gigia tks, @ladypn. I really hope to have a great day!! have a gloriour week.. =)
gigia but this is not a wasteland anymore,because i'm so clever, so.. fuck forever if you don't mind || #prontofalei // #prontoconcordei com @titoloveira (reblip)
gigia hei, queridissima @Crismf!! saudade de vc, linda. estou de volta sim. e estamos combinando o proximo blipnbeer dia 28! vamos??? saudaudes, cat!!
gigia hahahahaha sorry @Zman! but I'd rather to be freezing - I swearer!!!! be my guest to enjoy the cariocas (rio de janeiro's) summer time =) where r u? (reblip)
gigia what have I done to deserve it!! hahahahahaha
gigia @titoliveira, oi gato!... olha que coisa engracada. ah, eu achei, tah. rs //////// tks @klitoria \\\\\\\\\\ hi dearest @formalhaut!! how are you? (reblip)
gigia assim, homem de uniforme sempre me lembra dos porteiros, cobradores de onibus, gari, zelador, presidiario... hahahahhaha, coisa mais tosca!

204. Gang Of Four -I Love A Man In Uniform Yeah Yeah Yeahs remix

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gigia oi @lunarboy menino sumido mais lindo de meu deus!!!
gigia @marcelle_moon tks for supporting me in such special moment of my ///// @noodlebs congrats, menina!!! parabens pelo novo selinho em sua pessoa
gigia \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ tentando esquecer um isntante que nao preciso do meu humor permanecer equilibrada comigo, com o universo e a putaqueopariu do blip
gigia @bunq, you really are rocking me, babe! I so in your mood. lOl. (reblip)
gigia @Delfin, vc sabe mesmo como dizer bom dia! rs (reblip)


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gigia @elfgirl @daretoeatapeach you ladies better be within!! 14th♥Feb lets blip together and help gaza children. =))))) (reblip)
gigia @daretoeatapeach YOU MUST TAKE A PART ON ♥ 14th Feb!!! ask @briangreene for detailed information. (just sent you a late email) (reblip)
gigia sweet@GR8FL said: just learned of through@BloodRedMagicWoman // after such advocating speach, I had to add her as a fave. LOL pls girl try to be nice! (reblip)
NickFRESH because "curiosity" wasn't on here. I can use "crush" for a certain situation i'm in now, but i digress.
gigia alow @sophie_o _____________________________________________ ♥♥♥ ♥♥♥ (reblip)
gigia @Delfim | Blip.FM was whaling all over the day. But now the things are really better. And, you know, Brazil has a 25-hour Blipathon (reblip)

Kajagoogoo - Too Shy

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gigia as vezes juro que poder dizer isso é o que mais desejo.
gigia simplesmente... alguma coisa... qq coisa... ainda bem que hoje ja é amanha. hahahhha
gigia via@crosby ((@bunq Ha! Thanks! Always a Favorite)) you rocks, sweetie! (reblip)
gigia via@Dudelay ((Faith and Hope and Charity / one for you and one for me / money doesn't grow on trees #Stimulus #Konjunkturpaket #UBS)) (reblip)

Fun Boy Three - Faith, Hope And Charity

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gigia ... assim sim. vontade de tomar um sorvete. de cupuaçu.
gigia i vote on wildcat for an evolution theme @clarkowitz...


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gigia @liamvickery hey sweetie! finally i've got you between my faves dja. you naughty boy! tell me: today is tomorow or yesterday in australia? I'm kidding
gigia hahaha@wilsoke simplesmente é impossivel falar espanhol! posso compreender o que voce fala... pero todo lo que puedo hablar en español és "JAJAJAJA (reblip)


