kaysha I think I was a white teenager back in the 80's
Willemvdh Might as well continue on the path of Southern Blues Rock
threebears first Interröbang Cartel knit a kitten, then they teach the kitten to drive and then . .
calamari working late...on a Friday night. Woe is me.
calamari '90s club music. It hasn't held up to well.

Culture Beat - Mr. Vain

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calamari I don't think it's possible for Ryan Adams to write a bad song.
calamari Life in a Northern California town...
calamari From Jakob Dylan's first solo album since his Wallflowers days. I think his dad was also a singer or something. ;)
calamari @TaiwanBrown I was looking for a few other LL songs, but couldn't find 'em. So I'll blip Naughty By Nature instead.
calamari @ngl It's okay when you live in a land of confusion ;)


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calamari Like Josie, I could use a vacation far away.
calamari This song goes out to a file I misplaced on the server. Come back file...
calamari @haraya LOVE it! I'd never heard that cover before. Thanks so much for blipping it. :D
calamari Ben Kweller covering a great Beach Boys song.
calamari I LOVE this Strokes song b/c it reminds me of The Cars.
calamari So get back to whatever it is your doin' that's so cool.
calamari @Cosmika Yeah, EBTG is great. I love their cover of Downtown Train, which was originally a Tom Waits song.
calamari I'm easy like Sunday morning.
calamari @melodyofyourlife Thanks SO much for the link! I found the song on blip. LOVE it! Made my day. :)
calamari @purplesime Thanks Man! It's always flattering that so many people listen to me. I saw Powerman 5000 in college btw. Love 'em!!
calamari One of my favorite Jazz saxophonists. Not super well known, but definitely super talented.
calamari Thanks to @MAJIRE for blipping this a few days ago. Everyone sing along, "A Wimoweh. A Wimoweh." :D
calamari @flaviastefani Feliz aniversário. Have a maravilha day! :D
calamari For did my dreams come true when I looked at you.
nowordsallowed Samples from a song that samples Daft Punk...
nowordsallowed @kalyke You're welcome. Here's your 1000nd prop. =) Anyone who plays a great (and yet obscure) song from Radiohead like that one, deserves it!
nowordsallowed So simple, yet so stunningly beautiful. Corda de violino é uma coisa que faz sangrar até de longe...
nowordsallowed 4 props e 5 ouvintes em menos de 4 horas de blip.fm! Thanks @rivotrilearte @ricricardo @Eda @marcelobrito @merchamps @NinjaSleepover essa é pra você
nowordsallowed Mama, I think that Leprechaun is stalking me!
nowordsallowed Harmonica & percussion. And lots, lots of style!!!
calamari @flaviastefani For the next time we have turkey dinner. ;)


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calamari @antenaweb Yeah, I love Shy Child. Very cool band. Hello from San Francisco. :)
calamari @milas Cool! Glad you had a great time. Wish I'd been online when you first blipped @ me. :)
calamari @cosita @myriam Here's a fun song we all can love. :)
calamari @purplesime Funny! I can't imagine the Beatles would be concerned about any band being their rival. :)
calamari @cosita Tried to find a good song with the word "club" in it. But decided to go with this Blur song instead. :)
calamari The Lucksmiths covering The Smiths...all you have to do is drop the "luck". Ha!! :D
calamari @DearPrudns Thanks for the reply last night. I LOVE '60s British pop. Such cool music. :)
calamari @Fcienfuegos I do remember! Love that song too! From the same era as Pat Benatar I think. :D
calamari @soulstripper Love that song too! Thanks so much for blipping it. :D
calamari @fabi_k Thanks so much for The Animals song. I love that one too. :D
calamari My British invasion blipfest continues. Oh Lord, please don't let me be misunderstood.
calamari When you're talking in your sleep.
wurst that's pretty freaky, Bowie.
DLuz It's there... IN MY HEAD!!!!
DLuz childhood....

Mpb4 O Pato

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DLuz great song

Joao Gilberto e Caetano Veloso O Pato

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DLuz Who doesn't know Mr Jones?!?! C L A S S I C !!!!
calamari Always on my mind...weren't expecting the Pet Shop Boys version? too bad! :D
calamari No sunshine in San Francisco today. But who cares? I've got Stevie Wonder. :)
calamari Try to get through this song without smiling. C'mon, it's from Monsters Inc. :D
calamari She comes out of the sun in a silk dress running like a watercolor in the rain.
DJVee Paranoia, complete with cheesy synth and MJ backup vocals.
wurst @webb_art you probably rock a mean running man

Vanilla Ice Ice Ice Baby

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D1972 hash pipe hahahaha

Richard Cheese Hashpipe (Weezer)

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calamari @elfgirl LOVE that mix. Thanks so much for blipping it. Have you ever heard Pin Me Down? It's a side project from the guitarist from Bloc Party.
calamari @threebears Oh that's right, you were here in San Francisco. Hope you had a wonderful time. We'll have to meet up next time you're here. :)
gboechat wasting time

Otis Redding - Sitting On The Dock Of The Bay

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calamari Throw your arms around my neck and hold me tightly.
santamistura We couldn't use computers anymore.......... It's difficult to win unless you're bored, And you might have to plan for the weekend wars


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santamistura First to fall over when the atmosphere is less than perfect........
santamistura ... it's all about love
santamistura Generations are generating... We have a lot of work to do, Me and you, and you, and you.
Raquelnews Música super tocada do Cake mas ótima como todas :D
chochua Creo que es la canción con el nombre más largo que he visto. Standing Outside A Broken Phone Booth (with money in my hand) jeje

Primitive Radio Gods - Standing Outside A Broken Phone Booth

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santamistura a wonderful sad song... everything she's ever known is gone, gone, gone
santamistura cure with love love love

Jah Cure Love Is (Seasons riddim)

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calamari @elfgirl How Cool! There's another Pin Me Down song called "Ticking" (not on blip, but it's on their myspace) that I also like.
calamari @be2 God only knows how nice it would be. ;)
calamari Forever. Forever. You'll stay in my heart.
calamari I'm crazy for tryin', crazy for cryin' and I'm crazy for loving you
calamari @fabi_k Yeah, people are celebrating in the streets here. It's a wonderful night.


