Davrocks and now to slow things down a little

broken social scene-Anthems For A Seventeen-Year-Old Girl

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Davrocks i thank this band for making this song
Davrocks such a tragically beautiful shoegazing track

The Twilight Sad 3 Seconds of Dead Air

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Davrocks i miss dancing to this song in clubs
Davrocks @sleegalizer - if you are out there, i have been loving this whole album!
Davrocks and not just because my son is obsessed with planes...
Davrocks truly a song you would want to see live
Davrocks now am all used up, a good night to all
Davrocks rb @AlyG: "so true." yet so beautiful (reblip)
Davrocks i am the only one searching for you and if i get caught then the search is through!


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Davrocks this is a revolution in my life - hard to top this!
Davrocks I know how he feels and goodbye for now

Malcolm Middleton Four Cigarettes

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Davrocks and now to go out with a bang
Davrocks and then this makes everything better
Davrocks from when they enjoyed rocking

Snow Patrol-Get Balsamic Vinegar...Quick You Fool

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Davrocks they are coming into season - so enjoy a song as sweet
Davrocks for all those climbing to the top of the mountain
Davrocks who doesn't love a retro sound

Crystal Stilts "Prismatic Room"

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Davrocks i will always have time for this song, no matter what billy corgan does next (reblip)
Davrocks rb@redredbeard - because there are some bands i like to namecheck! (reblip)
Davrocks I have no idea what this guy might be like live - chaotic i reckon
Davrocks more isaac brock is never enough
Davrocks let it drop, just let it all drop

Modest Mouse-Spitting Venom

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Davrocks one of the great tracks of all time - yeah, tell 'em about it

Sonic Youth "Kool Thing"

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Davrocks Dear Mr Chris Knox, get well and god speed.

Alec Ounsworth "A Song To Welcome The Onset Of Maturity" (Cover)

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Davrocks sell the kids for food and move on

Nirvana-In Bloom

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Davrocks strange choice of cover - but i am a sucker for wall of voodoo too!
Davrocks The Breeders – Safari

The BreedersSafari

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Davrocks this song just makes me feel joyful

Port O'Brien I Woke Up Today Official Video

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Davrocks found it, goodnight once again
Davrocks i am looking for a lullaby but keep finding other great songs
Davrocks hope your having a rocking good day, if not this may help!
Davrocks I don't, and neither do these guys - it is just a name!
Davrocks cover your eyes, the light is too bright
Davrocks follow the white rabbit, go ask alice, good night all
Davrocks for everyone out there dancing drunk

James Getting Away With It All (All Messed Up) Album Version

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Davrocks a song that doesn't need to be covered but way better than the effort Madonna put in with "american pie"

Boney M, Heart Of Gold

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Davrocks can't stop listening to these guys, this song in particular
Davrocks restoring normal transmission now
Davrocks the nirvana version is good,but when in doubt stick with the original!

The Vaselines-Son Of a Gun

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Davrocks reminds me of a party in london where the 7" of this just kept getting spun
Davrocks pop, guitar solos, what else do you need
Davrocks if you are having a bad day, listen, this will fill it with joy
Davrocks on the way decide what bendings of your will you're willing to forgive
Davrocks good night - just do as they say, it'll be worth it
Davrocks cracking piano line making a tops track
Davrocks i have been digging the chad of late - this song is pop genius
Davrocks shake it like a polaroid picture

OutkastHey Ya

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Davrocks have been loving these guys and they know how to cover a great song

Fanfarlo cover Neutral Milk Hotel 'In The Aeroplane Over The Sea'

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Davrocks @sleegalizer - definitely one of the most rocking albums ever - who mocked the sun king?
Davrocks i got nothing to say about this - just let it rock
Davrocks this doesn't help with anything but is a great listen
Davrocks heard this earlier today - it is worth hearing again
Davrocks even my toddler knows this song rocks...
Davrocks some pure pop bliss - i never ever stopped wondering...
Davrocks this is one of more enjoyable aussie songs i have heard for a while
Davrocks a great song for a rainy day
Davrocks because if anyone can pull it off @hezza it is a.c. newman
Davrocks sighning off from the bottomless pit where everyone's going
Davrocks and this has been on high rotation
Davrocks My spoken word version of "open, shut them" for my son is based on this performance. Shatner kills it!
Davrocks and finally the song that first drew me to this guy, if only there was more joy like this because i didn't tell them anything!
ilikebunnies The Who ----- My Generation

