brabul elephant love medley #6 - and nothing will keep us togetheeeeeeerrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
FrankRamblings Right out of 5x01 "Arrival". One of the best songs ever used on Smallville!
brabul elephant love medley original #4 - you crazy fool, i won't give it to you...
camden the beginning is dangerously close to 'imagine'...
Antenaweb Dance Tonight – Paul McCartney
FrankRamblings if anyone knows this one, i'll be surprised. such a hugely underrated band.
potatohead69 in 1986 Dan was born and discovered the joys of ROCK ME AMADEUS! (reblip)
2legit2quit Happy happy happy music day. I just went to the library and achieved musical bliss. I love pirating.
FrankRamblings George Michael + Sir Paul = A remake that's better than the original
RussEl "...let the wind blow high let the wind blow low..."
FrankRamblings i waaant you to want me. i neeeeeeed you to need me. (reblip)
bighonkin Holding a boombox over my head...

Peter Gabriel - In Your Eyes

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FrankRamblings and the laaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaamb. lies doooooowwwwn. on BROOOAAADWAY!
FrankRamblings one of the wackiest songs i know. looooove the video too
FrankRamblings woops. let's try lettin' those lights go out on Broadway again...
kenshane The Kinks - Waterloo Sunset
FrankRamblings this is just a classic example of amazing prog rock


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bighonkin It's the loneliest number you'll ever do...2 can be as bad as it...but dang...ONE...that's lonely.
FrankRamblings a song about comic book characters? by THE paul mccartney?! yes please.
Moura I can´t find RUDY. Somebody help me...
FrankRamblings this is one of the most AMAZING songs ever. gets to me every time. sing it, harry. sing it.
emilysanford Um pouco de esperança, pra não perder o costume.
FrankRamblings ain't no sunshine when she's gone, and she's always gone too long anytime she goes away (reblip)
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