oooOOO nice pick ... ;-) (reblip)
Lovecat @orangekittypie: "Now playing fave covers (continued)" Oooo special, thanks! (reblip)
Lovecat @orangekittpie: Slowdive cover ...
Lovecat @muzicmajic: "agreed...they don't get the recognition and listening that they deserve! rb@beatmenace: "@muzicmajic what a great band."" Whoa ... YEAH. (reblip)
craigz @VillageGirl I was kinda sitting on this one tonight; waiting for you to pop in....
Lovecat @HellenKellersIpod: never heard this before & like it -- thanks! ;-) (reblip)
Lovecat @mark_till: TY! i have a not-so-secret weakness for "Just Like Heaven" ... i think it was playin during my 1st kiss or something ... (reblip)
Lovecat @YourMusicAlly: "great version. thanks. @MyCosmicRebellion "Steal all my records ..." love this, thanks ;-) (reblip)
JudyPXiu " do you mind if I take you home tonight stay another day if that's okay ,, tell me baby <3 "
Lovecat @LocoStavos: "i lie cause this is worth lying for" /RB "i love it when you read to me..." sweet, ty. outta the props, tho i'm afraid ... ;-/ (reblip)
craigz @everythingispop @DHS this one is my favorite *so far* off the Broken Bells LP; I just heard there may be 1 or 2 *new* post-leak tracks on the LP TUES


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jmikeh Sleater-Kinney - I Wanna Be Your Joey Ramone
craigz Here you go @Lovecat :0 / Skins is a bit the candy; just one more (3 hours later), just one more. / Have you seen the new Tom Ford stuff with Tony?
craigz Lou Barlow; I remember getting Smash Your Head on the Punk Rock on vinyl and wearing the shiz out of this one. <3


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craigz I guess it is (technically) Friday; until the sleeps I call "late Thursday!", k?
Mollykills ooh look at me my name is Zoe Keating, I'm adorable and I play the cello.
DependableSkeleton Ooooooooh, nice! RB vi@Modster: "This Charming Man - Stars ...(Smiths)..." (reblip)
doubledrat Barbara Manning – When I Dream
Dolittle love @craigz: "@anna_twee: "so good! *The Jesus and Mary Chain (ft. Hope Sandoval) – Sometimes Always*" / hi @anna_twee; favorite this <3 thanks!" (reblip)
nocheinuser My alltime favourite by Sparklehorse
craigz words escape me; here's all I can do.

Happy Man (EV11 Mix)

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craigz One more (yeah right, ok, one more *right now*) from Mark Linkous / "I was the one who loved you most, you can't put your arms around a ghost."

Some Sweet Day

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Lovecat @craigz: "Best Coast covering Lesley Gore. I bet this is one of the covers you saw them play @Lovecat!" This is the one! Thanks! ;-) (reblip)
DareToEatAPeach RB and thanks @Epicrates:@DJBloggyBlog"...guess you mighta heard these guys are releasing a new album soon! Holla! =)" (reblip)
Lovecat "...Do you know how I feel / How I feel about you..."
Lovecat "...i'm the only one who laughs / at your jokes when they are so bad..."


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Lovecat @jong: "Your welcome. : ) @makinitrite: "The Jesus And Mary Chain ~ Perfume thanks@jong"" RB, TY! (reblip)
Lovecat "...and then you blew my mind / always on my mind..."

LunaDear Diary

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craigz @doubledrat: "Camera Obscura – I love how you love me" / <3 thanks (and hi) @doubledrat. (reblip)
sliddy Agreed! :) @thesearejams I'm pretty sure The Morning Benders are alchemists. How else do they turn every song they cover into pure gold? @sliddy (reblip)
Lovecat @2liveis2fly: "@alwilbanks you ask that question? it is blip. that is the way it rolls. LMAO!" Yes sir! Been lookin for this, TY! (reblip)

CakeMahna Mahna

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Lovecat @muzicmajic: "i just needed to hear this one again... [feed the addiction!] ;)" just call me the pusherman, blip up! ;-) (reblip)
Lovecat @nastysurprise72: "@DesertLily: "Love this. Thanks." RB@dreamrevelry" now u see 'em, now u don't...where's the props? RB! (reblip)
Lovecat @space_cadet: "You're one to talk, hon. Hey, this is a nice remix. @RHYTHMjunkie: "you are such a night owl @ space_cadet"" Oooo thanks! RB (reblip)
craigz surfi-sh & jamc-ish / full of win.
Lovecat @craigz: "heck one more for Mark/how good is this version btw?" yeah. Yeah. YEAH! (Look: @JonnyDeeper ... weren't we just talking about this?) (reblip)
craigz @Lovecat and now for extraCredit (the original smokes this; but big-ups for the efforts!)
Lovecat @randomfreckles: "quiet time music from 2 favs" LOVE this & outta the props ... RB! (reblip)
Lovecat psychedelic drone rock (featuring Erik Johnson of the Wooden Shjips) ... / i think you'll dig this @JonnyDeeper
Lovecat @WunderTwinPowersActivate: "cherry cherry, what's your number?" Nice one ... haven't heard this in FOR-ever. "Cherry, come on!" ;-) (reblip)
Lovecat inspired by @WunderTwinPowersActivate ... throwin a favorite right back at ya! ;-)
Lovecat ...about the speed of a Monday morning on daylight savings...
craigz Belle & Sebastian offering perhaps the best advice for this DST Monday.