The Who My Generation (infamous explosion)

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Davrocks here is my antlers favourite @Alturn8tive
Davrocks @hezza - i'll still never forget how good this song was live! maybe dancing can start now. Tuesday is surely not too early...
Davrocks @hezza: see you sunday? is brunch too early for dancing? - all is well, see you then, never too early for dancing! Tell Slee i'll call him sometime! (reblip)

The ShinsSo Says I

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Alturn8tive Sunset Rubdown – Idiot Heart
Alturn8tive the rural alberta advantage – don`t haunt this place
Alturn8tive Bishop Allen-"Click, Click, Click, Click"...lol thx@Willmusic

"Click, Click, Click, Click" by Bishop Allen

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Alturn8tive Oh No, Oh My – Walk In The Park
Alturn8tive Coconut Records "West Coast"

Coconut Records "West Coast"

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SabriESC Another new discovery. This song is soooo good.

MapsTo The Sky

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muffinlab @leotard if you also like metric i vote you honourary canadian...thats the ban AND measurement system
alterfurz Animal at his best!!

The Muppets: Bohemian Rhapsody [1080p]

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Alturn8tive Blitzen Trapper-Black River Killer

Blitzen Trapper Black River Killer

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Davrocks yes @SabriESC - but GLS don't really have the urgency of some early REM

R.E.M.These Days

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Grandaddy Nature Anthem

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Davrocks Had a listen to this the other night - forgot how good it is
Davrocks Elliot Smith – Pretty (Ugly Before)
Davrocks Heatmiser: Why Did I Decide To Stay? - "last chance...how about i count down from the top 100, did i make the list"

Heatmiser: Why Did I Decide To Stay?

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Davrocks this song sounds like the past and the future all rolled into one - does that make it the present?

Just what I needed-The Cars

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Davrocks Guided By Voices – Chief Barrel Belly
Davrocks @hezza Perhaps some YLT can speed you up. slee had big ups for you the other night re: thesis action
MSBloom The ART OF CHILL , I LIKE IT!! THANKS 2@Gregdtc: "we need them;)" (reblip)

HauntedSun & Air

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Davrocks Butthole Surfers – Pepper
Davrocks White Denim – Mess Your Hair Up - go on, take a risk
jamesponder @KitDakota: "MC5 – Kick Out The Jams" good advice. now _IS_ time to kick out the jams, m********ker! (reblip)
Alturn8tive We were Promised Jetpacks-Short Bursts

Short Bursts

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ablackheart It's Alice from the L word!!! lol her hair! I love this song. You paralyze my mind and for that you suck!
Davrocks Neutral Milk Hotel -- Song Against Sex

Neutral Milk Hotel -- Song Against Sex

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Davrocks Sunset Rubdown – You Go on Ahead (Trumpet Trumpet II) - "you go on ahead for a while, i would like to just follow you awhile"
ronpurtee @shaggylive - I see your 3rd Bass and raise you Snow.


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Davrocks @pmpnorton - cheers for the "get goer" - here is a nice bedtime tune for when you need it
Davrocks Of Montreal – Requiem for O.M.M.2
Davrocks Elephant Stone – How Long - really people, get on these guys!
Jeffie The Royal Guardsmen - "Snoopy Vs. The Red Baron" (winter, 1967)


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Q_2 Anyone who's watched Monsters vs. Aliens remembers how cool this song was, you know you wanna dance :)
Davrocks Crystal Stilts – Departure
Davrocks Woods – Military madness
Davrocks Sunset Rubdown – "Black Swan" - I ain't afraid of no blackbird
Davrocks Woods – Down this Road
Davrocks Land Of Talk "Corner Phone" - lunchtime rock

