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United States United States. DJ since May 7, 2009

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MissedTheKickoff Listening to the boyfriend play this on my guitar while I make us dinner. *gag* we are so cute. ^_^
MissedTheKickoff very premature here, but I'm pretty sure I want to walk down the aisle to this..
MissedTheKickoff just found this song absolutely randomly.. and I am absolutely hypnotized, why is this making me melt?
MissedTheKickoff dedicated to @scaredasyou and how you'll never know how much you mean to me
MissedTheKickoff new ringtone for my man, and I can't stop playing it because it's so flippin' catchy..
MissedTheKickoff I have this song on repeat, and I can't get my head out of the clouds..
MissedTheKickoff Why don't girl groups like this exist anymore?!.. our worlds gone to shit. lol
MissedTheKickoff Title is convenient, since I do.. hate him that is. Dedicated to my lovely friend Karen, I LOVE you!!!
MissedTheKickoff Took a quiz, apparently if I were a Punk Band, i'd be these lovely fellas: NoFx
MissedTheKickoff "I tried to discover.. a little something to make me sweeter. Oh baby refrain.. from breaking my heart.."

Wheatus - Little Respect

MissedTheKickoff get out get out its stuck in my head..
MissedTheKickoff on my way to pick up some of my friends to have some summer fun. :D yay fun!
MissedTheKickoff "Ever met my friend Ian? he's a computer hacker, he erased your facebook page. Happy networking asshole!" love it.
MissedTheKickoff Deeear jesus, i'm in love with this woman! Love me some She & Him..

She & Him (Zooey Deschanel & M. Ward) I Was Made For You

MissedTheKickoff Last day for this!!! Tomorrow is the first day of summer you guys! *dances*
MissedTheKickoff WEIRD. I found the band I used to manage on here.. The Dauntless
MissedTheKickoff I'm seeing these guys on the 25th, who's excited?! THIS CHICK.
MissedTheKickoff When I can't sleep.. I daydream to this until my consciousness merges with future projections of my inevitable happiness
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