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United States United States. DJ since Apr 24, 2009

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DJ_ChazzyEM Anything you see in me is in you. If you want to see a vicious killer, that's who you'll see.
DJ_ChazzyEM Have you ever seen the coyote in the desert? Watching, tuned in, completely aware. Christ on the cross, the coyote in the desert. Same thing, man.
DJ_ChazzyEM @EddieEntropy Alright, I'll believe you... and I'll put it in my left hand pocket for later.
DJ_ChazzyEM Here I am an old man sitting in this cell, that's the damndest thing I ever seen, you know.
DJ_ChazzyEM I said I can't handle the maniacs outside, let me back in.
DJ_ChazzyEM From behind the time locks of courtrooms and from the worlds of darkness, I did let loose devils and demons with the power of scorpions to torment.
DJ_ChazzyEM My father is the jailhouse. My father is your system... I am only what you made me. I am only a reflection of you.
DJ_ChazzyEM I am a mechanical man, a mechanical man. And I do the best I can. Because I have my Family
DJ_ChazzyEM I was a beatnik in the '50s before the hippies came along.
DJ_ChazzyEM Look down at me and you see a fool; look up at me and you see a god; look straight at me and you see yourself
DJ_ChazzyEM I had a little monkey and I sent him to the country and I fed him ginger bread.
DJ_ChazzyEM I told them that anything they do for their brothers and sisters is good if they do it with a good thought...
DJ_ChazzyEM My relationship to music is completely subliminal, it just flows through me.
DJ_ChazzyEM I'm a hobo ... a derelict ... a bum. I'm an open boxcar and a bottle of wine ... and a straight razor if you get too close!


DJ_ChazzyEM I got a sleeping bag and a guitar and I'm standing at an old blind man's ranch and that's about the extent of it.
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