Land Of Talk "Corner Phone" Black & White

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Davrocks Clues – "Haarp"


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Davrocks Clues - Ledmonton

Clues Ledmonton

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Davrocks Girls – Laura - reach out and touch me I'm right here...
BlacknTan Pop-O-Pies – The Catholics Are Attacking
Davrocks Nada Surf, "Ice on the Wing"

Nada Surf, "Ice on the Wing"

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Davrocks Lightspeed Champion – 'Galaxy Of The Lost'
Davrocks The Pains of Being Pure at Heart – Hey Paul
SabriESC OK, have to reblip this one @newNEWwave: "Atlas Sound – Shelia" (reblip)
nemesisurchin [The Olivia Tremor Control – Hilltop Procession (Momentum Gaining)] thanks and howdy @TootsieRola :)
SabriESC @Epicrates: "yet another great band from Sweden" Really like this one! (reblip)
SabriESC @wayoutosphere: "If you need me, I'll be out shoveling. AGAIN! -> You can't possibly have more snow than we do!! (reblip)
SabriESC @newNEWwave: "From the Sigur Ros front man. Heard it for the first time today - love it!" Nice. (reblip)
SabriESC @UncleRay- je ne suis jamais allee a France! Peut-etre un jour...

Califone--Alice Marble Gray

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Department of Eagles : Noam Chomsky Spring Break 2002 (2003)

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BlacknTan @MsBojangles..give this duo from Nashville a listen if you haven't already..Pinstripe 45's – City of the Dead
readyforthefloor 36 songs of the decade - 27: pure pop, from norway of course


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Something Vague by Bright Eyes

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BlacknTan Anyone ever been sucker punched by The Old Number Seven?..He's a sneaky bastard
everythingispop Gotta run Bleeps! Thank you for all of the amazing music tonight. Just what the doctor ordered.
Alturn8tive {Rilo Kiley – Pictures of success}still cant get enough of this one
sarahcarina Motorhead - Ace of Spades

Motorhead- Ace of Spades

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Alela Diane "White As Diamonds" from the album "To Be Still" Out Now

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Davrocks Screamfeeder – I don't know what to do any more
Davrocks love me , hold me, cause i'm free @suckmydeck: "@xyzzytwit "to do what It, in any o time"" (reblip)
Davrocks 'night, i love this track

Elliott Smith See You In Heaven

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Alturn8tive {The Dutchess and the Duke – Reservoir Park}seeing them on sunday :)
Davrocks @SabriESC: thanks for the Neil Finn thoughts but i prefer this. i never knew these two bands had crossed paths. thanks! (reblip)
Davrocks I found it! I found it! I found it! Now you ALL have to listen to it. "Bumble bee" by Adam & the Amethysts. YAY!


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Davrocks actually it is nearing bed time over here
UncleRay bask in the glow of each other's majestic presence...

They Might Be Giants-Ana Ng

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Davrocks the dogs-useless me - this song is so wonderful


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SabriESC This is a bit premature, but I won't be on blip tomorrow morning. And with -30 forecast it's unlikely to be anything but a " ". Hello @everybody : )
SabriESC @Craindre: "@SabriESC No, I make video games :-) I go where the job is hence the need for me to move soon." Is there a cooler job than that?! (reblip)
Davrocks The Little Hands of Asphalt - Blue & Green - this song is heartbreakingly good.

Blue & Green

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Davrocks for all the mums and dads who wanted to change the world...
Davrocks this is easily the best song i have heard today so i'm playing it again! (reblip)
Davrocks i do really like this song - anyone up for some rock? (reblip)
BlacknTan hello to my friend down under @Davrocks..Happy New Year to u..Aeroplane Pageant – Stars Still Pretty
Davrocks for some reason I have had the chorus of this song in my head for days - you're gonna like this one @droolius!


