Philipcentral Nouvelle Cuisine Recipe: A handful of Air + Rhinocerose ribs + Daft Punk sauce = Justice
Philipcentral Without a shadow of a doubt, the best song ever written.
Philipcentral Allegedly John Peel's favorite song of all time. That's good enough for me.
Philipcentral Well, I couldn't pick Duran Duran or ABC from the 80s, could I?

ULTRAVOX-Dancing with Tears in my Eyes

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Philipcentral Boy, does this take me back .. baggy trousers, big jackets, silly hats.
Philipcentral I've never really understood why I was so attracted to this tune. But I was - I even told myself if ever I had a daughter she would be called Lydia.
Philipcentral Wanted to pick Chateau in Virginia Water. I used to live there and thought how cool it was that someone wrote a song about the village where I lived.

MARC BOLAN...Elemental Child

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Philipcentral Everything on this album is just so dirty-funky. Coulda put Run-DMC in this slot, but then that'd be too obvious.
Philipcentral Why couldn't this have been the gay anthem we're all happy to sing along to, rather than the execrable YMCA?
Philipcentral Like Neil Young, without the whiny voice.

TEENAGE FANCLUB Live On BBC Radio Broadcast (Part2)

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Philipcentral Meant a lot to me, this song, when feeling sorry for myself over some or other mishap. Just thump this up to 11 on the boom box.

The The "The Beat(en) Generation"

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Philipcentral Heard, and became soaked in this song from playing some driving game on Dreamcast. Forgot the game, but remembered the song.
Philipcentral Disgusted when we moved to the USA only to find they're called "The London Suede" over here. Why not rename the fakers "The American Suede"?

Suede :: Animal Nitrate

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Philipcentral Proves that Quentin Tarantino and I have more in common than just liking Uma Thurman's bum.
Philipcentral So good, you almost forget it's a bleeding POP song.

Paul Weller (style council)

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Philipcentral Candidate for the best opening lines of any song: "Two great European narcotics, alcohol and Christianity. I know which one I prefer."
Philipcentral Like The Prodigy, it's crazy how they plummeted so quickly. I know that's an oxymoron, cuz you can hardly plummet slowly, but you know what I mean.
Philipcentral Saying you like London in the rain is like saying you like a wire brush up your arse, but it's art, so that's OK.

London in the Rain (Remix , Variety Lab...ft. Blossom Dearie)

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Philipcentral Deeper than a conversation with mescal-fueled Nietzschean.
Philipcentral Ha, back when MTV played videos. Coulda picked 10 Sonic Youth songs. Sigh

Sonic Youth "Kool Thing"

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Philipcentral There are only 2 songs I can dance to. This is one of them.
Philipcentral One of the most beautiful / sad synth-pop tunes of all time. Too bad Marc wasn't wearing a better lid when he fell off his scooter a couple years ago.
Philipcentral My brother from another mother. Pffft. Toss up between this and "What's My Name?"

snoopgin and juice

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Philipcentral Whatever happened to Trip Hop? And Sherbert Dips?

Sneaker Pimps 6 Underground

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Philipcentral "As Anthony said to Cleopatra, as he opened a crate of ale". Classic. If this was a Top 500, I'd have room for a dozen more from Mr. Morrissey.
Philipcentral Sonic Youth sans feedback (which is not always a good idea).
Philipcentral gimme a D. gimme an I. gimme an S .....

Ultra NateFree

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Philipcentral Hard to pick just one from the world's best band. This'll have to do.
Philipcentral Am I ashamed to say I love this? Hell no.
Philipcentral Ahh, the City of Compton. Still give realtors nightmares.
Philipcentral Showing off the $25 they spent on the video.

The Wedding Present~~ Brassneck

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Philipcentral Brill.

This Scene Is Dead

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Philipcentral One of those hip-hop songs that works almost as well live as it does in the studio. A rare thing.
Philipcentral Saw them at SF's Cafe du Nord. Mrs P fell asleep at the bar. Not as big an indictment as you'd think. She did same at The Fillmore, for Sonic Youth!

