megmagdah This came on when I was driving to Nora's last night. Perfect way to cap the girl group set.
by_starla @PlasticRobot i love Woven Hand--was so sad to have missed them when they were in Philly in October--i had to attend a conference. :(
deadcowaroma I'm certainly glad for my dishwasher.
by_starla thanks @Aluciel and @paeix. we're not really retreating very far--just to another bldg on campus. in this case retreat = an 8-hr meeting :)
Lambchop thanks @SauageChops! Think we're on the same page ; ) lol check out @deadcowaroma hehe
RagainsT Soo smooth. Reminds me: Beer time!
rebolado @Shamalamastreetman great song for a monday afternoon. after lunch :P (reblip)
deadcowaroma I might make some hot chocolate.
deadcowaroma LOOOOOOOOOOOVE IT!!!!


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deadcowaroma Hrmmmmm....what to make for lunch....
deadcowaroma Stupid kid kept me up last night, practicing 'ollies' on his skateboard at midnight. What moron think's that is acceptable? Where are the parents?!
deadcowaroma Should go to bed soon to make sure I don't sleep in tomorrow. Then again, my bosses 'technically' aren't going there. Well...they LITERALLY aren't.
by_starla @deadcowaroma--i am now amusing myself imagining DJs cutting corners at work to get some relaxing time in working with spreadsheets--or collating. :)
deadcowaroma And for them, they will have....Sad Days, Lonely Nights. Bam!
deadcowaroma Fried up with a little bit of seasoning and some vegetables on the side. Just great. Or on the BBQ.
deadcowaroma Which reminds me, I should put my shiny object collection in a safety deposit box in France. Cause that's the only place in movies I've seen with 'em.

The Phenominal Hand Clap Band - Testimony

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deadcowaroma So there was this crazy driver behind me today when I was driving home from work. He was a nut. So what do I do when I encounter a nut on the road?
deadcowaroma Unrest was real high. #5 on the list.
DJFrankie rb@nemesisurchin. This is pretty great. Why have I never heard of this either?? Something's happenin' here... : ) (reblip)
RagainsT "I'm so sorry—love, @RagainsT. @deadcowaroma forgive me" -RagainsT's (possible) suicide note
deadcowaroma Ah right, now I remember who Luscious Jackson is.
deadcowaroma I think I'm going to buy a blender. Fruit smoothies are delicious and I would like to make more.
deadcowaroma I was right. That's the sign of a skilled chef right there. I sensed that my pizza was ready, and when I went to check, I was correct.
deadcowaroma What are Orange Juliuses? Orange Juli? I'm trying to figure out what to make with my new blender. I was just going to make crushed ice.
Sparklepony rb @DJFrankie [The Jam – That's Entertainment] I have... 3 times I think! one o my fave Jam songs! (reblip)
by_starla [of Montreal – Nonpareil Of Favor] my pleasure @MJIC :)
RagainsT @deadcowaroma; Oh I'm a fan of either. I'm not picky. Send it over.. :P
RagainsT Did I mention that I'm infatuated with this song?
deadcowaroma For the Byzantine Empire. My favorite stable long-term state in Europe during the Middle Ages.
Sparklepony [Funkadelic – One Nation Under A Groove] hey @bendrix shiny disco ball + cowbell = sound of my sparkly hooves... gonna hoof it outside now!
RagainsT How about the remix for "Ballade de Melody Nelson"?
deadcowaroma I wish I met Maggie Gyle....Ghyle.....G. at a bakery. I also wish I could play this song on the guitar. Then I'd be in.
deadcowaroma I can't scroll over to preview the song to see if it works. So fingers crossed.
barbisaurus my son & i dance like idiots to this
Epicrates takin a break..enjoy the show @by_starla...cya's later! =)
elfgirl i wish i could play guitar like this... but i can't play at all... @Anomaly i propped you too much last nite arghhhhh!!!!!
barbisaurus other than the name, i can't figure out how this ties into sushi. it's not silly to be dependent free:)i used to bartend,you learn w/ time.
tinyapples those of you that know me know i am obsessed with this lady, the wife of the late great miles davis.
deadcowaroma My hair's real thick too. I don't think I have anything to worry about, but I'm still afraid I'll go bald. (reblip)
Will_the_bloke Speaking of D. Johnston, @deadcowaroma, here's a cover that's just unbelievably good .. one of my very fav songs ...Yo La Tengo – Speeding Motorcycle
Epicrates you might not like what I bring @melkytown =) ok just kidding =) played one by the Gurus last night...cant play just one though..
barbisaurus Haha, I like NPR,my mornings wouldn't be the same without it. It's good for news, and different music programs. reiliable i guess.
deadcowaroma Thanks @tinyapples ...well....thanks if you agree with my awesomeness....if you agree with the egotistical
tinyapples no i dont wanna love you..... she oozes sex this lady. miles was a lucky man
deadcowaroma A favorite. Or favourite. I'm ok with either version.