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calamari @Lighty I remember that song. Here's one more Bobby Brown song. Back from his childhood days with New Edition.
calamari Private eyes, they're watching you.
calamari Now we got a revolution.
calamari All floaty and relaxing.
calamari I'm staring at the asphalt wondering what's buried underneath?
calamari @melodyofyourlife Thanks for the tip on David Baerwald. Anyone who writes for Pete Yorn is aces in my book.
calamari Sunshine Underground is one of my favorite band names, and one of my favorite Chemical Brothers songs too. :)
chochua 32 flavors. Firefox se está empezando a robar toda la memoria ya. Lleva 600 MB
derwwbdd From the deep sea of Clouds to the island of the moon Carry me on the waves to the lands Ive never been
deniman Nono García - Atun y chocolate. subido expresamente para @gincooler (barbate...donde mi mai me hase la pringá)

Nono GarcAt

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cfleschhut and so i’m reaching out for the one

Azure RaySleep

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gigia ai, fofis fofia @sophie_o, é tao bom te cruzar por aqui que te dou a minha especial diaria - todo dia tem. mim 39 com corpinho de 40 ahaha 24h / 7dia
observatron workin late three nights in a row!!! woooooooo
Prema @gigia: Toma um chá de camomila ... ou as coisas aí vão pegar fogo ... :)
leinergroove Thanks to Scorsese, this is now a gangster anthem for the ages.
Guennersen eventually, to blip.fm. listen to the lyrics..
calamari All I need is the air that I breathe and to love you.
Antenaweb Alpha Beta Gaga – Air
Antenaweb Would-Be Killer – Gnarls Barkley
chochua We'll be singing.. When we're winning..
Antenaweb Rich Girls – The Virgins
driczz blip is like a sigh of relief, sometimes...
Antenaweb i'm ok! @gigia just a fun....... sounds crazy... ! haha!!.. ;)


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Moura Esquentando mais...Bota estranho nisso!
Moura Esquentando esta noite linda...
Moura Esta é para openarms@ q me deu uma linda música da india Arie(God in you). Viajei hoje ouvindo direto, em toda altura d+. Abraço!
Descolex Num vejo a hora de ir embora pra casa
Descolex Dando sequencia à tarde animada, vai um clássico para o @desafioLG
Descolex Essa é pro é pra @modosdemoda me perdoar do bolo de ontem! Te amo, xuxu!!
Fashion_Bubbles Que mais Tres Tres Chic que Paris? Supersonic. Magnifique. FB é tres, tres chic!
Inagaki A bela cover que o 10.000 Maniacs gravou da composição de Patti Smith & Bruce Springsteen, registrada em um dos meus acústicos MTV prediletos.

10000 Maniacs Because The Night

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Inagaki Devo confessar: já dancei muito ao som desse one-hit wonder. Outra música talhada para as pistas de um sabadão à noite. :)
Inagaki Dos bons tempos em que Prince gravava um álbum bom atrás do outro.
Inagaki Mestre Serge em duo com La Bardot. Porque músicas em francês combinam bem com manhãs ensolaradas de domingo.
Inagaki A trilha sonora do dia. Que não role nenhuma gabeirada nas eleições de hoje, nem apareça algum Timo Glock na última curva das apurações.

Will I Am Yes We Can (Barack Obama)

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Inagaki Adorei esta cover do Lou Reed, gravada para a trilha sonora de "O Hotel de 1 Milhão de Dólares". Filme meia boca, mas com um ótimo soundtrack!
Inagaki “I love you, but I’m afraid to love you”. Jeff Buckley e sua extraordinária voz em mais uma de suas músicas definitivas.
Inagaki Sábios versos desta música que ressuscitou o Capital Inicial para os anos 90: "Se eu for ligar/Pro que é que vão falar/Não faço nada".
Inagaki Ah, os indefectíveis anos 80. Lembro de ter gravado essa música numa fita K-7 Chrome da Basf.
Inagaki Música dedicada à @crisgorissen, por ter sido a (ir)responsável por me dar o milésimo prop. =)
Inagaki Boa trilha sonora para uma manhã ensolarada de sábado, que dedico ao Casal 20 @abarbosa e @fabiofernandes :)
Inagaki #top5duetos Pra fechar o Top 5 e comemorar meus 1.000 props, a voz de Orbison acalentando emoções, em uma bela gravação ao lado de Ms. Lang.
Inagaki #top5duetos Grande hit, grande música de 1994. Faz tempo que não a ouvia, pra alguma coisa esses Top Fives servem. :)
Inagaki #top5duetos Não sei se fica em primeiro ou quinto lugar. Mas esse dueto certamente está no meu Top Five.
Inagaki Uma das faixas de "Lady in Satin", álbum que Billie gravou um ano antes de falecer; sua voz já combalida transborda, porém, emoção em cada verso.
Inagaki A melhor banda cristã de todos os tempos. "See the stone set in your eyes/See the thorn twist in your side/I wait for you".
Inagaki Mais uma dose de Motown pra dar uma desintoxicada de todo o noticiário.
Inagaki Dois minutos e 45 segundos de boa música em homenagem a Levi Stubbs, vocal principal dos Four Tops.

08 Four Tops - Baby I Need Your Loving

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Inagaki O clássico do Lulu na voz de Marisa: "Eu vejo um novo começo de era/De gente fina, elegante e sincera/Com habilidade pra dizer mais sim do que não"
Inagaki Noite quente. Seria ótimo se caísse chuva em Sampa City. Blipo, pois, esta cover do Creedence Clearwater Revival como se fosse uma dança da chuva :
Inagaki Uma música bóbvia para embalar esta terça: uma das minhas prediletas dos Stones, de bons tempos ainda com Brian Jones. "There's no time to lose"
Inagaki Morrissey, preciso como de habitual em suas letras: "In my life/Why do I give valuable time/To people who don't care/If I live or die?"
Inagaki A versão acústica (e definitiva) da canção citada por Cobain em sua carta de despedida: "It's better to burn out than to fade away". Clássico de
Inagaki "Não dê ouvidos à maldade alheia e creia/Sua estupidez não lhe deixa ver/Que eu te amo". Presença garantidíssima no meu Top 5 Rei.
Inagaki @prialves Outra dos 80s. Ganha um Dip'n'Link quem lembrar desta: "No meio do deserto encontrei a sua irmã/Parecia um tigre comendo uma maçã..." :P
Inagaki Passei a gostar desta música do Coldplay por causa daquele clipe genial. Mas ela ficou ótima na voz de uma das minhas cantoras prediletas.
Inagaki Subi esta versão "ultra rare bootleg" de "It's a Sin" porque esta música é fodástica. Né não, @bpedrassani?
Inagaki Sempre que ouço essa música lembro do vídeo que assisti pela primeira vez no "Clip Clip" da Globo. Boas tardes de sábado...
Inagaki Nunca dei muita bola pra Kings of Leon, e esse álbum novo deles não foi dos mais elogiados pela crítica. Mas, putz, gostei pacas dessa música.
santamistura 4 to rest

Steve Howe & Annie Haslam Turn Of The Century

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santamistura boa sorte sempre.... good lucky always!!!!!!!