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gigia ciao@crispast!! I'm a disco mood, just for a while!!!
gigia @wilsoke... usted ya puede me disser: lo basta chica!! callate e desfrute lo silencio. jajajajajajajajajajaja (((rolando muito de rir, em espanhol)))
gigia reblipping@gilbarbara ((Eba, disco novo do Junior Boys. Whispers and Tears)) (reblip)
gigia @antenaweb... que bom poder blipar contigo!! jajajajajaja voce leu minha conversa em espanhol com @wilsoke??! jajajajajajaja ridiculo!
gigia via@antenaweb dejá de chicanear ve! :P // jajajaj!!entonces te Invito y cantamos esa canción al del frente al mar/////////\\\\\\\\ are you ready?? (reblip)
gigia @AmandaGomez., vc é uma preciosidade menina! hahahhahhhahaha hilaria! (((Tbm gosto muito. Já disse que Perversion me retrata, mas não encontrei =/) (reblip)
gigia rindo muito .... para!!! ahahahahahahahhahahhahahahahaha iuiuiuiuiuiuiuuiui perdemos a gigia kkkkkkkkkkkkkkk hahahhahhahahhahahhahah hohohohohoohohoho

10 - Man Man - Banana Ghost

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gigia here i go again, over the coffee...
gigia hi @jojofm... gmail is out. same shit here. good morning!! (reblip)
gigia ai ai... momento nostalgia total
gigia hey @CargoCulte @sudaca70 this one is a masterpiece!! tkx, guys (reblip)
gigia Talking Heads - Psycho Killer foreverrrrrrrrrrrr classic psycho killer and my head spinning aroundddddd (reblip)
gigia @ricricardo... nao resiti. hahahahhahahahaahah beijos meu gato (reblip)
gigia tudo oq ue mais amo nestsa vida... caio vitoriano renaud. homenagem ao querido amigo
gigia mokmento, quero te matar, feladaputa. hahahahhah
gigia @decodamata esta e´em comemoracao ao seu milesimo ouvinte. o que uma boa campanha de mkt nao faz....
gigia via@anitachrys menina!! nao se avergonhe que reblip é um gesto de reconhecimento. vale ate reblip do reblip! mande ver mas lembre de dar o credito. (reblip)
gigia partinho pro cultinho. volto as 22h
gigia momento copiando e colando
gigia isso é bom todo mundo batendo a cabecianha ... que a tia ta partindo
gigia @zerodois @proveisso meu, fala serio que este blipster é tudo detalhe pra musica e versao. hahahahahhahah
gigia ola :-) @adbert... voceeeeeeeeeeeeee. jajajajajaj... és um querido!!! (reblip)
gigia [MGMT – Time To Pretend] No @Diordan. No preguntes por @lausen. Está comiendo tanto chocolate que no viene más, ja ja ja!//// via@adbert /// (reblip)
gigia @madler you're very funny,... so, you are very welcome. =)
gigia (NC) Mais um Stereolab enquanto caminhamos pro último bloco do Ninho! @Delfin ooh bonitinho da titia! stereolab chama reblip (pq props hoje so amanha (reblip)
gigia ,... seguindo os passos do mestre @del
gigia seguindo os meus proprios passos.... totalmente sem paciencia pra escutar as musicas ate o fim.... hahahahha zapping no blip, comofas???
gigia eu gosto, tah. [mute] me
gigia @bunq GOD SAVE ME FROM THE HYPERACTVIE BUNQ!!! HAHAAHAHHA you seams to be me, blippin compulsively obsessively. hahahhahahaha (reblip)
gigia @bunq god save us from mad bunq... now he met the blipster nobody can stop him. hahahaahhahahaahhaha (reblip)
gigia Haven't heard this in a while. via@Mikado_Desu reblipping.... (reblip)
NickFRESH the greatest prince track you never paid attention to.
CalebBooker Oh wow I'd forgotten about this. One of their more sophisticated attempts. (reblip)
CalebBooker Song of the Day: Jimmy Eat World - Sweetness (reblip)
gigia "It's a luscious mix of words and tricks". @craigz //// lol tkx dude. (reblip)
gigia as vezes funciona.