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by_starla [Holiday Shores - Tremor Rolls the Peak] looks that way @Davrocks :)
by_starla sorry @Davrocks... know i'm lucky to be here- btw, i assume you have prob checked out WXPN-lots of DLs. http://www.xpn.org/music-artist/music-archives
nastysurprise @DesertLily "I'm blue inside" OK, blipping one of my favorite songs ever and making a comment like that begs for answers. Talk to me, I'm listening... (reblip)
by_starla [Woven Hand - Dirty Blue] @Davrocks-they are one of my favorite groups for just the reasons you wrote
Indie_Tunes Heard this once in early 2009 & scribbled the name down. Just found the barely legible note... The Capillaries "Sleeping You Off". A'ight...

Sleeping you off

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JeffreyMarsh new jeff mangum of neutral milk hotel...
chieftinyteeth Hope you had fun in Knoxville (live), @anothercraze. /Thanks for the slowlike BTS, @Modster. No matter how long it's been, I'm still fond of this one.

Built to Spill "Joyride"

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BluJulius everybody better like it!?it's next weeks pick of the week,lol@muzicmajic: didn't have to wait for the chorus...I love it! thx! (reblip)
Davrocks Love is All – Spinning and Scratching - good night all, this is more a wake up tune but i have been wanting to hear this for days!
Davrocks @bestblips: "this was new to me, hope you like. i do." nice one, good find! (reblip)
BlacknTan Songs of Green Pheasant – West Coast Profiling
BlacknTan g'night folks..Haley Bonar – Drinking Again
nastysurprise @by_starla @Davrocks @eliott_is_dead @dronnoisseur Nice. New to me. And interesting side note, my right hand (mouse hand) is frozen. Rest of me OK. (reblip)

woven hand-story and pictures ola ta kommatia apo dekath entolh se lista sta info :)

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Alturn8tive {The 1900s – When I Say Go}
BlacknTan Hallelujah The Hills – Blank Passports
BlacknTan good God this will get you going...Parts & Labor – Fake Rain
Alturn8tive {Miracle Fortress – Fortune}
BlacknTan The Robot Ate Me – Apricot Tea
BlacknTan @Davrocks..thought I'd leave you some Keeblin' from Dinosaur Jr.'s J. Mascis..Have a great nite everyone!
Davrocks 2009s best excuse for running late: "I was needed at yesterday's parties, I was needed in the congo lone" - try that one on your boss
badtemperedzombie Evening @everythingispop Papercuts and Go Team shouldn't work, but strangely, does. How your left hemisphere? (reblip)
badtemperedzombie such a pretty song! @by_starla: "RB@everythingispop-1 of my fav songs by them! sorry missed you tonight-hope all is well" (reblip)
sarcasticoptimist @TheNewYorkChimes, Love that Sun Araw song, but I'll wait til this evening to RB. GM @paperama, (you might like this) @chelseagirl19, and @Davrocks
BlacknTan Hello Princess @smilecin & my freind Down Under @Davrocks..don't think Bob saw this version coming :)..Cloud Cult – Mr. Tambourine Man
indieearcandyforeveryone such a beautiful song i got from @katost wayyyyyy back. =] (reblip)

Burning Stars by Mimicking Birds

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muffinlab hey@Davrocks..check out novels.. not on blip, but this guy, and peeps from born ruffians and tokyo police club
sarcasticoptimist @Davrocks excellent! @radolo both a bad band name AND an earworm. i can't even read the fucking title of that song w/o getting it stuck in my head.
Davrocks @badtemperedzombie - you do make me laugh, but with this truly good track I bid you all farewell and good night.

HaydenTrees Lounge

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midnightwalker From their album to be released in April
midnightwalker @snapbadger I hadn't even heard of him until last week some promoter informed me that he's coming to Finland. Luckily I found him in time :)
redredbeard May I also recommend treating yourself to Travels' 2 self-releases? http://www.myspace.com/travelsband Around $12 and the ST has handpainted artwork!