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Inagaki A balada para noites de chuva de Lobão & Os Ronaldos, revisitada por Mestre João Gilberto.

JoMe chama !

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Inagaki A melhor crônica da segunda metade dos anos 80.
Inagaki Pop pegajoso, radiofônico na melhor acepção da palavras, daqueles que dão gosto de ouvir. :)


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Inagaki #insonia "Não Sei Dançar", de Alvin L.: "Meus olhos se escondem/Onde explodem paixões/E tudo que eu posso te dar/É solidão com vista pro mar"

Marina LimaN

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santamistura eh musicas inesquecíveis... merece 1 reblip do inagaki numa noite de insonia... mas eu não sei dançar tão devagar ;))

Marina LimaN

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Inagaki Ótima trilha sonora para uma madrugada insone. Faixa de abertura de "Deserter's Songs", álbum gravado há 10 anos pelo Mercury Rev.
Inagaki Um presentaço composto por Mark Knopfler, dos Dire Straits, para a ex do Ike.
Inagaki Junto com "Enjoy the Silence" e "Personal Jesus", compõe a trinca de obras-primas de "Violator", álbum de 1990 do Depeche Mode.
Inagaki #bailinho A típica música pra acender isqueiros durante um show. :)
Inagaki #nomesdemulheres John e Tom Fogerty esmerilhando nas guitarras e vocais desta versão chapada do clássico de Dale Hawkins.
bitinic meodeos... o que foi o show deles...catárse coletiva!
bitinic oldie that i like


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bitinic i do believe in love

Nick Cave - Into My Arms

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bitinic you give me... FEVER!


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bitinic ~war, children, it's just a shot away~
Inagaki Impossível encontrar uma gravação dessas sem blipá-la.
Inagaki Um longe do outro, morrendo de tédio e de ciúmes. O que que há com nós dois, amor? Me responda depois.
Inagaki Um clássico guilty pleasure, cujo clipe acabou de passar na VH1. E, sim, tenho várias músicas de Hall & Oates em meu iPod. :)
Inagaki Descobri essa música no playlist que a dupla mantém no Imeem: http://tinyurl.com/danlesac Muito, muito bom.
Inagaki "Once I wanted to be the greatest..." Eis uma mulher pra gente andar de mãos dadas e apresentar aos amigos só pra deixá-los salivando de inveja.
Inagaki A versão definitiva de "Baby". Do discaço "Tropicália ou Panis et Circensis", com os arranjos de Rogério Duprat.
Inagaki Letra linda e triste. Grande música do Nada Surf: "I feel far away from you/So what else is new?/The moon is closer to the sun than I am to anyone"
Inagaki Nem conhecia esse DJ Lobsterdust e já virei fã do cara. Tem que ter as manhas do mashup pra fazer um amálgama sonoro feito esse funcionar.
Inagaki Misturaram "We Will Rock You" com "Epic" e ainda botaram "Back in Black" no meio, sensacional!
Inagaki Mais uma cover do "The Cars". Ainda prefiro a outra que postei dos Deftones (http://tinyurl.com/42ykrj), mas esta, em versão reggae, tb é bacana.
santamistura Who's gonna pay attention To your dreams?
santamistura If there's somethin' strange in your neighborhood Who ya gonna call (ghostbusters)
Bachsonate Sergio Mendes - Mas Que Nada
LoopZilla And The Beat Goes On – The Whispers (reblip)
LoopZilla A Cause De Kanye – Kanye West vs. Yelle - vraiment! (reblip)
santamistura 1, 1, 1....2 y tango pa bailar!!!!!!
santamistura .........The digital won't let me go!!!!!!!!! gorillaz do it ;))
santamistura ....Just like a song in my heart,...........
santamistura songs from movies that are a legend in our lifes
santamistura Lights go out and I cant be saved... great version with buena vista social club........ found at inagaki dj
santamistura I may not always love you But long as there are stars above you.........
santamistura aretha já é tudo de bom!!! mas esta música no final do filme o casamento do meu melhor amigo é mil!!!!!
LoopZilla Yes, Yes, Y' All – Sergio Mendes Feat. Black Thought, Chali 2na, Debi Nova & Will.I.Am (reblip)
santamistura And giving yourself to me can never be wrong If the love is true...... que lindo filme high fidelity!!!!!!!
Moura Bom dia a todos. Para que este sábado comece bem! E vocês sejam iluminados. Bjs.!


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santamistura Moura esta é pra vc, só não sei como deixar com link.... vc sabe né?? me explica
Moura Balanço legal...seems to be a Brazilian!
Moura Adoro quando ele diz:"São Pedro não vai chamar meu nome!" E o meu? Será q vai?
Moura Linda manhã, não? Mas, te vira sozinho.
santamistura If you feel like you're alone, no, no, no, you are not alone
santamistura uma delícia de vocal por rockapella!!!
santamistura Everywhere around the world There'll be dancin' They're dancin' in the streets...............sssssss

Rockapella (In Concert) - Dancin in the Streets

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santamistura I dont ever want to feel Like I did that day Take me to the place I love Take me all the way
threebears Opini ~ Elza Soares ~ cork just broken it the bottle of wine ;] re-blipping @briangreene (?) ^_^ thanks Brian! (reblip)
threebears @briangreene, its never boring by the sea ;) ............re-blipping @jojofm ^_^ thanks! (reblip)
threebears funny how I so often come back to Suhov


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threebears To put it Bluntly: The universe consists of 5% protons, 5% neutrons, 5% electrons and 85% morons. ...re-blipping @samsoncomics ^_^ hahaha! thanks! (reblip)
threebears re-blipping @claudix ^_^ thanks! love the new pic ... obviously - as it's an image of feline-ness. (reblip)
threebears The artist is @vanessadaou. Bro she uploaded it yesterday Here's an old track dedicated to John Coltrane..again re-blipping @bendrix ^_^ wow! thanks! (reblip)
santamistura oldie that i like- que maravilha escutara seleção de biti ;)) (reblip)


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djwashingtonson Black Samba - Saco de Feijao - Paulo Freire (instantly on vacation)
LeSamourai I thank Dan The Automator for sampling this for one of my favorite tracks.... :)

05 Galt MacDermot-Coffee Cold

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maristela1968 Essa nem o Marc Almond conhecia.
djwashingtonson Back In The High Life Again - Steve Winwood
djwashingtonson Dance The Rhumba (Instrumental - Chiquitas
wurst "y tu mama tambien" soundtrack. movies. they have songs.
MacDiva Mixing retakes with classics. Here's one from Stevie Wonder.
MacDiva Headphones and Airfoil on everyone. The Blip.fm half hour begins now.
mau10 uma música, um lugar: bilbao
wurst there's something classic about this song ... recorded in the 90's (reblip)
MacDiva I wonder if running a marathon in Rio would sound like this?
djwashingtonson R-E-S-P-E-C-T - Aretha Franklin/ Blues Brothers
rodrigobarba Mestre do 8Bits { Sidabitball - Burning }
Musashinm Seguindo a onda do @rodrigobarba: "Frank, I need your help!". \o/
rodrigoferreira Mais Planet Hemp!! Muito louco!!
rodrigoferreira Momento Fernanda Abreu. Começando com a clássica!!