The Von Bondies-c'mon c'mon live on Letterman

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Philipcentral Don't let the cross-dressers fool you. This is Mark E. Smith from The Fall, showing off his electro chops.
Philipcentral Richard Ashcroft has the same musicality-to-assholeness ratio as both Gallaghers combined. But this song is nevertheless wonderful.

Sonnet, The Verve, live at The Roundhouse

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Philipcentral Crushed by the weight of his self-asserted cool-ness, but a good oldie.

Velvet Underground Sweet Jane

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Philipcentral Can't find a video. Did they ever perform live?
Philipcentral Doesn't look much like Ibiza, does it?
Philipcentral Allegedly have a new album out July 2009. We'll see if Tjinder Singh has the nerve for that.
Philipcentral Candidate for the best intro of all time. A bit Stones-ish, but better than anything they did.

The Faces- Stay With Me (Live)

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Philipcentral Apparently, all you need is a computer + cakewalk and you're golden.
Philipcentral Brian Molko could win Miss Universe looking like that.
Philipcentral Mrs P thinks Polly Harvey should never wear red lipstick. Aside from that incisive critique, this is perfect.
Philipcentral Shabby quality, but even that doesn't hurt the song too much - that's how good it is.

Stars In Their Eyes

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Philipcentral Chalk and cheese. This and the Calvin Harris cover. Discocovertastic.
Philipcentral French techno - you either love it or hate it. J'adore.
Philipcentral Karen O vs Polly Harvey? LRFs (Low resolution foxes).
Philipcentral Maybe a bit too serious for their own good. But then, they named themselves after an anti-Nazi organization, so that's nice.

White Rose Movement : Girls In The Back

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Philipcentral Works even better when they play this live and a bit faster.
Philipcentral Typical of a groove from many, many bands. But this one's nice 'n jangly, with massive feedback.

Aly, Walk With Me

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Philipcentral Tried singing this to Sohan (3 years' old) the other day. Strangely, he didn't like it. Must. Try. Harder.

Human Fly

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Philipcentral Can't listen to this without thinking of my brother Stephen head-banging at his computer. I love him much more than the song.
Philipcentral I remember Lawrence (my bro) watching guys pogo-ing to this in a club and saying "you can't dance with a girl like that!" Not sure he ever dances.

Joy Division Love will tear us apart New Video BBC version

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Philipcentral Saw them in LA, and seeing them again tonight at The Independent, San Francisco. Unsurprisingly intelligent for an English band.
Philipcentral Smart, bearded, English, and hot! But enough about me - what about Dan Le Sac?

Dan Le Sac vs Scroobius Pip 'The Beat That My Heart Skipped'

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Philipcentral May not be appropriate for my funeral, on so many levels. Maybe after, with the champagne and sandwiches?

AirSexy boy

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Philipcentral Joe, meet Phil Spector. I'm sure he won't be needing all those wigs in solitary.
Philipcentral Couldn't find the acoustic version, so this'll have to do :)
Philipcentral Jody's suggestion. A tune from a Toon.
Philipcentral Today I didn't even have to use my PC, I gotta say it was a good day ;)
Philipcentral Where have they been all my life?


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Philipcentral Hard to screw up this wonderful tune, and Cornershop don't. But remind me never to go shirt shopping with Tjinder Singh.
Philipcentral Cruddy recording (live), but a great sound.

Built By Snow: "Girl U Want" live cover

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Philipcentral First released by Calvin Harris, but a very different version here from Editors. Diff'rent strokes an' all that.
Philipcentral John Fogerty has such a unique voice, and improves massively on the weird 1957 original from Screamin’ Jay Hawkins
Philipcentral If I was a poet, I'd like to be Scroobius Phil
Philipcentral Ahhh, the sound of crunchy frogs' legs
SoxObsessed Powerman 5000 - When Worlds fist colliding with something or someone LOL
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