the forgotten

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midnightwalker @snapbadger Have you heard this? This band's debut will most likely be the best debut 2010 for me
badtemperedzombie I love this song, love this whole album! @everythingispop: "Inspired by @badtemperedzombie" (reblip)
craigz some kind of perfect. it is true, sleep is about to win.
nastysurprise @Coffeenuts: "David Gray – Say hello, wave goodbye" I can dig this right now. (reblip)
Davrocks @midnightwalker: And with Declan de Barra - now you are just teasing that is not fair, that will be an amazing show so you'd better appreciate it! (reblip)
midnightwalker @Davrocks Well I found out just a week ago that they're coming to Finland. Before that I hadn't even heard of them
midnightwalker I read somewhere that 6 of his gigs in Sunset in Paris had been sold out. So the gig must be something unbelievable. Male version of Ane Brun maybe?
midnightwalker @Davrocks btw Have you heard this? One of my last year's favourite songs! Coming to Finland in Feb but I was late as it was already sold out :(
by_starla hi @SabriESC! how are you? i'm working through new music backlog. really liking this group (fwd @wayoutosphere@Alturn8tive@everythingispop@Davrocks).
Davrocks rb@by_starla: "OK, it's official-i definitely really like this band. good analog sound. fwd @the_night_manager@Davrocks@SabriESC" - very nice! (reblip)
craigz @by_starla your Blind Pilot blip wouldn't play for me; love BP.
mnemosine it's just that among all the free music in the web it needs time and effort to find the good one - but yes, it will be more and more :) @amycanbe (reblip)

Sean Fournier: Holding the Hand of the Hurricane

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Indie_Tunes First I'm hearing. I concur. Very nice. Thanks @RunRunItsHim: "This is the best thing I've heard in the last 3 minutes and 41 seconds. Listen now!" (reblip)
everythingispop @by_starla Great to see you too my friend. Week is flying by so that is a great thing. Hope yours is sailing along as well. (reblip)
Hutchy From the TV series 'Spaced'. Damn that was a good show.

star wars imperial march remix fader gladiator

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Davrocks rb @midnightwalker - not so sleepy that i can't reblip this one. nice choice, and good night. i hope last night was fun! (reblip)
Indie_Tunes Big props! Very nice. Great cover of the Psych Furs jam! @DJ_HeckaCool: "Isn't she? Props to @whistlin_indie: "The National – Pretty In Pink"" (reblip)
SabriESC @Davrocks- have you ever heard this one? Totally cracks me up.
nanofoam "strictly east coast sneaky flute music" fuckkkkkkkk i love them
jmikeh Guided By Voices - Love Hurts: what might have been @Davrocks. Bob once said that Kim was the only woman he'd ever consider having in GBV.

Guided By Voices (Kim Deal and Robert Pollard) - Love Hurts

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by_starla @lilyetc-they were so very good-it was wonderful to get to see them. hoping you get through tax prep painlessly, btw.:)
mnemosine lovely! rb @midnightwalker: "@snapbadger I guess you know this brilliant British band(?) Unfortunately on hiatus now :(" (reblip)
midnightwalker @mnemosine Like the stuff from their latest album even more!
SabriESC @Davrocks @Surreality- have you heard this band? Thought you might like them.
Alturn8tive {Forest City Lovers – Country Road}
SabriESC @midnightwalker: "Really nice indie pop song you should check out if you haven't already!" I did, and like it! TY : ) (reblip)
HellenKellersIpod Wow. Am I glad I found this. Legends of Rodeo - We'd Be Happier Here


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SabriESC @midnightwalker: "@SabriESC Nice to see someone listening & liking. Thanks for that! Hope you like this too :)"<3 it. More music I must buy! TY : ) (reblip)
Stedwar if you haven't already, you can get this here http://awe.sm/44VXQ


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by_starla RB@lilyetc-thank you so much-it is perfect 4 me:): "the stevenson ranch davidians ~ stargazer ~ this is perfect for you > i have scrobbler now...omg" (reblip)
indieearcandyforeveryone same here... very nice. thank you both. @JimmyDanko: "never heard this. thx. :) @BlacknTan: "Hospital Ships – The Shots I Drank"" (reblip)
BlacknTan g'night folks..Pale Young Gentlemen – Paper Planes
vegemum @RonnieSoak: "This is defiantly #coversthatdon'tsuck, Christy is his own indomitable style with his take on the Pink Floyd classic." <<like it! (reblip)
indieearcandyforeveryone thx for the link! i will pass it on. blip is actually really good with friska. @okmusic: "And they're offering more here http://tinyurl.com/yjc8qn8" (reblip)
BlacknTan wow, the BLIPflys are killing it tonight @Davrocks @goliardi @by_starla @radofreeillinois @Modster..ahh, this tune will promise to transport far away!
SabriESC @Davrocks- have you heard this fine Cn. band?// Hello @harryhaller-you and I must be pretty close in age.Are you turning 41 on Feb. 13, by chance? ; )
Davrocks @SabriESC - That should be "Someday I will treat you nicely", sorry Miss
Davrocks @pmpnorton: thanks and check out these guys elephantom.com/music.html (reblip)


