Epicrates Undoubtedly the best song of the 90's from the best and most influential band of the 90's
Epicrates Obviously influenced by the great Joy Division....great in it's own right....
Epicrates A great band that has joined the ranks of the greatest classic Shoegaze bands
Epicrates Another great track off their latest...my favorite Album of 2007
Epicrates My second fav from one of the alltime great classic era Shoegazers
Epicrates My second favorite from one of my alltime fav classic Gaze bands...Greatness
Epicrates My favorite from Lush and probably second fav Gaze song alltime....classic


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Epicrates Wish we had more Ride on here....
Epicrates The Stairway to Heaven of Shoegaze...none better...Greatness

01 Leave Them All Behind

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Epicrates To be truthful, this is one of the few songs I really dig by Chan but this one's just awesome....
Epicrates One of my fav newer Gaze songs...
Epicrates More awesome newer Gaze stuff..
Epicrates electronica/gaze = greatness


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Epicrates MBV clone stuff...which is not necessarily a bad thing =)
Epicrates most peeps either love it or hate it...I personally think it's brilliant..
Epicrates Emma's band after Lush

Sing SingTegan

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Epicrates very nice electronica
Epicrates Classic from one of the most influential and important bands of alltime...
Epicrates More excellent newer Cali Gaze...
Epicrates more greatness from the greatest and most influential Shoegaze band of alltime...cant believe there's not more tracks from them on here...
Epicrates My fav Primal Scream...you can hear Kevin Shield's(MBV)influence on this one..
Epicrates great stuff from this "second tier" Shoegaze band from the classic era...
Epicrates more Scandanavian awesomeness....lovely


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Epicrates Great new stuff...Canadian Gaze!
Epicrates My fav CT song...later stuff from one of the biggest influences on the Gaze era....
Epicrates Dreary greatness from the UK...love it
Epicrates Love those Down under bands....wish they had Dreamland though..
Epicrates Another great unappreciated Gaze band that didnt make it...sad...
Epicrates Awesome wall of sound...Canadian Gaze
Epicrates love the opening chords...awesome Gaze from the UK homeland....
Epicrates Richard Ashcroft's amazing epic
Epicrates so cool...so much better than the band they melded into..The Communards...
Epicrates cool and unusual lyrics....always wondered about the significance of the title


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Epicrates Gotta love an environmentally themed song....Ned's is great
Epicrates one of my favs from the post New Wave era...
Epicrates x Red House Painters Mark Kozelek's somewhat new project...beautiful...
Epicrates one of my rare upbeat songs on here...lol..gotta love this
Epicrates The great electronic band from France...bon jour
Epicrates Underappreciated Classic from these forebearers of the Shoegaze era...
Epicrates old fav...gotta love 4ad

UnrestSo Sick

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Epicrates thanks to @whittington for reminding me of this....such a cool vid if you ever get a chance to see it....
Epicrates My fav Smiths....Morrisey and Johnny Marr..so great together..so bad apart....
Epicrates Love Love Love The Stranglers....
Epicrates More insanity from the evil genius Anton Newcomb....
Epicrates Psycho delic masterpiece from the Dandys
Epicrates Frosty Icelandic majesty
Epicrates Reppin Philly Shoegaze!


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Epicrates Classic Gaze band I missed the first go around....
Epicrates Richard Ashcroft on vocals here....
Epicrates I'm beginning to think Ride was the greatest band of alltime...more greatness...Dulcesky redid a fine version of this last year...


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Epicrates Sublime Etherialness...Miki and Emma...


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Epicrates One of the great classic era Gaze bands often overlooked...#3 on my list
Epicrates So happy we had this....awesome awesome awesome!
Epicrates More great Shoegaze from Icy Scandanavia...


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Epicrates Another classic from one of the major Gaze influence bands...
Epicrates More Madchester! Love the fade out... (reblip)
Epicrates My fav of the the angry young Brits...Joe Jackson Rulz!
Epicrates I have a thing for New Zealand bands....wish they had more here....no Bats stuff??? wtf!!!!
Epicrates ramp it up...great newer GothGazeCore (another new Genre!) from some of the remaining members of Skywave.....
Epicrates Thanks@reynah Lonely is an Eyesore, great memories of back in the day and 120 Minutes...another one from that era....great stuff! =)
Epicrates awesome stuff


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Epicrates Seminal GothCore/Industrial band that influenced many....so unappreciated...

