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over 100 listeners


United States United States. DJ since Aug 20, 2008

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KamenLee Phone is Ringin... Oh my God... Gotta, Get it, Together, Watch it!
KamenLee It's got a... it's got a certain twang' to it...
KamenLee Not what made them popular, but great, maybe even better than Here it Goes Again
KamenLee Just noticed how long of an intro this song has...
KamenLee Another good song from the movie Boiler Room......
KamenLee Nice Black Eyed Peas / Jack Johnson mix-up, mash-up, whatever - w00t! 50 Blips!
KamenLee Yeah, this song is awesome. Esp. the amped up bit near the end...
KamenLee I remember the release of this album like it was yesterday, but it was 14 years ago..... holy sock....
KamenLee You give me that funny feeling in my tummy.!.!.!
KamenLee By far, AC/DC's funniest song.... dirty, but funny... !
KamenLee Down to the line and this is all I have to say......

blink 182 - damnit

KamenLee This is the kind of music that starts dance trains........ woowoo
KamenLee Kick it Olde Skool - Run D.M.C. (1986)
KamenLee I am digging these guys... need to pick up one of their CDs
KamenLee 1 Day to go, working for the next day.... we can make it work
KamenLee I made the beginning of this song into a ringtone. Used it for a long time on my old phone.... Twas Rad..
KamenLee I may be headed to the beach, but there is ONE negative to the trip...
KamenLee I'd give my left arm to be able to play guitar like this..... WAIT...... UH...... Nevermind, that won't work....
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