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United States United States. DJ since Jun 9, 2009…watch?v=Ji-cT58rgNc

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elliott425 After being named Kurt Vile, his only real options were to become a badass guitarist or direct hardcore pornography. I applaud your decision, Kurt.
elliott425 Is it strange that I like hard candy and yet I'm not in my 80s yet? P.S. That's a haircut you can set your watch to.
elliott425 Remember kids, drugs are not the answer....unless the question is, Do you want to feel powerful and euphoric?....just kidding, i never feel powerful
elliott425 I don't even talk white after Labor Day.

Jefferson Airplane -White Rabbit-

elliott425 Hey @anothercraze, guess who may be visiting your neck of the woods next year....well, Missouri. That's right, Get the Led Out.. oh, but then me too.

The Beatles- Day Tripper

elliott425 My favorite part about dancing is all those vodka tonics beforehand.
elliott425 Ugly weather is the new beautiful weather, amirite East Coast?
elliott425 A million dollars isn't know what's cool?......having valid auto insurance when you get pulled over.
elliott425 After I die, I'm pretty sure my mom's gonna ask if I'm going to do anything with my afterlife too.....P.S. After a long hiatus, I'm back baby

Wilco-I Might (NEW SONG)

elliott425 Do you think Sugar Ray is a little jealous of Fever Ray.....either way they would make beautiful Baby Rays
elliott425 With a dusty weight bench, an old juicer and some unopened Tony Robbins CDs, my basement is now the graveyard for my hopes and dreams.
elliott425 I think my parents really overestimated me when they said: "You can grow up to be anything you want."
elliott425 This track always reminds me of my first real big hit entitled "Subway Sexist"
elliott425 Every time I think we've lost our way as a nation, I'm buoyed by the fact that once a year we ask a groundhog for his opinion on the weather
elliott425 This reminds me of that time that I nose-hummed "Addicted to Love" inside my work's elevator all day.

"Take Me Out" by Atomic Tom LIVE on NYC subway

elliott425 So Jack Lalanne died? I knew all that healthy living stuff was bullshit!
elliott425 It's going to be difficult to explain Penn & Teller to my grandchildren.
elliott425 When I'm at a loss for dinner, I just heat up a bunch of Trader Joe's crap and dump it in a bowl. You too?
elliott425 This just in: The phrase "I think you're great" is used, almost exclusively, by people that do not think you're great.
elliott425 Man, I hung out with the wrong crowd in high school.
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