LoopFade Out

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Epicrates another great influence on later bands..check out The Tamborines..of course Spacemen3 had the same sound before everyone.....
Epicrates Happy we had this...you can hear the Galaxie 500 influence....so cool...
Epicrates Not my fav of the the big five classic era Shoegazers (MBV, Lush, Ride, Pale Saints) but still certainly like em a bit =)
Epicrates Speaking of seminal bands....clearly THE greatest indie rock influence over the past 30 or so years....we are not worthy =)
Epicrates Classic stuff...one of the major Shoegaze/indie scene influences....
Epicrates what a great song....great lyrics...trippy
Epicrates Continuing with the classic old school Punk...I'd be remiss if I didnt include the great Descendents
Epicrates Blur before their Britpop dayz....Gazin...
Epicrates Hi @mmemaledicta...always liked The Sisters more than their offshoots The Mission....The original Goths!
Epicrates More psychOdelic NuGaze...love these guys...saw em a few years ago...great peeps
Epicrates From their great album Some Friendly...my fav Madchester band...
Epicrates my second favorite Smiths....more to come!
Epicrates The last Smiths song and one of the best...sadly missed...
Epicrates cool...interesting...unusual...lovely...
Epicrates This is Tears Run Rings...just wonderful...


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Epicrates another from this great newer Cali Indie band which is receiving some decent attention quite inexplicably...hear the Shoegaze influence?? =)
Epicrates You could la la la la la ~


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Epicrates Glad we had this...love it love it love it...
Epicrates dreamy trippy....he's worked with just about every newer Gaze band...
Epicrates Damn dude @dronedream...where'd ya find this??..I was looking all over for it...cheers again! =)
Epicrates wow...just thought of this..loved this a long time ago...
Epicrates Awesome Cali Gaze..love the heavy chords after the first verse...wasting time...started slow...


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Epicrates and by the way..if you see your mom this weekend....
Epicrates becoming a classic...


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Epicrates Thanks @midy forgot about thisone....cool as Kim deal... (reblip)
Epicrates Thanks @irenet havent heard this in awhile...love Billy Zoom's hard guitar in this...cool vid also (reblip)
Epicrates Hey @Cysquatch Good followup to the Marc Almond tune here...TRR's a great new band if you're not familiar...obviously taking their name from Almond..
Epicrates Dig it...I've regained my consciousness and stepped out of the temporary insanity...
Epicrates Love these guys...they're playing tonight..if you're out in L.A. get off your puter and go see them!!


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Epicrates Another very cool Cali Gazepop band...

Fonda - Surrender

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Epicrates wish they had my fave MM song...Crash Landing...this'll do though...
Epicrates Thanks to @coolguitarboy for finding this great forgotten song...Rob is now leading The SkyDrops (reblip)
Epicrates awesome awesome awesome 2nd gen UK Gaze....how does it feel to feel...
Epicrates great stuff and an awesome video if you ever caught it...
Epicrates one of the best vids of alltime..of course first seen on 120...hell yeah @Cysquatch...remember The Godfathers well..remember Dave the English dude vj?
Epicrates felt like hearing this since @newNEWwave brought up dancing =)
Epicrates That led to this..couldnt resist....
Epicrates which led to this..dont worry i'm not doing an 80's new wave thing again tonight..lol
Epicrates loved Wire...anyone remember when they lost one of their members (cant remember which one) and they started to call themselves "Wir"?


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Epicrates This is a very cool newer band called Universal Circus..the track is "magic styling mirror" surprised we had this...cool stuff!


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Epicrates great cover of the MBV classic....


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Epicrates great newer Gaze from these guys....
Epicrates thanks for reminding me to play some YLT @by_starla....good evening! =)
Epicrates another of my faves from em...
Epicrates cool cool cool...glad we had this...this is School of Seven Bells - My Cabal


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Epicrates goes very well with Destroyalldreamers =)
Epicrates a wonderful unappreciated lost Gaze band from the Detroit area....lovely...
Epicrates omg! I've been looking for this song forever!
Epicrates a very important song to me..#2 on my recent music fave list..thanks to the great @by_starla for helping me with the UL ...you're the best! =)
Epicrates hello all...leading off with a certified masterpiece and my 5th favorite of alltime...a much unheralded unappreciated Aussie band...beautiful..epic...
Epicrates oh man...so great...Gala was such an unbelievable album...
Epicrates wow @unpopular..blast frm the past dude..my fave college station played the crap outta this back in the day..I DONT NEED GOD..ALL I NEED IS AN AMOEBA! (reblip)
Epicrates ok this and the last one arent strictly Gaze but def have some elements...Gaze on @Indexserv! =)

Kent400 Slag

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Epicrates another from em....one more great band that didnt last nearly long enough....
Epicrates just caught this on my fave internet radio station today that being Vertigo on the Live365 network..check it out sometime if you're into cool music
Epicrates evening all...new stuff I just got turned on to.....preeeetttty coooool =)


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Epicrates playing on Vertigo now


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by_starla [Film School-Pitfalls] hello/'night (perhaps) @sellout. goodnight & thanks for the Low @anebulosa. & hi again @Epicrates-my pleasure re. Engineers :)
Epicrates this is the great and much lamented Voices..gone but not forgotten..nite @craigz & @SabriESC...fun as alwayz


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Epicrates once again leaving w/The Voices..sadly missed..nite @craigz & of course @SabriESC..u can still catch some reruns of the O's girlfriend..go Canada! =)


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