BeckSexx Laws

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gigia @adbert [MGMT – Electric Feel] Olá @gigia!!! Gigiaaaaaaaaaa !!! Como passou, bonita? Chegou a hora dessa gente blippera mostrar seu valor! *\o/* (reblip)
gigia hei @bendrix (email me) Ive got the lyrics translated; gigia2@
gigia over and over and over and over and over and over... @bendrix!!!!! email me, dude!! hahahahah
gigia ... @santamistura AQUi, esta nublado, mas e´maresia. o sol vai abrir logo logo... tks por esta perola!!! (reblip)
gigia ready for april 1st?? the globall blipnbeer party is coming!!! @daretoeatapeach (reblip)
CalebBooker still working on that playlist, trying to get it right
CalebBooker Hot Chip is so weird and so awesome. It's like they take everything you hate in music, and mix it into something delicious
CalebBooker Hate to say "I told you so!"... well, no I don't.
CalebBooker The original so-sweet-it-might-make-you-sick version of that tune by The Knife I just posted.
CalebBooker Song of the Day: Dead Kennedys - Holiday in Cambodia
smartard The Libertines – Time For Heroes
smartard Babyshambles – What Katy Did Next
smartard Joe Strummer & The Mescaleros – Cool 'n' Out
smartard Cold War Kids – The Soloist In The Living Room
smartard De La Soul – A Roller Skating Jam Named Saturdays
smartard Kevin Barnes (Of Montreal) – Harvest Moon (Neil Young)...great cover
smartard Simple Minds – Pablo Picasso
smartard Elvis Costello – Sulphur to Sugar Cane
smartard Black Lips – Bad Kids
smartard Cut Copy – Strangers In The Wind
smartard The Afghan Whigs – beware
EskimoShowdown2 man blip really doesnt have much for social d. how depressing.
MasterWolf I would like top dedicate this to all the listners from Australia and A Hardy Welcome
thepopfilter Slowdive != Snowdive, dummy. It's raining outside.
ladypn rb @i_Dea I'm the king of bongo... :) Love this! (reblip)
njschloss #386 on the Rolling Stone 500 greatest songs list. And you sit by the radio hand on the dial, soon as you hear it pump up the volume.
PHyX8 minor threat onslaught
gonequiet /a day full of promises dead on her lips
novalis David Byrne and Brian Eno – Life Is Long
mammara it hurts me seeing streets and places where i've been totally ruined.
ashenshadow I love this song AND movie. I don't care what people say :D
mishap I remember when MTV used to show music videos.
sandyriverside I can't believe these guys are still around.
sandyriverside Finally I found some Cave In, now if I could find a million dollars.

Cave InInspire

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designervoodoo i don't care how popular this song is-it's one of my favorites forever and ever amen
GrassyKnoll This song makes reading the WSJ tolerable!
smartard Joe Strummer & The Mescaleros – Coma Girl
smartard Soul Coughing – Screenwriter's Blues
PurplePrincess An oldie, but a goodie.


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TaraAtx @daihard That really made me LOL! I hope I didn't offend; It's just true. :)
smartard The Specials – Hey Little Rich Girl
CLARITY never really get sick of this one :)
smartard Hall and Oates – Rich Girl
SylvioMicelli Arctic Monkeys – I Bet You Look Good on the Dancefloor
O341 Christopher Cross - Arthur's Theme (Best That You Can Do), 1981 (EEUU)
smartard Guided By Voices – Learning To Hunt
PauloFurtado The Carpenters – Rainy Days and Mondays / classy act (reblip)
WellFedBoy a band i been really feelin latley
TessaG The Style Council...Long Hot Summer
CloudBeforeTidus I don't know why this song is so catchy to me
smartard My Bloody Valentine – When You Sleep
smartard The Afghan Whigs – let me lie to you
smartard Flowers From The Man Who Shot Your Cousin – Wild Geese (blip.up)
smartard HorrorPops – Where You Cant Follow
smartard Black Moth Super Rainbow – Lost, Picking Flowers In the Woods
smartard Minor Threat – Good Guys
smartard Gang Of Four - Love Like Anthrax (blip.up)
greglanders Just a ryhme without a reason! Is my feeling for the day. (reblip)
skip_intro ohhhh yeah pressure gonna drop on you. A song that inspired a thousand tattoos.
NickFRESH just so happens this jam is my favorite right now. and it reminds me of some of the scenesters in this area. please be yourself. kthnx?