Fernanda Abreu Katia Flavia

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interney To make things right You need someone to hold you tight
interney We strive to teach the youth baby and stay alive
interney Papa I know youre going to be upset cause I was always your little girl But you should know by now Im not a baby
enloucrescendo voz engraçada. e fala de uma rachel loira, mas não é a juraski.
santamistura What has happened to it all? Crazy, some are saying Where is the life that I recognize?
santamistura You say One love One life When its one need In the night Its one love We get to share it
djwashingtonson Jungle Boogie - Kool & The Gang (get down)
djwashingtonson @afroblue ちょっと路線をかえて (Summer Breeze – Seals & Crofts (reblip)
threebears threebears Bangles cover ........re-blipping @sjjh ^_^ thanks ... love this! (reblip)


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santamistura everybody... fighting... fighting ;))
santamistura "closer" é lindo... e a trilha mais ainda!!! adorei @jeronimo (reblip)
threebears worried about the changes at blip.fm? dazed and confused about the current economic situation? now you can always look on the brighter side of life
threebears off to work! but first some dancing … nancies that is ....re-blipping @melodyofyourlife ^_^ thanks and hope they don't make you work too hard! (reblip)
threebears a fun cover ...re-blipping @Yeewuz ^_^ thanks! (reblip)
threebears @briangreene haha. you blipped montreal's own klezmer hip hop artist SoCalled. even if it was in a mash up. :) ..re-blipping @evablue ^_^ wow! thanks! (reblip)
threebears This song just takes me back. ...re-blipping @mrfroggies ^_^ me also - thanks! (reblip)
threebears Needing something chill right about now. ...re-blipping @mrfroggies ^_^ thanks! (reblip)
joshredux Good stuffs... had to re-blip, last one became unavailable. :(
marilovisky "Sometimes I feel I've got to run away / I've got to get away..."

Dream Warriors Wash Your Face in my Sink

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VendettaTV The Way You Look Tonight (STUHR Remix) – Jimmy Scott
Raquelnews Peço licença para colocar aqui algumas dance music dos anos 90, minha época de matinês! Voltamos em breve com a programação normal.
santamistura Chorus !!!!!!!!! She steal me money!!!! ahahaha
santamistura not with amy winehouse´s voice but also nice
santamistura uiiiiii Waters of March é águas de março globalizada ahahaha
Moura Parabéns @diordan, maravilhosa esta Brown Bag! (reblip)
ecocity We all need a little good situation sometimes ;>
CargoCulte @by_starla I'm good, what about yourself? How was your day?
calamari Cool, I just translated the verses to this song from French to English. The song makes sense. I love it even more now.
Moura Viciado no blip, I never can say goodbye like Issac.
Moura Canção mágica, carái.....
santamistura now i go, thanks for all great musics and good night + boa noite!!!!!!!! @threebears e @Moura
you999 60's Beautiful Soft Rock  Magic Air – Orpheus
KushiQ Nice Morning to you my Listeners... best working place is--->..
santamistura the summer is coming... has a strong rain outside here
bacigalupe Whats Love Got To Do With It – Tina Turner (reblip)
santamistura ...And I think to myself.... what a wonderful world...
santamistura Mary Jane's Last Dance..... I feel summer creepin' in and I'm tired of this town again.

Track 02

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santamistura a voz fofa de lykke li ... the cute voice´s lykke li dance dance dance

Dance, Dance, Dance - The Hood Internet vs Lykke Li

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santamistura completa

Last Dance w/ Mary Jane > Breakdown > Last Dance w/ Mary Dance

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santamistura completa e cantada.... comica!! As Good as It Gets (melhor é impossível) with Jack Nicholson
Cintita Boa tarde @PacinaChips.

Bebel & joao gilberto chega de saudade

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fmeyer Todo dia ela faz tudo sempre igual, me sacode as 6 horas da manha ... (reblip)
santamistura ahaha eu literalmente.... do tempo do bob... de copacabana


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maisachisholm Troco a mamãe por um ingresso do show da Madonna. :~ [desespero]
santamistura definitely, "bossa nova" brings to the Brazilian women a swing comes from the sea with a golden skin, and the man? always a good lovers and poets
jph what were the skies like when you were young?
ekman Cry Baby Cry

Santana ft, Joss Stone y Sean Paul Cry Baby Cry

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Inagaki Letra com historinha. E em espanhol, numa versão que eu ainda não conhecia. Uma das minhas prediletas do Chico.
Moura Better than Beatles...
santamistura fofa música na voz de rita lee ... If I give my heart to you I must be sure .... adorei @Moura e agora me vouuuuuu (reblip)
Moura Meanwhile the girl dances...uau!
santamistura merci pour mercy @Mercy – Duffy (reblip)