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Jonathan Coulton-Still Alive

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by_starla @Epicrates@craigz@SabriESC@everythingispop@wayoutosphere@newNEWwave@MusicRex-have you listened to the RSB? a friend from Australia intro me to them.
Franimal I owe the credit for hearing this band to @by_starla. Thank you! :) (reblip)
newNEWwave Just came up on Wedge. It is a great track.

HaydenTrees Lounge

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SabriESC @by_starla: "[Broadcast 2000 - Get Up And Go] fwd @Alturn8tive @SabriESC" Of course, I love this~TY! Music-buying ban is not going to last.... (reblip)
SabriESC @Davrocks- another great song from this band : )
VeryEmerald lovely. @whistlin_indie: "@sarah__o She turns me into goo. [Russian Red – Kiss My Elbow]" (reblip)
by_starla @Davrocks-one free-music blip deserves another-EP available from Sun Airway at their website http://www.sunairway.com/
by_starla [Geographer - Rushing In Rushing Out] really liking this album, and this song especially. fwd @MusicRex@everythingispop @Alturn8tive@SabriESC@Davrocks
by_starla RB@okmusic-just went to site & donated-about to listen to SE :) : "Spiral Eyes is my rec. It's pay what you want at his site. Peter Adams-I Evolve" (reblip)

02 I Evolve

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midnightwalker @Davrocks So you're keeping track of incoming and outgoing money. Am I right?
SabriESC @Epicrates- bought some of their songs today. You didn't fully express how GOOD they are....
pratinsky nice @nofrills: "#electronic #CCmusic from Beijing, China. Download the album here: http://www.archive.org/details/bp013 // Good night, everyone" (reblip)


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Davrocks ooh, I've looked for this song before and never found it but now there is this! I think @Epicrates and @SabriESC might just enjoy this a little bit
Davrocks Electronic Music Alert!

Dead Eyes Opened 1993 Remix

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okmusic I could not be more amused at the moment. #coversthatdontsuck
Davrocks ha, I was going to play the Moody Blues track today at some stage! @by_starla: "[Midnight Movies - Nights In White Satin] (reblip)
VillageGirl Love this version! So fun- definitely not what the Cure was going for- Tanya Donnelly is delicious
muffinlab ty again @MsBojangles for the intro to this sweet gravy:)
LocoStavos Nice. Whiskeytown ish use of backing vocals rb@orangekittypie: "More thanks for all the blipping fun! :) LocoStavos @Melusina (reblip)
makinloverite isn't this great..love it TY@FunkmasterFlemse: "Nice :) @makinitrite: "its about time to hear this one today..addicted to this.."" (reblip)

The GufsSmile

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badtemperedzombie time for me to say goodnight, dear BLIPophiles. I'll leave you with a great Vancouver folk band, covering a great Vancouver klezmer-punk. Hey Tuesday!