gil scott heron & brian jackson-the bottle

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deadcowaroma This one goes out to me. When I get that feeling, I want sexual healing. Or advil.
leo_n_v some feel bad for being good, some feel good for being bad
deadcowaroma I don't want to go into work tomorrow. I'm going into work tomorrow.
doubledrat Wye Oak – Mary Is Mary ...on upcoming cd... kind of reminds me of....
deadcowaroma SUNN O))) starts to freak me out after a while.
deadcowaroma Ashamed to admit I don't know many Quebecois musicians. I had to do some research.

The Lost Finger Pump Up The Jam

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Performalosophos LOVE IT! BATTLE rB@DjEntronic: "Weaponry! (reblip)

War Photographer

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deadcowaroma I love Lauryn Hill, even though she'd hate me for being a whitey.
aninhasmiley "Someone came and took all the roses away"... músicas que combinam c o espírito do dia.
thegoddess this one's been runnin around the head for...20 years... rb vi@everythingispop and for bt @BlueOX [Iggy Pop - Candy ft. Kate Pierson] (reblip)
OKnightmare I know it didn't go over great but I really liked their last album @nothingcorporate: "That's right." (reblip)
deadcowaroma Mick Collins is pretty awesome.
deadcowaroma Another popular band I never really got into. The only song I liked was this one.
purplesime I love it when Calexico do covers. Here's an example of how they do it their way! :D
deadcowaroma Man that video was great. I hope someone does a simlar one of those kids that did the rediculous humping dances a few years ago.
Suzbunny Nice n sleazys did it lol! Great pub in Glasgooow! Pished as pished can be. Best music ever tonight.
deadcowaroma He takes up all the frigging space. Ugh. Now I'm getting angry.
deadcowaroma I heard warm milk helps people sleep, but I don't like drinking milk. I can't do it anymore.
BiggL Cormega – [Live Ya Life]
deadcowaroma I wish I still had my glasses with the windshield wipers on them. (honestly, I came up with my song choice and my message independently)
deadcowaroma Hey @sonicmichel nice blip! : "@sudaca70 a veces los lados B son infinitamente a los sencillos comerciales... / hello @deadcowaroma" (reblip)
deadcowaroma What would be the least severe illness I could have that I could still justify calling in sick with? @noiseAnnoys83 (reblip)
andrew025 oh!!! never knew this existed... live vocal w/ taped backing..
deadcowaroma Not a reblip. I didnt his one my self. I'm independent.
everythingispop Very nice selection. Always room for the National! (reblip)
deadcowaroma Got no clue what to expect here.
deadcowaroma I want to download some new music, but can't really decide what. Any recommendations?
deadcowaroma Uh oh. Now I'm on a thing!
deadcowaroma I hate using the term Trip Hop cause it reminds me of a terrible Ryan Reynolds line in the terrible movie, Blade 3. Ryan Reynolds is terrible.

11 - Sneaker Pimps - Low Place Like Home

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deadcowaroma It's kinda chilly here too.


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deadcowaroma I think I might have Captain Trips... (Oooo, Stephen King reference!)
BlacknTan The Duke Spirit – Hello to the Floor
melodyofurlife last one I'll play The Dutchess and the Duke
DependableSkeleton @LikeAnAngel Don't worry. I'm much too terrified of getting caught in my zipper to ever risk it.

The Ramones-Commando

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deadcowaroma Chicken nuggets again. I'm lazy.


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Alturn8tive {Great Northern – Houses}
deadcowaroma There's an awful lot of bands taking famous names and turning them into puns. I just saw there's a band called Truman Peyote.
deadcowaroma Doing laundry today. Oui oui.

Malajube || Luna

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deadcowaroma I was a bit late on Ducktails. The band, not the cartoon. I was just right on the cartoon.
deadcowaroma Might finally go to Up In The Air this afternoon.
deadcowaroma That last band was pretty good. I'm trying out this list of up and coming Canadian bands right now.
deadcowaroma That last one was kinda cruddy quality. Let's try this.