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santamistura @drezinho7 de outro jeito a musica excelente que vc acabou de tocar
santamistura .....Music and passion were always the fashion.....
iconoplasta El quejido que emite este individuo al comienzo de la copla es poco para expresar lo que sufro con mi incivilizado vecindario.
luiz_com_z @davidwatts1978, "mojo fully operational" was very clever. Here's some mojo filter just in case.
luiz_com_z @santamistura, now the latino way. :D Pena que não tem a dos Beatles aqui.
santamistura ...deliciaaaaaaa... Send my love to everybody (everybody everybody everybody...) thanks @GAT (reblip)
santamistura If I was to say to you... Try to set the night on fire ;)) because now i must to work thanks @nightwing (reblip)
santamistura ahahaha "Do you whish that you could see me dead?" @chiron08 . I don´t i just will dance your great choice!!! thanks!!!!!
santamistura ... amoooooo, i love, j´adore, adoro manu chao @GAT (reblip)
santamistura One thing I can tell you is you got to be free ..... amei @luiz_com_z (reblip)
santamistura @moura quanto tempo que eu não escutava novos bahianos agora vou dormir
santamistura ... agente era obrigada a ser feliz!!!!!!
santamistura Tenta pensar no futuro No escuro tenta pensar Vai renovar teu seguro Vai caducar Vai te entregar Vai te estragar Vai trabalhar
santamistura lo que sera sera? que no tiene sentido?
santamistura Tried to amplify the sound........ but..... I don't know how to begin ;))
santamistura i believe in miracles.... @mctwinmum thanks now it´s sooooo easy to work at home with so many dj playing to me hahaha (reblip)
santamistura It's another day. Let's see what happens next... @Loud_Dog thanks for so great choices!!! (reblip)
santamistura hey ........... take a walk on the wild side
larajanuario hahahaha jabazenta mess @Murfy, mas quando toca no rádio a gente dança. Culpa da @caolivo! (reblip)


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liligarcia @ladybug muuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuito boooom!!! :)
renaton ^^ não dá pra blipar 1 som só da The Quantic Soul Orchestra - Assassin ^^ grooooovveee :-O !!
virtual While(1) my guitar gently weep

George Harrison & Eric Clapton While My Guitar Gently Weeps

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Vickingo Boogie Shoes – KC & The Sunshine Band
santamistura soon the night will start here so .... I Want To Put On My My My My My Boogie Shoes ahahahan thanks @Vickingo (reblip)
santamistura again Youssou N'Dour ( a capella) + tracy chapman perfect!!!!!!

Peter Gabriel & Tracy Chapman & Youssou N'dour - Seven Seconds (A Capella)

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fabrifranco if you're lonely...

Hey Bulldog

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Vickingo Cat's In The Cradle – Harry Chapin
santamistura Who wants to be right as rain It's better When something is wrong? @Momma (reblip)
Cintita Why worry, se eu volto segunda? Bom fim-de-semana, pessoal. (reblip)
Moura Botando prá quebrar...Cadencia bonita do Samba!
brenobm this a classic music for every moment
santamistura batmannnnnnnnn don´t live without robin!!!!!
tuedelkrams beds are burning

MidnightT Oil Beds Are Burning

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threebears [-_-] Mad About You – Hooverphonic ..re-blipping @briangreene ^_^ thanks Brian! xx (reblip)
santamistura @threebears ... I... Feel the vibe, feel the terror, feel the pain... ;)) (reblip)
norarubinoff Just because -- a happy and fun tune that makes me smile and think of camp...

Build me up Buttercup

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norarubinoff Whatever tomorrow brings, I'll be there With open arms and open eyes...


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santamistura I'm a joker I'm a smoker ............ I'm a lover ............ I play my music in the sun
santamistura great 4 this calm sunny sunday!!!
chiron08 Seems I've got to have a change of scene Cause everynight I have the strangest dreams
steen soja- open my eyes. perfect song for a chill sunday.

SOJA - Open My Eyes

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santamistura How many roads must a man walk down Before you call him a man? by stevie wonder?? The answer, @inagaki, is blowin' in the wind
santamistura IT will be my music tomorrow during i draw ;)) @GAT thankssssssssss (reblip)
santamistura I didn't get no sleep at all last night My shoulders were as heavy as lead I felt something was just not right.......
rosetopal Sunday Mornin' Coming Down_Johnny Cash
rosetopal Sitting on the dock of the bay_Otis Redding

Otis Redding - Sitting On The Dock Of The Bay

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santamistura i Have hear this music a soooo many times ago thanks for to blip it @rosetopal (reblip)
santamistura Mandei plantar Folhas de sonho no jardim do solar As folhas sabem procurar pelo sol
santamistura if i have 10 props now i will give all 4 u :@briangreene thanks (reblip)
briangreene In The Midnight Hour ~ Wilson Pickett
moriddim vleo - love the instrumental, too. (reblip)
santamistura 2 pra cá 2 pra lá .... adorei @moura!!! (reblip)
idreamedmusic not so easy after all...

Starsailor - Silence Is Easy

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brenobm @santamistura com certeza ela gosta!!! :) fagner é bom!heheh (reblip)
santamistura .....25 years and my life is still Trying to get up that great big hill of hope For a destination..... thanks @thalitacl (reblip)
santamistura WE will survive next week now i go to sleep good 4 allll @moura @MrEstall @thalitacl @GAT @lilly3084 @threebears
threebears ...re-blipping @AleBourg ^_^ thanks! poor you ... did you lose your hat? :D xx (reblip)
Mineira Dancing with myself, Nouvelle Vague
santamistura "Todo dia ela faz tudo sempre igual..." @polie seu jorge moderniza o "cotidiano de chico buarque" amei!!! (reblip)
Chekkov Good 'short' evening with Anne Clark, Blank & Jones: The Hardest Heart
liligarcia @santamistura Monobloco é MARA! :P Bom dia! Como estamos de cidade maravilhosa?
NRP ímpar

(I Can't Get No) Satisfaction (Jose Feliciano)

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liligarcia @santamistura, toda vez que ouço isso, lembro do Rio! :D
santamistura big baboon, big baboon, ..... spiderman, spiderman, ... sing along ... ahhahah ai vem o homem aranha!!! (reblip)
luiz_com_z Minha gravação preferida dessa. Quando tinha 7 anos repetia dez vezes e pisava forte no chão a cada POM, minha mãe ficava arrancando os cabelos. (reblip)
DrDisk A long time favourite of mine - just follow me for more goodies.

Red Astaire - Follow Me

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luiz_com_z @santamistura, tamos aí! Tá difícil acordar hoje...
CallMeBlake time to take the tone down a bit I think...

