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United States United States. DJ since Nov 23, 2008

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luciamad In the vein of my recent obsession, some Dead Man's Bones. Also, didn't know Ryan Gosling was in this band.
luciamad Yes, I still can't stop listening to this MGMT cover. Jonsi should sing all songs ever.
luciamad Just found this guy, Listener, and I'm not sure how to describe him other than saying he makes beautiful, urgent sounds.

Wooden Heart

luciamad The cover you didn't know you wanted, but now can't live without. Jonsi covers Time to Pretend and it is lovely.
luciamad Let's have some good music while I'm bored at work. Just 45 more minutes! Gotta love short shifts
luciamad "We're not terrific, but we're competent." I want that to be the motto of my fake branch library so hard.
luciamad Wondering what's helping we write tonight's late night paper? And I'm almost done! For tonight! It still needs major finessing.
luciamad Things what are helping me channel the inner researcher I don't have in writing up a questionnaire about PHR prototypes. Fun.
luciamad Still one of the most depressing songs ever. Perfect to write a Public Library Program to.
luciamad I'm sitting in the SLIS comp lab humming, which may be annoying some, but it can't be helped. The song is too awesome
luciamad Here. Have a song that's keeping me distracted. Such a lovely voice. Very Antony

The Irrepresibles "In this shirt"

luciamad For those curious which song I'm mashing with Red Riding. A bit of a non sequitur, but I like the aural landscape it paints.
luciamad Reasons to so very love Chuck. Such winners with the music. The National, Frightened Rabbit, and now The Antlers
luciamad I'm supposed to be writing a paper but instead I'm listening to this song while my eye twitches. Why won't it stop twitching.
luciamad Especially when they remind you of vaguely disturbing books.
luciamad So because the cats won't let me sleep I've decided to try to get some homework done and listen to some smooth jams. fun covers are fun
luciamad Oh Iceland. You always make such pretty music.
luciamad Very much digging these guys. Remind me of The Magnetic Fields.
luciamad Very much enjoying these guys right now. Especially this cover.
luciamad In honor of True Blood day I bring you a song that makes me want to vid again. Eels "Fresh Blood" Hello hotness.
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