HockeyToo Fake

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rohanpinto wine wine wine... eh ! {OOPS} IT SHOULD BE chardonnay chardonnay chardonnay... !!!
prinma Blip is alive!!! Gooood time xD!!!
pam The Smiths – Meat Is Murder
sandyriverside Todd Barry - Universal Human Truths Master
ChaosBaby My Daddy introduced me to the Stranglers. They're one of our bands =] I do legit adore them.
Antenaweb Grizzly Bear – Deep Blue Sea
highlyillogical This is stuck in my head. GET IT OUT!!!
luafina melhor descoberta dos últimos segundos
vinny2jays Quintessential west coast old school....k'naan even borrows the "dopest Ethopian" line in his "Bang Bang" from here.
stefhen Awesome.


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beanery My karaoke song. . . if I did karaoke.
MsKitty Ohhhh this is a great, great song....


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PauloBorges I'll be seeing you again. I'll be seing you in hell! (reblip)
RealtorLefebvre Wow. I need to go away more often. Come back to find my listener total quietly creeped over the 10,000 mark. That and $4 should buy me a coffee.
Ad_C i swear i saw a lightbulb when he finally realized who was the culprit
thatgirlmegan RT @Tumblentherough Never knew such a sweet song could be so violent. Thanks Quentin. ...I KNOW. i had nightmares with this song as the score! (reblip)
worldisphat [air france - collapsing at your doorstep]
DareToEatAPeach Reblipping @Nymph again. If you're the DJ, lady, I'm dancing. (reblip)
Ramona_W This sounds kind of silly after the Nancy Sinatra song but it went to #1.
skip_intro @jenvetterli welcome, I have said it before and likely will say it again, there's always room for Cello.
aquietend From 'They Were Wrong So We Drowned' (2004).

Metalica - Master Of Pupets

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TJClark Built to Spill can always-- ALWAYS-- make it right, especially when it's turned up loud as hell.
abarbero RB @The_Kraken "vi@Lyiah Nice one." -- Gratz for your 900 listeners! (reblip)
lou_wee_sa i like datasette.. I couldn't find his remix for running up that hill..
trente33trois Oh, that clock! Old killjoy. I hear you. "Come on, get up," you say, "Time to start another day..."
coryangen New CKY. Hellions on Parade.
klitoria @adbert am well my dear...just feel a little lonely...spring is here nature in full bloom sun is shining.and nobody to cuddle.and you, how are you?
sandyriverside Still no good remixes for this song yet.
sandyriverside Pretty rare Dungeon Family Crew


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endlessblue (DJ Food) The Crow - Love the bass line on this one. Wacky-fun-creepy downtempo. I <3 NinjaTune.
Audi420 Saw these guys play live at the Opera House in Toronto about 5 years ago
Shana34 The Cars - My Best Friend's Girl
Carolynnnn Someone put London out! It's on Fire! haha
JazzEJeff Saw them open for Bloc Party and Does It Offend You Yeah last year, and they arguably put on the best performance of the night.
JillianKay I love her because she moves in her own way
nathybunny "Não leve a mal..Eu só quero que você me queira!"
amberchagrined I was so full of scotch, I could not stand up


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techryan Taking Back Sunday - Cute Without The E (Cut From The Team)

Taking Back Sunday - Cute Without The E (Cut From The Team)

