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United States United States. DJ since Sep 7, 2008

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ZachsMind Third base! "Dear god"? That's a great XTC song! RT @pzmyers: Dear god. & who's on first?
ZachsMind Then there's musical souls who are so beyond lists. Joe Cocker's the best what? Where you put him? His name hovers over Beatles & all the rest. (reblip)
ZachsMind I try not to limit my music horizons to "the best" by someone else's standards. It's a pleasant surprise where my love for music takes me. (reblip)
ZachsMind ..but all those bands are yesterday. I may not know good music but I know what I like. @ChristianKane01 Whiskey In Mind
ZachsMind "How can I forget when it hasn't happened yet?" HURT (Feat. Shaun Morgan) World Ain't Right (i AM texan. I do listen to some c&w) (reblip)
ZachsMind REPENT! QUIT YOUR JOB! SLACK OFF! The world ends tomorrow and you may die! (well no prob not but keep listening) #SubGenius (reblip)
ZachsMind I still prefer to sing it "Medieval woman" even tho that's wrong. Sounds right to me. *smirk* (ELO) (reblip)
ZachsMind "..we're here to make you feel bad and stuff!" Sex Bob-Omb - Threshold (reblip)
ZachsMind Human rights are something we have to constantly fight for & be ever vigilant @Violetrical so i can no longer believe in them. (reblip)
ZachsMind ACDC's "It's a long way to the top if you wanna rock n roll" ...w/bagpipes! That still so kicks ass. (reblip)
ZachsMind Whether you or I believe @AtheistEvo @Violetrical is immaterial. Does #Egypt believe in herself? Can she get past the hysteria? (reblip)
ZachsMind The names change. That's about it. (Patti Smith Band cover, The People Who Died) (reblip)

Patti Smith Band "People who died"

ZachsMind "I believe him when we talk about the things I say" (reblip)

No Sugar Tonight The Guess Who 1970

ZachsMind "Never gonna fall for.." What happens in #Egypt today is part of a cycle stretching back thousands of years. The result is always the same. (reblip)
ZachsMind One thing we can all agree on; #Egypt protesters are the best dressed protesters in the world. (reblip)
ZachsMind "Al-Jazeera [reported] tanks now on the streets of Cairo #Egypt ..civilians milling about them unhindered" [Rod Stewart Reason To Believe] (reblip)
ZachsMind "Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it" George Santayana [Split Enz History Never Repeats] #Egypt (reblip)
ZachsMind Betelgeuse could go so supernova any time between now & a million years after we're all dead. Keep on pretending you matter, mankind. #Egypt (reblip)
ZachsMind "There are now about 22 tanks on the square. The demonstrators are disregarding the curfew that was imposed.." Sky News' Yael Livie in Cairo #Egypt (reblip)
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