onceacurmudgeon MCC's Executive Director Blake West with Coraline star January LaVoy http://twitpic.com/kfy8x

Ratatat Nostrand

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onceacurmudgeon Director Will Frears & star Dominic Chianese http://twitpic.com/kfw5c


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onceacurmudgeon @sudaca70: "no aún, uuufff..." perfect! (reblip)

7 Heures du matin / Mareva Galanter

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onceacurmudgeon one of the play's stars Halley Feiffer poses for the camera. http://twitpic.com/kfwq4
onceacurmudgeon this does not have any baring on the evening, it is just a pretty great song


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onceacurmudgeon Kelly McAndrew & her hot girlfriend Kristina Valada-Viars stop by to say hello: http://twitpic.com/kfvu0


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onceacurmudgeon of Frederick Weller and I Who's the better virtual scratcher?http://twitpic.com/kg0e2
onceacurmudgeon and all of a sudden everything went still and the room began to empty
onceacurmudgeon ooh child as all the kids shuffle out

Beth Orton

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onceacurmudgeon shhh don't tell anyone, but theater was my 1st love, but we had a blow up and it ended badly.

Emmy the Great First Love

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onceacurmudgeon people seem to be starting to get here.

YachtPsychic City

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onceacurmudgeon a little fun from sweden thanks to @paperama for re-introducing me

Miss LiMiss Li

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onceacurmudgeon a forgotten favorite from the 90s
onceacurmudgeon so many people just showed up.

Donora- I Think I Like You

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onceacurmudgeon the 1st of many french songs this eve
onceacurmudgeon there are so many people here
onceacurmudgeon still waiting for the stars to show up

Logan Lynn: Feed Me to the Wolves (2007)

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onceacurmudgeon oh... just met Jules Feiffer. pics to come
onceacurmudgeon for my dear friend @nycjenny who longs to be in paris as much as i do.
onceacurmudgeon much alcohol is flowing this eve via @palesails (reblip)


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onceacurmudgeon a synthtastic interlude

OMDEnola Gay

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