c0rts I'm not much for props or replies but i like a good tune. So i thought i'd start a list #marks1001djaccounts to post up that gap
c0rts #marks1001djaccounts thanks 4 the props @mark_till you're the first on my gr8 DJ list!!!
c0rts ty 4 props @monsters_inc glad ya liked the Melvins & Happy Christmas... more universal truths #marks1001djaccounts [Melvins – Symptom Of The Universe]
c0rts ty 4 props @monsters_inc ...but you're an arsehole 'cos u abuse yr gift mister, so you'll never earn my respect... [The Warlocks – Shake The Dope Out]
c0rts ty @monsters_inc @corts #acc was deleted by you...your responsibilities r 2 the customer 1st... SHOUTING always 1st surely? [ATR-Delete Yourself!]
c0rts still annoying @growitall #marks1001djaccounts I'm on my way... cz [The Piranhas – Zambezi]
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