sarahsamudre Michael Giacchino. GOD OF COMPOSING. Star Trek "Hella Bar Talk/Enterprising Young Men". Listen in AWE. DO IT!
JoshSPeters @jdnorton .. Fugazi?!?!? Now you're speaking my language
sarahsamudre Alright, so it's just a Crooked Fingers morning. Disabling the syncing aspect with Twitter so I don't annoy people.
sarahsamudre Glasvegas' Geraldine makes this rainy morning seem brighter.
sarahsamudre Going to bed: rewinding every good/bad moment this week in my head, to this soundtrack: Mates of State- My Only Offer
sarahsamudre My fav. piece of read aloud poetry (chills every time): Dylan Thomas' "Do Not Go Gentle Into That Good Night"
sarahsamudre Putting away packing lists, blipping Smashing Pumpkins "Farewell & Goodnight" & doing bedtime yoga:
sarahsamudre The whistling riff in Peter, Bjorn & John's "Young Folks" has been stuck in my head all day. Such a cool song:
sarahsamudre Another brilliant find from this week's Chuck- Glasvegas' Daddy's Gone. Been stuck in my head all week:
sarahsamudre #Lost song: Hurley listens to this on his headphones in Season 1, episode "Tabula Rasa". Beautiful song:
sarahsamudre The final song from Kill Bill "Malaguena Salerosa" by Chingon has been in my head ALL day. A sick & sexy song:
sarahsamudre Best part about last night's episode of Flash Forward was them playing Mos Def's "Quiet Dog". Great song:
sarahsamudre Falling in love with Noah & The Whale. "Give A Little Love" is a pretty amazing song, Arcade Fire-like:
sarahsamudre Lately, my musical crush has been on Florence + The Machine. I'm in love with her vocals. Enjoy "Cosmic Love":
sarahsamudre In case you thought I was kidding about how amazing Florence + The Machine is, listen to "Dog Days Are Over":
sarahsamudre This moody, beautiful song is exactly what I need tonight. The Boxer Rebellion's "No Harm":
sarahsamudre A song I've loved for almost a decade. It still makes me feel upset, relieved, free and trapped... all at once.

Vroom Dumb Like That

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sarahsamudre More Arcade Fire magic. Listen to this song next time you wanna tune into American Idol.
sarahsamudre Thrice's The Whaler is amazing on a grey raining snowy hailing, schizophrenically-sunny-at-times day.
scubadogg There are times that I can't wait for the "after party" - LOL - Listen to the song, you'll understand...
sarahsamudre Two more inches of nice sparkly snow on the ground- I've had the Eels "Fresh Feeling" stuck in my head every since I woke up & saw the yard frosted:
sarahsamudre This song is good, but at 1:39 it becomes simply amazing. I love Arcade Fire.
sarahsamudre A fight song for the ages for all the underdogs, underestimated- for all those who get counted out and voted down.
sarahsamudre Sound of Silence has been stuck in my head since seeing Watchmen on Thursday. Good for a nice moody night:
sarahsamudre My busy day passes the plateau & picks up momentum again- new post on my site & good song: Postal Service's Brand New Colony
sarahsamudre This is an amazing song to start the day with. Love Arcade Fire.
sarahsamudre Stressed and moody. Frou Frou's good for ails ya.
sarahsamudre Moodiness turns into feistiness. Snowden's Black Eyes fits that transition. Part of my post-punk yoga playlist. (reblip)
sarahsamudre Goldfrapp's Strict Machine is great, btw, when you can't tear yourself away from your macbook. Hurray for work music:
sarahsamudre I've felt contrary all day today. Also in an indie-electronica mood. So following up on Goldfrapp, Snowden's Anti-Anti:
sarahsamudre From the movie Wall*E. Very hopeful song & very good for my Lit in the Environment class. (reblip)
sarahsamudre Was intro'd to Phoenix last night during SNL. Really like what I heard:


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sarahsamudre "Argue with angels and I always win, but I dunno the first thing about love..." (Thrice, Moving Mountains)
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