28 - Stickerbrush Symphony

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jozeluiz so lonely, so lonely, so lonely, so lonely ...
jozeluiz Su voz parte la tierra...excelente versión
jozeluiz Yo compongo las canciones con adrenalina, así que puedes gritar todo lo fuerte que quieras... Yo soy la calle ... ¡¡¡ Je suis la rue !!!
rosetopal Blowin' in the wind_Stevie Wonder (still relevant after 43 yrs) (reblip)
simplesmente Oh, Madalena O meu peito percebeu Que o mar é uma gota Comparado ao pranto meu.
simplesmente eu só fazia fantasia E não fazia mal E agora é tanto amor...
simplesmente eu vou nas asas de um passarinho eu vou nos beijos de um beija-flor...dio quiero te namorar amore !
simplesmente Pra Você ... Mesmo que um dia eu não faça parte de sua VIDA ,mesmo assim È VOCÊ ,Que na vida vai comigo , dentro do meu coração ...
santamistura you love this COVER @Dutchgoodness ... me too!!!! it makes me to dreaming of the past. And my heart was beating fast ;)) (reblip)
santamistura Hummala bebhuhla zeebuhla boobuhla hummala bebhuhla zeebuhla bop I ain't got nobody, nobody, @adbert thanksssss (reblip)
madhatter questa per tutti quegli stro**i che mi hanno intasato la posta di catene del ca**o. Ma andate a falluovo!... scusate lo sfogo.
Jeffie (Back to high school years :P) Chick-a-boom, chick-a-boom - don't you just love it?...Chick-a-boom, chick-a-boom-boom-boom...
santamistura War, children, its just a shot away Its just a shot away.............
madhatter chi ricorda "Fuori Orario, cose (mai) viste" ?
santamistura @aldania and ... Bigmouth strikes again And I've got no right to take my place With the Human race (reblip)
santamistura thanks to @Interozetor & @abarbosa to... Give me a song or rhythm Making 'em sweat that's what I'm giving 'em (reblip)
titoliveira @santamistura Malungo foi o primeiro single da Nação, depois da morte de Chico. O arquivo estava com o nome errado, mas agora você pode ouvi-lo! :}
Chekkov @santamistura Your taste of music opens a lot of new possibilitiesto me. THX! :-)
Chekkov Now I'm 'closer' to my bed...
santamistura @Chekkov thanks for your music... did you know our djpatife? tell me if you like it....
marilaliah That thing, that thing, that thing!
santamistura good night @disruptive @titoliveira @threebears ...Nobody said it was easy No one ever said it would be so hard... (reblip)
joshredux Nice blip @mellomello! U Hippychick ;) GN @santamistura! (reblip)


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lpowars @fsmelo i've been waiting sooooo long to be where i'm going...in the sunshine of your looooooooooove (reblip)
nicavieira @galopante Own, que bonito! Ya se me antoja hablar español otra vez. :~~

Bebe Siempre me quedará

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Chekkov @santamistura Do You know this 'ever green' ? :-)
fermin El Viernes en ELCHE !!! YUPIII
santamistura @krusty_hxcx Chego no caminho nem que va a pé Me diga com que andas E te direi quem é ;)) (reblip)
DJRodneyKing Tks for the props @santamistura !! Love that song ... This one too !! Enjoy it

Cypress Hill & Control Machete Siempre Peligroso

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santamistura definitivamente hoje vou desenhar escutando sua radio @DJRodneyKing (reblip)
ayocanada great song - listen to it over and over again.
santamistura amei @NRP- já cantei muitoooooo esta música à 30 anos atras quando eu tinha uma banca cover dos mutantes e depois rita lee ;) saudades dos bailinho (reblip)
santamistura @lpowars thankssssss so We gonna rock down to Electric Avenue
ayfuld Need to legalize the bitch-slapping of all the stupid people - http://tinyurl.com/5up3eq
simplesmente Como será amanhã Responda quem puder O que irá me acontecer O meu destino será como Deus quiser.Tema Para FotiNha NeW alem de musica amo foto tb

SimoneO Amanh

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simplesmente @simplesmente,mais uma pra sua coleção de raridades!ObRigAdA EdudA =) (reblip)
DJRodneyKing No worries @santamistura !! Cypress é bom demais neh ? (reblip)

Cypress Hill & Control Machete Siempre Peligroso

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santamistura amei @liligarcia parec até letra do lobão não?? Se ninguém olha quando voce passa Voce logo acha Que a vida voltou ao normal (reblip)

Cazuza - Vida Louca Vida

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liligarcia E eu não consigo mais ficar sozinho aqui...
liligarcia @flavytcha ai, tô tendo pitis aqui! MUITO BOA! 500 props prá você já! (reblip)
liligarcia Save TONIGHT porque o dia tá meio fueda.
ric Do cacete @SarahShoeMe !!! muito bom!!! aaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!! (reblip)
neusitas Everybody's gonna love today...

MikaLove Today

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Rick_Rocks Povo to trabalhando mas to ouvindo vc´s @geo_ Mogwai OOOhhh vc tb não toma banho nem come depois das 24:00?
nicavieira Começou. Já tô veada outra vez! hehehe x~D
nicavieira @www Tô aqui, amado! :D Acabei de chegar em casa e não sei se fui muito bem na entrevista pra vaga do Mestrado. :T
ric @drkk quebrando tudo! Ficou impropável meu caro!
Tsadi How did you dance it, slow dance or just as you feel?
Tsadi White, black...PINK!
xtranguy MALANDRINES del mundo, uníos! tnx to @lilithiz malandro que é malandro.. (reblip)


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zerodois @flavytcha Essa música é muuuuuuito boa!!! Merece props e reblip! hehehe! (reblip)
zerodois @iela Ah nem!!! Bora lá!! Hehehe
santamistura thanks @sniffles always to hear seal is special ;)) (reblip)
e_rod 'Cause you're smooth and creamy like peanut butter
Wally1 Distant drums bring the news of a kill tonight...
brenobm a minha alma ta armada e apontada para a cara do sossego

lauren hill - fugees - cant take my eyes off of you

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Jacqueline126 dedicated to everyone here :)
sophie_o eu ia @ric, mas me atrasei com meus estudos (haha) e agora não da mais tempo de ir. mas no próximo é nós né @gigia!
Cela Dançar essa música atéeeeee... delíiiiiicia!!!!!
calamari @calamari @daretoeatapeach My macbook has a webcam, should be able to. :)
santamistura Sweet dreams are made of this Who am I to disagree? I Travel the world and the seven seas Everybody’s looking for something @virgil_incanto (reblip)
Jeffie ...you know I love you, need you, want you, got to have you, child - great God in heaven you know I love you (and I'm your vehicle, baby!)
gigia @calamari, I need to telll you, dude: I'm in love of your blip'n'beer art! I stay, still, stare, and never get bother. You really did [songtitle]...
chiron08 sometimes it`s sad.. tomorrow i will laugh
gabarocha Reblip porque @mamorena está impropável! Beijos e até o blip n' beer! Fui! (reblip)
Jeffie OK - a sleepy late afternoon - time again for Chumbawumba! "I GET KNOCKED DOWN, BUT I GET UP AGAIN, 'CAUSE YOU'RE NEVER GONNA KEEP ME DOWN"!!!