light enough to travel

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makinloverite going there now..puter went wack... :)@JimmyDanko: "ha...I did. if you click on my site you'll see it. :) did you post pics of your painting yet?"" (reblip)
Davrocks Thanks, this is a lovely bed time tune and it must be a lovely waking up track. have a good day @by_starla: "[Wild Sweet Orange - Sour Milk]" (reblip)
Davrocks nice thanks, hope you are well rb@kimsche vi@rakula (reblipthanks!)" (reblip)
BlacknTan What Made Milwaukee Famous – Cheap Wine
BlacknTan Head Like a Kite – A Dime and a Cigarette
BlacknTan The Snake The Cross The Crown – Behold The River
by_starla [The Essex Green - The Late Great Cassiopia] @SabriESC-not sure whether that other blip actually played, so take 2--hello! how are you?
by_starla [Oxford Collapse–For The Winter Coats] @Davrocks-here you go! freshly ULed for you. and yes, there are such things as snow days!
badtemperedzombie time for me to say good night, dear blipstars. I leave you with the best song I heard today. Have a fabulous Thursday!
BlacknTan Limbeck – In Ohio On Some Steps
Dolittle speaking of opening acts, these guys opened for The Low Anthem
lilyetc sarah jaffe ~ ever born again @nastysurprise72 ~ a little bird told me you like her , me too
midnightwalker Hello@Davrocks Try this Swede! The song is called "On the Rooftop"
Davrocks I will reblip my namesake songs :) @Dolittle (reblip)
lilyetc @Davrocks this is a free download on last.fm ~choir of young believers ~ apart
newNEWwave @Epicrates: I'm psyched for the big GP competition 2nite @craigz @SabriESC @Davrocks...this is gettin outta hand... I've been saving some for weeks! (reblip)

Warumpi Band : Blackfella/Whitefella (1987)

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Indie_Tunes Same day RB. Really, really like this :) Indie_Tunes: "Really like this. Absolutely love her voice." (reblip)
amsiebee At some point I'm going to have to stop listening to this song on repeat... Eventually...
doubledrat @sandyriverside: @doubledrat, you coming back?" have tickets to magnetic fields next week so b4 then? too hard 2 pass up when i begged to stay longer. (reblip)
JimmyDanko quicker than the human eye
by_starla [Midnight Movies-Nights In White Satin] here you go and hello @Davrocks (they also have a version in French that is great). hello also @Modster@craigz
Epicrates so sad...apparently this fine band isnt going to be heard from again...but hey..thank goodness Miley Cyrus is still crankin out great stuff!!!
nofrills Yes I will (go to the library etc), the weather is beautiful here today. RB @mnemosine: "... rb@DeadCabbage" #freemusic http://cults.bandcamp.com/ (reblip)
everythingispop One of my favourite new discoveries...
melodyofurlife I have now Great tune RB @nastysurprise72: "@everythingispop Speaking of new discoveries, have you heard this one yet?" (reblip)
midnightwalker @nastysurprise72 I like this too! This band has members from Coldplay and A-Ha too ;)
elfgirl @melodyofyourlife is this @NyQuilDriver!?!? love it!! thanks for your help. and @NyQuilDriver you rule and must listen to your blip friends. (reblip)
craigz @elfgirl: "and one of my favorite covers for you guys by james mcnew from yo la tengo. sounds appropriate eh?" / this is just so good; again! (thanks) (reblip)
muzicmajic i'm liking this band more and more! thx @droolius!
melodyofurlife @NyQuilDriver Can bring it! If he would ever respond? Go for Shiner Bock, 6th Street, Home Slice Pizza, the music & --> @elfgirl @Anomaly of course.
Davrocks oh, i like this, more music to go and research @BlacknTan: "Violent Soho - Jesus Stole My Girlfriend" (reblip)