02 Sleep The Clock Around

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Lovecat @amsiebee: RB (i have this thing, have to RB JH!) (reblip)
Lovecat @YourMusicAlly: "better version... :) maybe Lovecat" Definitely. Thanks ;-) (reblip)
Lovecat @photogurrl: "rb@lilyetc: "camera obscura ~ san francisco song" hello!" RB! Hiya ... (reblip)
iamnotlefthanded Number 3 in our Thing a Week series - we're trying to raise £15,000 to record an album, find out more at
Lovecat @LocoStavos: "this song does not rock" // Another hipster on the bandwagon!" hey, never too late, right? / Ooo hadn't heard this one, yet ... ty! ;-) (reblip)
LocoStavos "...So I'll just hang around and take my chance. Once again I'll roll the dice" @DependableSkeleton
LocoStavos Commitment trailblazer. Your trail is quite a puzzle // i could do it all day but i'll try leaving it at this for your crushing self @Lovecat
deviantwetz @Lovecat: "@LocoStavos:"Well i said "try". You fellows in AZ? Lovecat @JonnyDeeper" oooOO wish! No, just lookin forward to April in SF!" (reblip)
Lovecat @LocoStavos: "Who ever the Oakland fan is i sympathize(Cleveland-lose players lose games)@JonnyDeeper" i wasn't goin to say, but NOT me! LoL ;-) (reblip)
craigz @Lovecat i never got to thank you in real time for my uncle music; had the kid dancing to that TMBG song for reals! / loving this Jónsi cover.
Lovecat @Dolittle: "insp by Lovecat :)" wicked cover & new to me -- thanks! ;-) (reblip)

Duke SpecialMaps

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Lovecat @photogurrl: "[the morning benders – Promises]" just a quick hiya ... gotta busy Sunday, so hiya! ;-) (reblip)
Lovecat @orangekittypie @sliddy @DependableSkeleton @deunen @CargoCulte" right on, this will be so good for my next "kid's mix"... cheers! (reblip)
Lovecat @DependableSkeleton: "Pretty sleepy this morning. Must get more Pepsi!" 'morning bones! ;-) / diggin this band, RB! (reblip)
Lovecat @unpopular: "...things are looking up!" definitely April is like MAD w/ good live music / imagine that, outta props! cool tune, cheers ;-) (reblip)
Lovecat @LocoStavos: "It's a panty dropper, what can i say? ha. Last one was worse... " hilarious nonetheless, RB! ;-) (like this one) (reblip)
Lovecat @craigz: "@Lovecat check out the choir in this version (Jason's been playing the whole record out.)" v. cool, ty/out 4 the dinner hour, blip ya later (reblip)
Lovecat rb @JonnyDeeper ...since i is after all, an Ohio girl... (reblip)
Lovecat @ExJon: "Good evening Lovecat" nice, thanks, RB! ;-) (reblip)
Lovecat @orangekittypie ... new to me & i totally dig this .. ty!!! ;-) (reblip)
jmabell "But if you still believe I'm thinking of you, you are dreaming." #nowplaying
Lovecat @LocoStavos: "How was the SB?" REALLY fun. They played *almost* the entire album + one new song ... went off on "Catholic Pagans" & "Swim" was kickin! (reblip)
craigz way early version of a forest. loverly indeed.
soniktruth Girls – Morning Light
by_starla [In-Flight Safety - Amy Racina]
Lovecat @soniktruth: "The Halo Benders – Don't Touch My Bikini" holy heck ... rb! ;-) (reblip)
Lovecat @jong: "Small Black – Despicable Dogs" RB / heya @jong ... long time no see, pink! ;-) (reblip)
craigz um, *new* teenage fanclub :)
gypsybug Thank u! @sparkman232: "Digging lesser known tracks of the XX. catch up with this number. @Lovecat@TheOneAndOnly @TriggerHappyJack@Gen22@serveaux (reblip)
Lovecat @craigz: "@RadioFreeIllinois: "Someone had to fire it up...@makinitrite" wow. what the heck is this? TY! (outta the props, too btw) (reblip)
Lovecat @craigz: "@Dolittle @nastysurprise72 Lovecat / the 2nd beck record club track from Kick!" heck yeah! & as u know ?props? ;-) (reblip)