Lisa Bozikovic at the Livingroom Concert Mar 7'09

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deadcowaroma Wait a second...the electric guitar helps a lot! @Modster We don't really do MLK day up here : ) Our holidays are about old ladies in the UK. (reblip)
deadcowaroma I'm going to cook a roast.
dickadcock Shearwater – The Snow Leopard
deadcowaroma I need to get that Soft Pack album. Why haven't I downloaded it yet?
muzicmajic i get to see this band in ten days when they open for the Clientele! looking forward to this one...big time! ;)
deadcowaroma I kinda gota headache. And my nose is sneezing.
deadcowaroma They still haven't called me about my suit tailoring yet. Hrm.
deadcowaroma I'm really considering going to bed. I feel like a loser.
deadcowaroma Argggggg! That last one was just a clip. Curses!
deadcowaroma Wow. That's frigging cool! rb @ViralStyles: "Cheers @MONIKKA. I always dig this tune (-: "Thanks #ViralStyles !! Loved your new avatar :)"" (reblip)
by_starla [Wolf People - Tiny Circle] fwd @lilyetc and hello @pratinsky and @Arth :)
deadcowaroma When it comes to wizardry of science, you're easily my superior! And when it comes to sheer villainy, nobody can equal you!
deadcowaroma Indeed? Well, let us see if he taught you how to escape the deadly rays of this ultra-heat beam, with which I shall now sweep this entire chamber!
deadcowaroma Vivian Girlsish....or are Vivian Girls Dum Dum Girlsish?
deadcowaroma Joy Division, I'm a real big fan of the psychedelic rock group Love, but less of a fan of the light rock band America. What do you think?
deadcowaroma My roast smells good.

The Chordettes-Mr. Sandman

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deadcowaroma Why do I watch the most stupid shows? I think I've become dumber as I've gotten older. I'm watching pirates vs knights. Ugh...
TundraConundra Local Natives -- one of my favorite newer bands! Check them out!
DJFrankie Hiya @cadmium @DjEntronic @scound @RandyElliott @sleepingwino. Going out to all the grounded travellers. Wishing everyone a safe journey home.
craigz this version just flat-out rawks!

Sebadoh - Live at KVRX - 09 License To Confuse

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deadcowaroma I've heard bits and you're right, they are awesome @bansheebeat : ) // I don't think I could stomach Wonderland @Foxymoron Too crazy looking!! : ) (reblip)
deadcowaroma There we go. Done of my "Gotta do before I go to bed"s. Moosic time.
deadcowaroma I like it! @Naestopaz: "" (reblip)
deadcowaroma That sounds real good! @Foxymoron : ) Mine woulda tasted good if I got the rice right. Next time, I'll get 'er done right!

Eric B. and Rakim - Don't Sweat the Technique

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deadcowaroma I remember that there was something I was supposed to do.....oh right! Get a haircut. I'll have to do that tomorrow.
deadcowaroma How did I not know about this?! A Low side project?! Someone shoulda forced me to listen to this!
Will_the_bloke The Brian Jonestown Massacre – Reign On
Samanthai @albertsdad missed you too lovely :) my laptop is still dead, so I don't get PC time as much as I need :( (reblip)
thegoddess i've actually been called a saint across many different contexts today. what can i say? [The Posies - All In A Day's Work]
deadcowaroma It feels like friday. I don't want to work tomorrow.
deadcowaroma Gonna be a quiet night tonite me thinks.
deadcowaroma I really gotta stop watching dumb tv.
deadcowaroma Ugh. Why didn't that last one work? Dummmmmbbbbb.
deadcowaroma Hey @muffinlab What are your plans for today? : ) ...(don't ask me why I'm playing this)
deadcowaroma Hey @Modster : ) What's your picture of? A cat?
deadcowaroma Ah bugga. Put the headphones on backward. What a dummy.
deadcowaroma Thank dog it's a short week this week.
muffinlab i am working the door at olympic plaza till 5pm saturday @deadcowaroma...come on down :)
deadcowaroma Whaat?! Ty Segall is gonna be playing this weekend too?! ...I'm super depressed. I need something positive to counteract this. Like winning $10000000
deadcowaroma There is yodelling going on outside my window. I am dying.


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Be Your Own Pet -Black Hole

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deadcowaroma Here we go. I still don't hear The Last Time when I hear this though.
deadcowaroma It could be because I'm basically an old person. I drive slow. I don't swear or drink. I say "gee wiz" and "gosh". I suck on Wurther's Originals... (reblip)
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