Jesus Stole My Girlfriend by Violent Soho

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BlacknTan The Flaming Lips With Stardeath And White Dwarfs – Borderline
megg http://www.pbs.org/independentlens/young-at-heart/ <----- watch this documentary. you can thank me later.
BlacknTan Carissa's Wierd – All Apologies and Smiles, Yours Truly, Ugly Valentine
badtemperedzombie I wish I could actually hear this as I recall it being awesome. Sing it for me will ya? @everythingispop (reblip)
rockboy The Jim Jones Revue – Hey Hey Hey Hey >>> Holy Shit what is this fuckin noise man its just wild
Dolittle got to rb @MrDali: "*wave*" dam why are they no more (well for now anyway), sob sob (reblip)
rockboy Ganglians – Valient Brave >> give it a min let it kick in ... it takes you for a ride
SabriESC @Davrocks- I make 'mixed CDs' for the vehicle w/songs I think the kids would like. This one's a huge favourite.
melodyofurlife Really dig this track from the band called, Pree. Check it out.
by_starla hi @space_cadet! wondering if you and @Alturn8tive have seen latest blog on new RF album? http://tiny.cc/fEGYl hello also @jmikeh and @Fated :)
MusicIsMySunshine Hmm let me try this again! rb@ajackhasbeenpluggedin // awesome awesome stuff at http://ajackpluggedin.wordpress.com - my main music source :)
Alturn8tive {Patients – Tall Tale No.5}@Davrocks..pick this project up for free from same guy http://www.musicfloss.com/patients great album
badtemperedzombie it's awesome! @Totengrber: "Woot..someone in France liked my Boards of Canada cover.." (reblip)
DJ_Moishe Why haven't I heard this song before?
sasskarooni oh. my. goodness. ty! @rockboy: "Tune-Yards – Real Live Flesh" (reblip)
twylalee another for @Davrocks. Will never forget this from my childhood.

harry belafonte and the muppets

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WinTheWonderboy The National-Bloodbuzz Ohio!!!! New National song! sounds fantastic!
Alturn8tive whole album is free and has been for months..fyi@thesearejams: "rb @Alturn8tive: "{Magic Man – Daughter}"" (reblip)
DareToEatAPeach Me too! =P @muzicmajic: "who me?? <said as innocently as possible!> hehe rb@orangekittypie: "*your* fault now I am addicted to CVC myself!!" (reblip)
Capndad Porcupine Tree's tour guitarist John Wesley. Download his whole catalog for free on his web site.
wayoutosphere @SabriESC: Yer sh%$ting me..! It was on R3 like 20 x a day last year. Only just became blippable though. Hi! (btw) odd weather in yyc today. (reblip)
by_starla RB@Alturn8tive <3 this: "check this band out ... {Admiral Fallow– Old Balloons LIVE@ The Mill another song from them.This album is going to be killer" (reblip)
Indie_Tunes Debut "Soundtrack To The End" released today. Liking.
BlacknTan I think we all have been down this river before..evening @Davrocks
makinloverite yes it is! wow..love it!TY :)@MsBojangles: "damn good cover." (reblip)
okmusic Hey there @BlacknTan, good ta see ya :] Heard these guys (and girl)?
Alturn8tive {Admiral Fallow – Squealing Pigs}
SabriESC @Davrocks @nastysurprise72....another favourite, courtesy of @by_starla... a little Newpornographeresque....
indieearcandyforeveryone nice! haven't listened to them on last.fm but i will pass along. thx @kristenboyd: "Awesome! You didn't tell me there's 14 free songs on last.fm :P" (reblip)
rockboy Woven Bones – Some Call It A Grave
by_starla RB@kristenboyd with many thanks-so many wonderful songs on your page, as always: "Addicted to it again. Pick o' the day." (reblip)
muzicmajic this is GREAT! love it!! thx again! rb@Koshka: "great! thankies for asking. Check out this band i found today, whatcha think? heya! how are ya?" (reblip)


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graynoise again, 'cos it's that good.
Lovecat @craigz: "on repeat for days now..." ...& i'll just knick that one right quick, tyvm.../ this band = my latest, greatest obsession ;-) (reblip)
doubledrat Beastie Boys vs Modest Mouse – Fl-Float It Out ...off to face humanity ... cheers @PORTERla @Lovecat @craigz @soundmangroupie @Davrocks
BlacknTan Carissa's Wierd – All Apologies and Smiles, Yours Truly, Ugly Valentine
BlacknTan Stars Of Track And Field – Movies Of Antarctica
jmikeh Son, Ambulance - Paper Snowflakes
JimmyStagger @Rule303 I didn't know they covered this, cute.
by_starla [Get Well Soon - Werner Herzog Get Shot] @Davrocks - Vexations is a really good album - great songs (and titles) :)
Davrocks loving your set tonight rb @psychsonicsuzie - now no pressure to keep it up or anything (reblip)
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