Chumbawumba - Tubthuumper

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santamistura thanks @Jeffie so now "I GET KNOCKED DOWN, BUT I GET UP AGAIN, 'CAUSE YOU'RE NEVER GONNA KEEP ME DOWN"!!! (reblip)

Chumbawumba - Tubthuumper

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robsonsanchez me lembro de uma batida parecida! hahaha
chiron08 @santamistura after fa fa fa fa fa.... cheers
santamistura thanks @das_Vakuum ... and it´s really dark outside ; ))) my sons want to dinner ... 1000000 thanks (reblip)
santamistura The Ropes remind me of Garbage -- always a good thing. @calamari i "try" to live blip but you show always so nice songs! but now i go good night 4 u!! (reblip)


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santamistura o sol levantou e quis em nossa casa fechada entrar... pra ficar @ (reblip)
santamistura Never be the same again Fa Fa-Fa Fa-Fa-Fa-Fa-Fa @chiron08

GusterFa Fa

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santamistura great song for the end for the day thanks @calamari (reblip)

Gregory Abbott - Middle of Harlem

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santamistura qual é a paz que eu não quero conservar para ser feliz ? @brenobm ;)) (reblip)
santamistura Muito boa mesmo!!!! merece reblip @Seahorse re-re-re-blipando ;)) @Rick_Rocks (reblip)
santamistura Everybody's gonna love today... @neusitas espero que siiiiiii (reblip)

MikaLove Today

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santamistura @ric vou fazer o almoço, deixo o som bem alto c/ este seu blip 100000 e saio cantando They can feel it all over They can feel it all over people (reblip)
santamistura é @ric... Why should we ever even ever really even get to know? (reblip)
santamistura @liligarcia e @ladybug !! ameiiiiiiiiii 1000 propos pra vcs ; )) (reblip)

lauren hill - fugees - cant take my eyes off of you

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santamistura pra vc @simplesmente 1 brasileirinho diferente... tentei achar a baby consuelo cantando mas aqui não tem...


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das_Vakuum Bin heute Abend völlig hin und hergerissen. (reblip)
calamari @sophie_o hahahahah Glad you liked it. The perfect song after looking at your avatar pic. ;D
santamistura @DJRodneyKing só agora te li ;)) desenho bastante para estampar tecidos e malhas com foco em moda feminina e praia e vc? (reblip)
santamistura ó que é este Bill Withers..... nossa ameiiiiiiii @DJRodneyKing existe um mercado para desenho absurdo, mas estou nele só à 2 anos ;)) (reblip)
DJRodneyKing Mais uma então antes de ir embora já que vc gostou @santamistura !! Gosto da area mas estou totalmente em outro ramo hehehe !! Boa sorte pra vc !!
polie I can't understand myself anymore 'cause I m still feeling lonely Feeling so unholy


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DJRodneyKing Nossaaaa, assim que vc mandou essa ultima musica eu lembrei dessa !! Anota meu msn rodolfo_guedes@hotmail.com !! Conversamos melhor ...byeee @polie
DJRodneyKing Me to @sandraew !! This album Still Bill is the greatest !! Really Good (reblip)
santamistura @polie adoro crystal castles ;)) 1zilhão de props pra vc viu?? (reblip)
halyne @andrecavon que bom! acho sp uma cidade sensacional! apesar das notícias nos jornais etc... o que me diz? é mesmo tudo isso que eu acho? hahaha
threebears have a good night @santamistura and make sure that you don't blip in your sleep ^_* xx
bendrix @RonnieBebop - You blip me everything else but this... This is totally my style - Thanks for postN this :)


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nicavieira @santamistura Jikmmy Eat World tem umas letras MUITO fofas. u.u Como gostei da q vc me blipou,blipo essa como presente p vc em retorno!:)
DareToEatAPeach via @santamistura. I'm reblipping my listeners today. Onto page 2. Only 133 pages to go...I'll get through as many as I can. :D (reblip)
JamWithPam Thought I would end it with a little more DEVO!! Good night blippers, I have to get some rest for tomorrow!
ricricardo então é isso... o blip'n'beer brasília começa logo logo. vejo vcs lá, povo! bjos a @todos! (reblip)
DareToEatAPeach Old-skool 80s hip-hop via @fabeats. And now I really am through page 2! Phew! Maybe I'll reblip my listeners again tomorrow. Twas fun. (reblip)
polie Essa é para @Diordan, @simplesmente, @Rachell, @DJRodneyKing, @medicogeek e @luiz_com_z acordarem e perceberem que é um LINDO dia! ;)
DrDisk @santamistura - I like your (tight?) sweater.
iela aproveitando que, graças ao google, eu descobri o nome do indivíduo que canta esses hits...
simplesmente Nem o exército eletrônico do general de palha Vai fazer com que esqueçamos o que somos já... =)
santamistura @madhatter Come estai in questa mattina!! Grazie per per questa canzone!!! (reblip)
palomadepaula @daretoeatapeach Hiiii, this avatar is a pic/cartoon from "Elisa Sassi", search on the google, she has many cool pics!!!!
tmeller Gostei da brincadeira @ramiroluz rebliping @fsmelo, sempre escolho a minha preferida da página 7. http://blip.fm/all?page=7 (reblip)
santamistura @DrDisk thanks it´s good singer "carioca" ;)) it´s talk about a saint Jorge´s, the saint that has a dragon ;))) soooo jorge will protect you!!!!!!
3runo Mais uma! Do final dos 80...
DrDisk @santamistura thanks. Nice to have someone watching over you. There are many stories about Jorge. Here's another one from your part of the world.
DJRodneyKing @puroglamour Good Mournin' !!! Have a nice day ... hoje to meio corrido aqui ... vou mais ouvi-los hoje ... hehe
simplesmente Sem Comentarios simplesmente LindO =) (reblip)

Cazuza - Codinome Beija - Flor

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i've been thinking about you

