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United States United States. DJ since Jul 11, 2009

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DJAtrociousTin Bear McCreary's spirit played a huge part in the 'novella' I just wrote. Here's one of the reasons why, aside from the fact he wears a Triquetra.
DJAtrociousTin Also accidentally found this on my iTunes.It's from the most perfect moment of my life.And I grow bleak when I hear it for having lost that moment.
DJAtrociousTin ELO has given my Artist her name. Julie! ;)
DJAtrociousTin I think this pretty much speaks for itself too. My Joker is extremely psychedelic too because he's just groovy like that. This is the end, my friend.
DJAtrociousTin Joker has so many aspects. He can rock out with the best of them. It alarms Sidney sometimes. Leopold doesn't care.
DJAtrociousTin Like I said, smooth cat. He's already been to a Tango Bar, why not a old school dance hall? The Artist would love that... Absolutely.
DJAtrociousTin Yeaaaahh...our Artist is a tad over-enthusiastic about where this relationship is going.
DJAtrociousTin You can be a bad ass Clown Prince of Crime without some Kook and the Gang on your iPod. Those are rules somewhere...
DJAtrociousTin Well, this kind of speaks or itself. Heh and ha.
DJAtrociousTin Another oddity on Joker's iPod. He's fond of Adam and the Ants. Don't mock J or his choice of music. He has stabbities and he knows how to use them.
DJAtrociousTin And since he's so (in)famous around Gotham, J can't go without a signature song. How apropos.
DJAtrociousTin Since his ride is seriously pimped in this story, J's chosen theme is Funk and Jazz. This song is special for featuring a double bass. Smooth.
DJAtrociousTin Joker's one funky motherfu- SHUT YOUR MOUTH! Anyone with James Brown on his iPod is packing an arsenal of seduction. The Artist has no chance.
DJAtrociousTin Just an off-kilter song that pops up on J's iPod. Gotta love that shuffle. He has such odd taste in music.
DJAtrociousTin Again another dance song. J really romances this one. Of course, the more he romances now, the more vicious he'll get later. It never fails.
DJAtrociousTin Niiiiice seduction music and the lyrics just....scream....Joker.
DJAtrociousTin There may be a dance involved at some point. This is perfect dancing music. Again off J's Almighty iPod.
DJAtrociousTin The Artist's theme song. See, she has a bit of crush on Joker... But he's just one of many alas! Little does she know he'll be her last.
DJAtrociousTin My Joker is also a slick cat. His iPod (lifted off a nice dentist he dated to death early on) is chock full of swell ditties like this.
DJAtrociousTin My J is a bit of a musical bad ass. He likes songs that make him want to get his groove on before he goes... a-courtin'. O_O
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