Beck Record Club - INXS Guns in the Sky

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craigz @Lovecat another from the same show 12/25/2008; have you seen my baby? written by randy newman; recorded by the flamin' groovies (cyril jordan's here)


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anna_twee great picks! rb@spacespencer *The Antlers - When You Sleep (My Bloody Valentine cover)* (reblip)
craigz @by_starla @Lovecat ylt on devo / University of Iowa Wheel Room, Iowa City IA 9/30/04
Lovecat rb @bunq ... helpin me feed an addiction... RB ;-) (reblip)
Lovecat @Davrocks: "I love this, it is outrageously good rb@makinitrite: "William Shatner ~ Common People :)"" oh this awesome! ;-) (reblip)
Lovecat me on the dancefloor when it's time to talk tough... ;-)
Lovecat @mark_till: "@Lovecat John Vanderslice - Tremble And Tear" sweeet ... more JV, RB! ;-) (reblip)
Lovecat "...a sleepy dream memory of our first kiss..."
Lovecat Yo La Tengo ... sometimes more is more ... :-)
Lovecat "...brighter than nothin' / smarter than nobody..."
Lovecat "...i got love in my tummy..." :-) :-) :-)
Lovecat rb @Nastysurprise ... / Spoon, what is it w/ me & you lately? ;-) (reblip)
Lovecat rb @by_starla ... hiya & thanks, just my speed this morning ;-) (reblip)
Lovecat rb @craigz: "off in search of vinyl (record store day)" i am diggin this more & more, thks ;-) (reblip)

Reading Rainbow - The Sun Is Out

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amsiebee @Lovecat meant to blip this earlier after your grizzly bear tune... but got sidetracked... :)
Lovecat @newNEWwave: "Songs from my Sunday run #4" nice one ... ;-) (reblip)
Lovecat @craigz: "sigh...." / "...hold me now, don't start shakin..." {sigh} (reblip)
J2ad Heheheh! Thanks @Lovecat: "outta the props, but love that u used the words "wonderfully" & "moody" ;-)" :D
Gr8tune Seattle gr8s: mopeds@ocean Shores, Crystal Mt. skiing, Cascades, Mt Rainier, Vancouver, BC, SanJuan Islands, Puget Sound, tip of iceberg rb@SSSIXXX: (reblip)
Lovecat @orangekittypie: "@evanucsb Congrats on the new badge!!! :)"b hey girlie (seeing these guys in < 48 hours !!!) (reblip)
Lovecat rb @tylenolmonkey: "[Luna - Still at Home] This is my favorite Luna song and I used to never be able to find it on blip! Oo-da-lally!!" ty, ty :-) (reblip)

LUNA Still at home

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Lovecat @tylenolmonkey: "Lovecat Not exactly Luna but pretty close..." i swear, now it's all i wanna hear, hittin hard tonight, ty ;-) (reblip)
Lovecat @tylenolmonkey: "Lovecat Last for tonight. Some pre-Luna Dean for you." nice one, ty ... you know i'm outta the 3 ... ;-) (reblip)
jmabell "You'll write a story with firecracker paper." #nowplaying
Lovecat @VillageGirl: "@Briantology did I send this to you? I lurrrrrrrrve it" do miss seeing you 'round here ;-) (reblip)
craigz @Epicrates: "# 5 Fargo...the great Coen Brothers at their fave from Jets Overhead btw =)" / great list tonight, btw, thanks! (reblip)
Lovecat @serveaux: "Lovecat - Ok, one more... I love Hope Sandoval <3" a gem & new to me, wow ;-) (reblip)
Lovecat @JonnyDeeper: "Lovecat I imagine you shall have a loverly time tonight. Don't eat the brown acid." what about the green stuff? thanks, can't wait :-) (reblip)
stevthory Love this song.