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HiroshimaTricycle This song always lifts my mood up from the La Brea tar pits of my dark, dark soul. Always...
brianwright It takes my pain away. Not like I have that much pain, but still...
millievanilly Paul Young – Come Back And Stay....why don't you come back.........
Marie "It's too hard to stand aside | Here's the love to stop your heart" saudade que bate quando escuto essa música.
f1nderB1nder FischerSpooner – Emerge /./// OLDbutGOLD (reblip)
notjustmum libertines - cant stand me now!...........
hellodance Mornin' all. Have you played Super Mario Bros lately? Mountain Goats: Thank You Mario But Our Princess Is In Another Castle
newyorkTimes @kiki_kiki here's to rollin down the BQE windows down! (reblip)


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ohkyoko nem sei se já mandei essa. mas tá valendo.
jaredcovington I feel guilty for enjoying this song as much as I do (not to mention the Never Ending Story-like album art!)
emilymphocyte kute king khan! "the way that they bitch and the way that they curse, the way they smell and the things in their purse"
StoliV My favorite David Bowie song... What would you do if you and everyone else just had just 5 years left to live?
rguimaslima * * * * * Don't Forget To Dance * * * * *
isaywhat Nice way to start this beautiful Monday....Pharcyde and Hot Chip.
NickRovisa Change of pace, but a classic jam indeed. A nice alternative to the standard Fleetwood Mac hits...
purplehayz So when you saw her, did you know she had more equipment than you thought?

The KinksLola

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emmacrook And another one....Trip down memory lane, you wanna come?
djxkn "New York New York" by German singer Nina Hagen (from 1983 album "Fearless") [video =] - thanx and welcome @myauralfixation! (reblip)
shortygal Sly & The Family Stone – If You Want Me To Stay
Chouferbad the mayer hawthorne is shorty, go for the original @makechoice @mademoiselleso
melbrehl maybe 'cause you aren't a woman? White Town - Your Woman
Fated you ruffle my feathers (the lovely feathers-ooh you shocked me!) geez blip spell it right!
NickFRESH one of my favorites right now!
Epicrates damn @unpopular now I feel like playin a TT song..even tho Mark IMO had the most distinctive voice of the 80's he isnt female so cant play em 2nite =)
DaHilster Hi @tannyt hope the mmr thing went OK yesterday, poor babel :-( you set for your open day thingy?
DjEntronic Where's your head at?........ psych

Gary NumanM.E.

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Atomik dang, now Im on a Fred Falke fix. thanks @SkipBayless
grantowens Nike+ suggestion. Run faster. Run longer.
weirdscience Friendly Fires strike gold on yet another remix, this time by up-and-comer Grum. #musicmonday
FunkShoi Great nyc experimental duo. I should really check in on them more often and see where they playing.
TheLittleDoll83 ♫ listening A-HA –" Early Morning " <3
mattyboosh @HelenWraight last one?
DJJuxtaposedJunkie @ Definitely 'The Best Of Jamiroquai' @ -> "Little L"
DareToEatAPeach Time for some muthafugginTwelves muthafuggas! (this censorship sponsored by wimpy caving to social pressure)//Oopsy. This time I preview. =O
HellenKellersIpod This album is still on here. Makes me happy
Antenaweb As a protest I will not be blipping any music on Friday 15th May and will be encouraging my fellow blippers to do likewise.
FunkShoi @HellenKellersIpod, of course you were missed. But primarily we're wondering what the hell you were listening to? The radio? Cassette tapes?
Mr_Eyes @antenaweb: "My Fav song this month !!" Loving this song. Thanks ; ) (reblip)
NickFRESH speaking of live funk: if you haven't studied the house of rick james outside of his crackscapades and chappelle appearance, start here.
lipsync "David Bowie – Absolute Beginners".....LOVE THIS XXX THANK YOU (reblip)
GroovyMonster "Beware of pretty faces that you find. A pretty face can hide an evil mind..."
miss_direction "But you didn't say it, you were silent and she didn't hear the song." - Vladimir Holan, She Asked You
NickFRESH @Longer, thanks for letting me know Julie Doiron came out with something recently. was stuck on "No More" in 06.
NickFRESH listen to the damn bass on that one, folks!
HellenKellersIpod @sandyriverside Yeah, "God Bless Your Black Heart" is the only album I've owned. It's so good. Here is another from that album.
CLARITY @A_Quiet_End a good one! wish they had Mr. tough on here .. thats def in my list of YLT favorites :) (reblip)
Performalosophos ur welcome. gushing over the ole Ms Dynamite album on this sultry fri night in DC. @sandyriverside
audiodrums one of my all time fav's
allicette Ass Shake Monday, Little Boots – Rich Boys (Reprise de The Virgins)
NickFRESH noreaster dance. (because) it's so dreadful outside.
Abraham_Thunderwolf @cellygirl do me a solid? when you do try grits, can u lemme know what they taste like?! i'm very curious. what about your name, what's up with that?
cadmium @sandyriverside goes well-- off to drinks so it goes better // weather sucked today indeed.
Elling_ Feel the loooooooooove blipers
HellenKellersIpod @sandyriverside Although there's a thin line yeah? (YES it's about time they have this song)
DJSwiss Inspired by @hieronymus; here's some "stoner metal."
NickFRESH and again... btw @sandyriverside... thanks for bringing me into this blip party!

