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Brazil Brazil. DJ since Jan 30, 2010

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fabioms Pay attention to the initial bass line... Sabbath bloody Sabbath.
fabioms Bad Company, 'til the day I die!
fabioms Ain´t he got the blues?
fabioms Needless to say anyting... "ENJOE"!
fabioms Great one from Neil Young! Cheers @TrainWreckRadio: "The one. The only. Neil Young. Playing (reblip)
fabioms Do it, while your mom isnt´home... (reblip)
fabioms Following you guys! @patita: "Heroooooooo!!!! muwah! Tor!!! RB@torino: "Hero Tor.... @patita"" (reblip)
fabioms Back in Woodstock! Some folks in the mood (or mud?). CSN&Y
fabioms And I fell in love with VH: My firts album!
fabioms Their show made my ears tweet for years! I am still partially deaf, thanks to VH!
fabioms Apocalypse Now soundtrack : The END. Riding a boat in the middle of a Vietnamese jungle...
fabioms Riding carefully.... on the storm.
fabioms Another Classic for riding real fast.... LA Woman.
fabioms Adding some style with ZZ TOP.
fabioms Another song for hitting the road: faster, now! Highway star.
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