CarolElaine For comparison, here's NIN performing "Hurt" live. Still damned good, but Cash's version just kills me.
CarolElaine I sat up in bed one night, singing this song over & over. The love is endless.. (reblip)
CarolElaine Another band y'all should be listening to. Way too fun to watch live.
erong and, @davepdotorg, it had a rockin' remake or two...
CarolElaine Here's a great old song, from The Pogues. I love this song, especially when feeling I'm kinda sappy. Like today.
CarolElaine I'm a sappy kinda girl with a sappy kinda taste in music - which is why I LOVE this song. Gorgeous.
mariancall Covering Carole King for the holidays.
CarolElaine I swear this is my theme song. Yes, I do over-identify. Why do you ask?
CarolElaine One of the lushest, loveliest, saddest songs I've ever loved.
CarolElaine @mariancall: "Covering Carole King for the holidays." - And a lovely cover it is. Thank you. (reblip)
CarolElaine Every morning I wake up with a song dancing in my head that stays with me all day. Today's song: Code Monkey. Cool.

Code Monkey

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CarolElaine I know it's a cover, but this may be my favorite Johnny Cash song. The pain is palpable.
CarolElaine One of the sexiest songs you'll ever hear. Jonatha is as fantastic in concert as on CD.
CarolElaine Once again, this song is running through my head. Gawd, how I love this. (reblip)
CarolElaine Love song for my Sweetie. For when times are tough.
CarolElaine Listened to on my bus ride this morning. Kept me from committing homicide. Thank you, Leonard Cohen - you're a life saver.
CarolElaine Love. Just love. Even if the cake is a lie. :(
mfheadcase Damned cat is getting more strategic in when she attack the controller while i play left 4 dead. While i was fighting a tank this time.
CarolElaine A response tweet to @Gryffud brought this to mind. Is my undying love of this song/video wrong? If so, I don't wanna be right.
CarolElaine @mfheadcase Unsurprisingly, Irish death metal is not to my taste. I prefer something a bit more...melodic.
CarolElaine I may have found my new favorite composer (from one of my favorite movies from 2009 - or ever).
CarolElaine Hard to choose one song from ONCE to blip, but this is sadly lovely.
CarolElaine Love contemporary Celtic music? You'll love these guys (
CarolElaine Can't say I'm a big Blue Öyster Cult fan, but I LOVE this song. With or without more cowbell.
CarolElaine Guess what? I got a fever! And the only prescription.. is more Walken! And Fatboy Slim!
CarolElaine This version of "Autumn Leaves" seems to have less technical issues.
CarolElaine I seem to have a deep love for sad, sad music, and this is no exception. Do not listen if you're feeling down:
CarolElaine In keeping with my love of sad, beautiful songs, my favorite Loreena McKennitt song:
CarolElaine Not exactly upbeat, but fantastically danceable - it swirls my imagination all over the damned place:
CarolElaine Perfectly paired thematically with my previous blip. This may be a night for hunting...
Polarbeast Slick and dreamy. Plus they appeared on Buffy playing this song.
CarolElaine Marian Call = someone who deserves to be super famous. A geek girl from way back with a fantastic voice, great music and fun lyrics:
amiblue "Heron Blue" never fails to calm me down whenever I'm overly stressed out...which happens more and more often these days!
CarolElaine Sligo Rags also does a stunning version of this traditional folk song:

Black is the Color

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CarolElaine Ella's fantastic. Who else could take a song about a crime of passion & the resulting death penalty and make it sound so gorgeous?
CarolElaine Just need a little Tony Head...

Anthony_Stewart_Head _Behind_Blue_Eyes

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CarolElaine More Tony Head as Giles. *sigh*
CarolElaine My love for this version of this Leonard Cohen knows no bounds. Breaks my heart every damned time. Gorgeous.
CarolElaine Okay, Patty Griffin, for you I'll make an exception. Love this song:
CarolElaine Recently saw "Priscilla, Queen of the Desert" for 1st time. This song has been my earworm since. Let it be yours too...
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