Ibiza by Super Desserts

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Lovecat rb @stevthory: "Lovecat another group with that singer (Eve)" cool...i like...ty ;-) (reblip)
craigz forgot about this sweet ny dolls cover by sy; found it buried in my playlist :)
SabriESC @Epicrates...this is a bit somewhat sorta pretty, I think, too...
by_starla [Editors - Papillon (acoustic)] hello @Echo_L - how are you tonight? it's been so nice to see/hear so much from you lately :)
Lovecat rb @orangekittypie: ":)" ...i'm good...a writing machine, LoL... You? ;-) (reblip)
Lovecat @RadioFreeIllinois: ""Body and soul....." tx@had_beans_for_lunch@CPCDINIZ" rb, nice...kinda blows my mind (in a good way) ;-) (reblip)
Will_the_bloke The Clientele – Losing Haringey .. cool vignette .. hello @CPCDINI @irfung @Gr8tune @yahowa57 @smilecin @greentrees
by_starla [The Radio Dept. - Never Follow Suit]
by_starla [Dum Dum Girls - It Only Takes One Nite]
Lovecat rb @by_starla: "[Beach Fossils - Time]" ty & 'morning lady :-) (reblip)
Lovecat rb @craigz: "sonic boom on beat happening / ♫d g ... ♫d g ... ♫ d g ..." oh, if there were super props you'd get 'em for this, thks ;-) (reblip)
craigz @Sgtpepperslass: "In honor of the start to a new blog. Stay tuned." / wow; has it been forever since i've seen you on blip? hi! (reblip)


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Lovecat rb @by_starla: " good to see you! / & YES a Sheffield band!!! i went to school there for a year, so a special place for me, thks ;-) (reblip)
Lovecat @orangekittypie: "Hiya! sshhhh 2nd time today O:)" evening's good...weekend, right? ;-) (...gotta new kitty tattoo...!!!) (reblip)
Lovecat rb @by_starla: "[Burnt Ones -Alright (Sha-La-La)] luvs the fuzz ... cheers & g' morning... ;-) (reblip)
Lovecat @abarbero: "Incredible cover. Lovely." rb & thnks ... (check it @Peteman :-)...) (reblip)
Lovecat rb @everythingispop: "Thank you Lovecat :)" ... another great one, ty & good morning ;-) (reblip)
Epicrates hello to my friend @J2ad..interesting remix of the 4th greatest song of alltime (reblip)
Lovecat rb @JonnyDeeper: "The Polyphonic Spree / "Light and Day" this is hecka sweet, as u say ;-) (reblip)
Lovecat @WunderTwinPowersActivate: "Lovecat: awwww, thanks! glad you're doing well! :)" coool cover! hadn't heard this, tytytyty !!! (reblip)
Lovecat @doubledrat vi@dirtycash: "and another...(yet gosh, aren't they're good, scene aside) Lovecat" ...& new to me, thnks! / those strings :-) (reblip)
by_starla [the morning benders - pull up the roots (talking heads cover)] hello there @Lovecat@craigz@Modster @photogurrl@Echo_L @MateoMuhamma@pratinsky@paulzy
craigz perhaps less surprising; dean & britta played this one last; there was a seat reserved for kramer, but i didn't see him there (doesn't mean he wasn't)
Lovecat rb @by_starla: "making me think of @craigz Lovecat @amsiebee -- sure you already know them, but just in case... :)" new to me, ty ty! ;-) (reblip)
craigz @Lovecat @BobOstwald can't just go to sleep mid breeders lurve :) / here j. mascis joins in / night-night (reblip)
by_starla [Twin Sister – Ginger] hi @mammara - do you have another relaxing weekend coming up? :)
Lovecat rb @craigz: "sweets to comedown :)" guess i'll have to rb it then, shiz... ;-) (reblip)
Lovecat rb @DareToEatAPeach: "...I can totally hear the comparison. They both love to use #MoreCowbell. Lovecat" wicked, YES. ;-) (reblip)
Lovecat rb @craigz: "<3 <3 <3 / open window this one :)" ooooh a condiment shaker, yeah. (reblip)
Lovecat rb & hiya @Epicrates: "ello Blip! new new new! This f**kin rulz! =)" mmmm like this ;-) (reblip)
Lovecat must rb ... coolest find evah! @craigz: "best coast covering wavves live :) :) :)" (reblip)
Lovecat rb :-) @by_starla: "RB@SabriESC-yes i did-heard them on Blalock's over the winter-so glad: " (reblip)
nastysurprise I'm not sure what gave people the impression I wanted to be blipped Gene Kelly.
Lovecat rb @amsiebee: "inspired by @nastysurprise // bleep, bloop boop...." gotta rb, you know i do ;-) (reblip)
Lovecat @craigz: "galaxie 500? / saw it thursday; breathtaking & amazing! / oh, hai. how was trip?" this is a gem, thnks ;-) (reblip)
Lovecat rb @by_starla: "[Heartbeat Hotel - Windowsill 1]" like this & new to me, thanks ;-) (reblip)
craigz the one i've been waiting for all summer; thanks so much @CherryBlossom for spotting it out there :) / @Lovecat @by_starla; audio :)
Lovecat @craigz: "hip hip! Loveca" from la, um a couple weeks ago." hadn't heard -- seriously! omg :-) / wonder if @CherryBlossom was there? (reblip)


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Lovecat rb & waving :-) @orangekittypie: "Cuz it's snowy and cold!" (reblip)

Arches - This Isn't A Good Night For Walking

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