Chic - Everybody Dance (Extended Mix)

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Fated @eightbitkoala <3 this now/@HellenKellersIpod I am glad you can at least ghetto prop me in these economic times/ Hi @katost @sandyriverside
CLARITY @sandyriverside this song was on the top blipped list i heard about. i wanna say it was #1 ??
itsRamel @BadAzzPlainJane: "i dedicate this to all the lovely ladies who don't wait for anyone to make them shine!!!!!" Cosign... (reblip)
Performalosophos i hate the 3 prop max. WHACK. but this track aint. RB@DjEntronic: "deep cut off the new Circulatory System album (spoiler alert: it's really good)" (reblip)
NickFRESH pretty well @sandyriverside. thanks. i'm looking forward to your stuff, for sure! my most favorite song of the 80's. quote me on that!

Vanity featuring Morris Day ~ Mechanical Emotion

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DareToEatAPeach RB to prop: You're max bumped ma'am. @headshaker: "I listen to the music with no fear." (reblip)
DaHilster @The_Kraken this doesn't do much better. Had to play this low so me mum didn't hear

Flying Lotus - Robo Tussin

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QuicksandRangero @DaHilster - finally Robert Hood is much better represented on blip, in the before-you-tube-blip-time he was badly neglected (reblip)
DaHilster @tannyt Liv doin Essay, have an old uni mate and family on Monday, not seen for a while so much supping to catch up on :-)
Performalosophos migraine all day. m'finally online... and feelin this groove. @DjEntronic @girlpiper @sandyriverside

KWICK i'll get you right 1983 "the funk collection"

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sandra__ vi@HellenKellersIpod: "Avast!" I haven´t heard this in ages, one of my fave tracks from Silent Shout. (reblip)
QuicksandRangero @sandyriverside - have looked in a little vinyl pile in my room and discoverd this one, must confess I have never heard it before, shame on me
ffluxx Milton Wright - Keep it up
theJDman theJDman presents the greatest love songs, for an hour, we'll start with Billy Ocean and his song...
Performalosophos This is some craziness right here

Screaming Jay Hawkins - Africa Gone Funky

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MsButterzworth @NOPinupgirl: *BLIP JACK* "@MsButterworth--This is what you were looking for!! This was the jam " RIGHT ON =-) Never seen the video either! Thanks! (reblip)
caseyelan tell me you didn't LOVE this song. Why wasn't this his hit?
GrassyKnoll @sandyriverside Flute Loop is kool and the gang 'n all.... but let's get seriouz
Z3RO7 llevo el prisma de tus ojos en mi casco de astronauta huuuy que locotes

Via LacteaZoé

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freshjuice the only thing better @sandyriverside would be 42 minutes of Rush. call me crazy.

RushTom Sawyer

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