DanseMacabre new order is synthpop love.


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DanseMacabre great to dance to in your big platform leather boots, shaking around your purple dreads
webmast Dedicata ai fans di George Michael
DanseMacabre the sweetest romantigoth love song ever.
DanseMacabre my rifle is darkwave! it goes blak-ka-ka-kat!
DanseMacabre and there was light...and man created machine... and machine created music...
DanseMacabre oldie and goodie. learning to live and love on planet earth.
DanseMacabre endless winters I recall, each living thing breathes life, only sentiment remains, to liquid born in patterns formed...
DanseMacabre a cover of joy division... awesome.
DanseMacabre give it a listen. it's an awesome song.
DanseMacabre armand's dark garage mix is also amazing
DanseMacabre this is my favorite cure song. has been for YEARS.
laga This one is for Libanese.
DanseMacabre you can really hear the punk sound here before postpunk became goth... amazing. 1st hit from fat bob n the boys.
DanseMacabre classic. but it's "son" and "heir" not "sun" and "air" like the makers of The Craft obviously thought, lol
DanseMacabre mistress of elegance... i'm not asking you to give, i want you to take...
bitter_ Drop your bombs between the minarets.
DanseMacabre FLA. Woo, I started something when I blipped blasphemous rumours an hour ago...
DanseMacabre the video is very weird


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DanseMacabre happy halloween, dia de los muertos, fet gede... whatever
DanseMacabre speaking of queen... their best in my humble opinion
DanseMacabre this song always makes me cry
DanseMacabre i want to name my first girl child this
DanseMacabre :wumpscut: -- you're a wumpscut. no, YOU'RE a wumpscut!
DanseMacabre i thought he was saying i was at the butt end for many years. hubby thought he was saying i was never funny. lol
kcee I reminisce I reminisce........I reminisce for a spell!!!
DanseMacabre i guess i didn't know. get busy, child!
DanseMacabre i own this series on dvd, and so should you, if you can still find it. seatbelts did this song.
Lady_Frostbite It's bound to get me in trouble. (dedicated to Alan & Arron, dart shooters extraordinaire.)
DanseMacabre anarchy for everyone!

Sex Pistols - Anarchy in the UK

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DanseMacabre penetration occurs sometimes when you won't give someone a haujobb.
DanseMacabre west end joms. the only pet shop boys i will condone willingly.
DanseMacabre @ nmity... Madness? This is SPARTA.
DanseMacabre coffee! coffee! coffee nation! without the "oh oh oh" in the background (thank goodness)
DanseMacabre the title track from their seminal album, "reverence" salva mea and insomnia are classic dark rave hits. get out your purple glowsticks, kiddies
DanseMacabre help me! i got my 1st cd player in my car and listened to this album relentlessly


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DanseMacabre since we're on a muse kick here
DanseMacabre and god thinks... voltaire's take on humanity's interpretation of religion.
DanseMacabre purple pixie turned me on to this song. thanks sarah!
DanseMacabre file it under rap no. 2. you don't like it, skip it. i love electronica and goth... but old school west coast rap is too good to not listen.
DanseMacabre file it under rap no. 4. rollin' down the street smokin' endo, sippin' on gin and juice...
DanseMacabre amy lee is a better singer than cristina scabbia, imho.
DanseMacabre for the record, emo sucks. but here is one of my guilty pleasures. i just keep reminding myself they ripped off goths, and that must be what it is.
DanseMacabre another of my "what am I thinking" guilty pleasures. i blame guitar hero 2. the video is pretty sweet, too.
DanseMacabre the sunken cathedral, for the english speakers out there. debussy was a pinnacle of romanticism.
DanseMacabre a radio one exclusive? eh. the william orbit mix is the jam.
DanseMacabre ambient, nice. kind of a night air feel from faith and the muse.


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DanseMacabre you talk to me, with the language of the sea. caroline lavelle has a nice voice.
DanseMacabre simply being loved is more than enough
DanseMacabre i'm not a patient person when it comes to techno, but wait for it... it's good. go angello!

moby - raining again (steve angello vocal mix)

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randymatheson its' sunday morning Church - turn it up
navkat "Would you fuck me? I'd fuck me..."
DanseMacabre @PamelaKramer. tried to add your blip, but it wouldn't play. yay for early synthpop. a fun song. bop bop choo bop.

MPop Musik

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DanseMacabre the man i'm thinking about has always been there to break my fall. i love you.
DanseMacabre ...and the trance continues... seize the night, tiesto


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pimpyourmac manchmal sind cover die geileren ohrwürmer+
DanseMacabre nico, you have got me in a monterey pop festival 60's mood
DanseMacabre cat power. she has a very beautiful voice.
gingerlipstick @lunarboy and i've never felt so baiana in years... :D
PamelaMKramer Accounting makes me slap happy!
DanseMacabre for all her cross-dressing fans... uh huh! i love this song. disco is the beginning of electronica... can you believe it? synthesizers! wo0t
DanseMacabre Vodou music! this is an absolutely beautiful song...

12-Dr. John-Litanie Des Saints

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DanseMacabre that you'd ever be... this close to me...
DanseMacabre a J-rock classic... that creepy kid with no eyes in the video... ack!
DanseMacabre post-punk spacey guitars and growly bass vocals
DanseMacabre just listen. seriously.


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DanseMacabre from the album matter + form 2005
DanseMacabre talla 2xlc -- the man who coined the word techno in 84. ayumi hamasaki -- j-pop superstar. no more words need to be written...
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