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over 500 listeners


United States United States. DJ since Aug 27, 2008

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chelvis And with this, @gregoryng's head hit the pillow and sweet dreams were had.
chelvis First tennis match of the season tomorrow 7AM. Bedtime folks.
chelvis Heard a car brake screech during lunch that sounded just like the beginning of this song (My fave)
chelvis An email from @gary55 triggered a craving for this
chelvis Most kick-ass Alice in Chains song ever? Discuss.
chelvis If you are feeling lonely today, here's a message for you...
chelvis Is it safe to say that Radar Love is the best Golden Earring song ever? How about one of the top 100 rocks songs of all time?
chelvis Had a huge hankering for this song today.
chelvis I really dislike generalizations. Seriously? Not one person knows what it's like?
chelvis If I had to do it all again, I wouldn't change a thing.
chelvis Love this from @kleptones : "Are You a Visionary?"
chelvis I thought living in the south would change what the end of Civil War meant for me. Nope. End of Civil War still means the beginning of 14 Years
chelvis Great content lasts for generations. This is just as good as it was the first time I heard it. (Earmuffs kids.)


chelvis This Christmas, i'm giving my heart on a saturday need to wait until monday to give it away. PWND!
chelvis You without me is like corn flakes without the milk! This is my world. You're just a squirrel trying to get a nut!
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