nixe Talking like the water rolls down.
nixe Oh! Remember this one? Also story of my life ; )
nixe This song didn't make as much sense when I was 22


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nixe still utterly rocking.
nixe gah. I am literally salivating.
nixe Hm. Perhaps this situation would call for a private blip list so all my fellow blippers don't have to tolerate my repetition.
nixe @JuliEEE @MISS Bella (does the twofer work?) Hilarious ; )
nixe There are like, fourteen versions of this on blip...I like this one for the extra toy dolly drumming. I am so psyched about this show! Fingers crossed
nixe They got a word for...awesome 80's bay area pop!
nixe the cutest boy played this for me the other day.
nixe sought this one out because I feel like dancing now that I can! (very carefully)...
nixe @ChristineLovesPhilly! I could listen to zep all day every day. but i don't because it makes it that much better when i do, like so many other things.
nixe Summertime is almost here.


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nixe I love pulling into the whole foods parking lot clog beshod in my minivan blasting this song...fighting the urge to kick in an organic watermelon.
nixe who wants to be there instead of here?
nixe It was the children's first listen to this song today. They were totally delighted. "He blew his nose with MAGAZINES?"
nixe Out to the garden for a well deserved break.
nixe ...I'm not the one that's crazy...
nixe Off to the GGP - it's a Soul Coughing summer. Literally. ; )
nixe I had the biggest crush on Lux.
nixe And then Camper opened with this one on Saturday. Quite a weekend.
nixe The Catheads rocked. Quite simply. That's all.
nixe just finished a three mile hike up the mountain through the burned canyon and back home. it's a wildflower laden year.
nixe This one hit the mp3 player right at the top.
nixe @Falcon I had forgotten that Flipper song - thanks -
nixe I just recently heard this version. For all you Miles lovers - with a bluegrass twist.
nixe I'm so tired of these intellectual battlefields...
nixe @djdangernun I have no idea why that reminded me of this. : )
nixe ...this one too... : )
nixe I'll jump on that wagon - my daddy was a deadhead...
nixe I just love this song, so, here!
nixe I have listened to this song five times today.
nixe And this song once. It still gives me shivers.
nixe Oh, am so thrilled I found this band.
nixe only because I can't stop listening to them right now...
nixe The live version is far better quality.
nixe everything doesn't. no really.
nixe and another sweet bassline, best experienced live.
hartleymanages listening to one of my favorite clash songs EVER:

julian cope world shut your mouth

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clarkowitz @tesselove Thanks for the goodness. I remember listening to this track a lot going down 101 down the WA & OR coasts back in '96. After I fled AZ. ;)


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sammysunshine this is one of my favorite vocals ever, Elizabeth Fraser of the Cocteau Twins...ethereal
nixe I had this cd. I sold it for burrito money out of necessity. I have never found it anywhere other than on Ebay for 125 bucks. : (
nixe No, he's traveling exotic climes with his wife... : - 9
nixe not like all of the others.
nixe Trying to begin my homework and not even knowing what CHAPTER we are on. This is bad.
clarkowitz To endless fields, and bottle rockets, and midnight. ;)
randymatheson I Can't Stand It, I Know You Planned It...
blackberry you make feel like i am home again
realize to whoever loaded this onto thank you~ i really had a need to hear it, so either if by request or just plain luck, know u made my day~ :)
melodyofurlife No night is complete without Mike Doughty and Soul Coughing.
by_starla good morning! i woke with this song going through my head, & it was such a perfect way to wake up, i thought i'd share it.
by_starla I Often Dream of Trains is a great album-- and this song has such a perfect Sunday morning vibe.
by_starla shift in focus-- time for some acoustic covers
by_starla there's something somewhat jarring about acoustic J&MC-- although they are still fuzzing out their vocals, so that is reassuringly familiar, at least
by_starla in the mood for some power pop now-- seems perfect for a sunny Sunday afternoon, as I try to get motivated to finish grading papers.
by_starla @nixe @beavercheese i can't decide which devastatingly sad/gorgeous NC song i love most-this one, Love Letter, or Into My Arms-- 3-way tie i think.
PauloV To my friend Alice ButterFly...
nixe there are only so many hours in the day, you see...
davidwatts1978 @ZachsMind it was a cockney rhyme... bobby moore=sure, use your loaf ;)
jojatk or at least give me a guidebook?
nixe I forgot about this one too!
clarkowitz @nixe and @threebears My longest suffering friends on the Bliposphere!
clarkowitz Three parts vodka, one part Chartreause, one part absynthe. Twist of lime. The Martini of Death. Bring it on.
dean digging the breathy trumpet of Hassel
djhelcat Found some childhood friends on Facebook. So hard to find the words to say, I'm sorry we lost touch, because I thought you were awesome.
dean Is there nothing that Lemon Jelly won't fix?
dean more from the mighty Lemon Jelly - are they the most musical audio collagers since Eno/Byrne?
by_starla @lunarboy i agree absolutely! thanks for that one. :)
djmisscloud reblipando @evablue pq a ultima do dia não pode ser Milli Vanilli,né? (reblip)
nixe ...and then I was like, well, okay! "Obviated!"
mmemaledicta rare to find a cover as good or better than the original. But this one is.
angrybob It's that time kids! Everybody... Three Girl Rhumba!!
nixe And oh WOW, someone finally posted this song, which I love from my junior year of high school. This one's for Ada.
by_starla @warhorus thank you!!!! i love Tool (clearly, i love lots and lots of bands--can't help myself)--have their albums, but never heard this cover before. (reblip)

ToolNo Quarter

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nixe and this one just because I love this song.
clarkowitz Props to @bruno__ If it weren't for your post, I wouldn't have found this poorly labeled Blip of Mozart music for glass harmonica. Thanks!
angrybob @evablue The angry dharma sponge Bob is awake and working an overnight shift, because Capn' Leaky Pants Q-Tip banged in sick. Again.
by_starla hello @Will_the_bloke--it's been a tough week--still recovering here. how are you? did you have a good day?
by_starla You once talked to me about love/And you painted pictures of a Never-Never Land/And I could've gone to that place/But I didn't understand.
nixe @mammara thx for reminding me of this...
nixe @nixe Remember these guys from the good ole days of fuzz? Totally. Is that a Smile thing? (reblip)
esamek the song i was just listening to...Brandy Alexander by Feist
Brousselaine Just found this: Dirty Projectors and David Byrne. Life is beautiful.
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