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palomadepaula Miss Kittin, ela eh phoda!! Vai tocar no D-Edge Concept dia 19/12, alguém daqui vai.....@dwrodrigo, @santamistura, @driedt
you999 Surfin' USA - The Jesus and Mary Chain
DuduFraga this is my tribe. This is the real Cosmopolitan Tribalism. (Caralho, @drminuetto, pirei no som! me manda o disco!) (reblip)
DJRodneyKing Essa é pra @puroglamour !! Acho que vc vai gostar ...
zerodois @Rick_Rocks Como não ficar sorridente diante disso?? Olha aí: http://twitpic.com/q2qw (reblip)
titoliveira @Cintita de qua bairro você é? queria ter idéia de localização dos blippers, pra escolher outro lugar mais central! @regis @Diordan @maujabur @Du
SlipperyDistortion Shoop be doop. Imagining Billy Idol doing a soft shoe dance. (reblip)
SlipperyDistortion @GingerW Love how Iggy and Kate Pierson (B-52s) go at it. (reblip)
DJRodneyKing Mais uma pra vc !! Gostou da outra vai gostar dessa tb !! kkkkk @puroglamour
liligarcia Porque hoje elas tavam no Simpsons! AHAHAHAHAHAHA
flavytcha @Lavi pq recordar é viver and we just wanna be alive
liligarcia @flavytcha tá rolando a conversa aqui que vamos trazer o Simple Minds prá Setembro.. tourzinha nova :)
simplesmente I'm too sexy for milan, new york & japan.....Uiiiiiiiiiiia encontrei por aqui ... (reblip)
santamistura @DJRodneyKing @puroglamour não deixam dar mais props pra vcs hoje, só re-blipandoooooooo ahahaha (reblip)
Diordan essa merece uma saraivada de props e reblips! obrigado @caiosandesign (reblip)
DrDisk Boom selection straight outta yard!
santamistura 1001 Hits Of The World @monovolume blip ; ))Molly's Chamber is gonna change your mind (reblip)
DrDisk One last one - the gangsta for life nuh miss!
FineNGood And the real deal. Still prefer this to any cover. Life On Mars – David Bowie
FineNGood @legsandboobs Thanks for reminding me of a classic. "Will you stay in a lovers story. If you stay, you won't be sorry, 'cause we believe in you" (reblip)
zerodois @nacre No cansaço que eu estou, essa musiquinha caiu bem... (reblip)
claudix Hoje EU sou tua personal Dj ;)

Redbone Come and Get Your Love

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santamistura @abarbosa para não cansar ; )) te re-plipando com outra versão
ricricardo bom dia, blippers! após a ressaca do blip'n'beer, é hora de voltar à vaca fria!
MooseAndSquirrel Am I the only one who truly loves this cover version?
ricricardo @marcelle_moon o que aconteceu com o seu cabelo, fia??


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tufman (I Just) Died In Your Arms Tonight – Cutting Crew

Al Wilson - Now I know what love is

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djmisscloud Meeeeeeeeeeu Deus! Que grata surpresa!!! Acho q vou reblipar umas 30 vezes!!!
air @djiuce just a sample to wet the appetite!@threebears @air can't find the whole tune, but there is more the enough here to get you searching ;) (reblip)
gigia @davidwatts1978 @formalhaut, sory! I'm going to read and answer your email in a while. I had have busy days lately pals.... you're very welcome. =)
fuzzylogic When I was a kid they said, in the future this would be the only way to travel
neusitas Daylight come and we want go home, @santamistura it's for you ^_-!


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derwwbdd nabend ! noch mal kurz reintwittern.....
neusitas Una de las antiguas, a bailarrrrr (reblip)

Village People - YMCA

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gigia @cesaraovivo serial blipper é otimo! nao fui ontem, nem blipei, precisei trabalhar. tipo coisa de ultima hora, que caiu no colo as 16. tadinha. hahah
xtranguy @santamistura jeje hope uliked it, thou this sweet, naive version o'great song, 4u
claudix @luiz_com_z tanta gente chupa esses riffs stonicos há seculos, baby :) @santamistura :)))) (reblip)
luiz_com_z @abarbosa, eu lembro que tomei um susto quando li a letra e dizia "boy / up, up". Pra mim sempre foi "boy / Whoopi Goldberg!" Repara só. (reblip)
santamistura @Crismf obaaaaaa. quando vc achar um post legal me escreve lá , porque agora entre blip, filhos de férias e estampa o blog esta de lado ; )) (reblip)
xtranguy godess harvey') @santamistura natalia is quite popular over here, el pato was a hit in mexico. theyre both cute dont u think? hehee
santamistura @Crismf na mesma situation... every morning mesmo ahahaha (reblip)
djmisscloud nao posso ouvir essa musica sem ver a cabecinha dos Fat Family balançando, socorro!

Diana King - Shy Guy

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brenobm @gigia, @titoliveira foi sozinho... nao apareceu + ninguem.. eu nao fui pq tava trampando.. :( mas no proximo vai bombar + @catha @Marcinhab!!!
gigia oh, look! the orchestra is getting ready!! ... dance with me, George.
luiz_com_z Good morning, tutti quanti! The Earth says hello!
ekman boa @3runo ...Times...they are changing! (reblip)


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flavytcha @santamistura meu pai tinha o vinil daquela, q era verde ;) e resto do povo, fazendo um escoadouro dos meus props, não ouço vcs por acaso :)

Chic - Everybody Dance

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flavytcha @santamistura eu era mto pequena e só dançava de meinha dancing days em casa, mas lamento até hoje que a onda disco acabou, AMO

Zodiac Zodiac

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Diordan OK pessoal Rampa! Ramparando!!! @DJRodneyKing @ric @Murfy !!!! preciso almoçar!!!!! (reblip)
coffeebreath ya @Durante I grew up in Seattle and lived there most of my life and talk about it a lot (and miss it) but I'm in the Atl now :o)

14 The Frog (feat. Will.i.am & Sergio Mendes)

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brenobm @flavytcha bom fds pra ti!!! (vale um prop - limite estourado) :) (reblip)
gigia @bendrix you very cute!! adorable dude.... be welcome... and sabe my msn/skype... =) (reblip)
santamistura Nossa Senhora!!! fantastico!! @BetoSchneider super obrigada!!! (reblip)
santamistura impossível não reblipar ;o)) vou salvar nos favoritos @FernandaW obrigada +1x ;o) (reblip)
santamistura @chiron08 thanks and a happy day to you there ;o) (reblip)

04 Slowdance (chiron)

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santamistura sureeeeeee we had a good time @chiron08 in the end i gave for him some songs of your playlist ;o)) (reblip)
estrogen thanks for finally raining, sky! how beauti beauti beauti - ful!
santamistura @redoctopus it´s wonderful saved on my blipplaylist... thanks to you!! (reblip)
dickadcock nice … Washington – Fighting the Good Fight
dickadcock my normal state … th & rb @PloedeQ: "Out Of My Head .. " … (reblip)
dickadcock The Holy Ghost Tent Revival – My Heart Is Yours
dickadcock The Holy Ghost Tent Revival – Wish It Was Easy/ It's never that easy … (Daytrotter Session)
xatstilonair ty rb @spacey_boy: "Portishead – Only You | love this! live 1997" (reblip)
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