eyglo @Harkaway @juliansimpson Now this is a Sunday morning sun to my taste! :)
eyglo Fuck it. Let's go bowling....errr or something
hiabowman If I had time I'd totally take a bath just cause of this song, so great :D
hiabowman Seriously how the hell they put together tracks like this always amazes me, so fuckin' good.
Itxi And another '70's tune...yes peeps it wasn't the '80's just yet...

Joy Division - Love Will Tear Us Apart

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Itxi He's the rocket mannn
Itxi Those streetlights are blindin'
eBeth Play this and ask for anything.. it's yours.
warren_bennett because i love Ryan Adams so much and because this lyric has the word cigarette in it.
warren_bennett one more for @juliansimpson.see him live if you can.he's too good for words.
Itxi You lost your cookie too? (0_0) Why not boogie while ur at it... (reblip)
Itxi Oh yeah, it would be so good Nik
Itxi Michael Knight used 2 rule...
Itxi When Michael Knight went to India, this is what happened...
Itxi Cuz the title rocks...and it's funky...
Itxi Like being lost in a trippity trip...
Itxi When classical music & dance meet...
hiabowman I only ever remember how much I like this track when I hear it :)
hiabowman *points at @amyknapp* there's one of 'em!
warren_bennett theme tune for sitcom starring @eBeth and @apdunne and a ton of stuff from the Apple store.

Man About The House

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Itxi Awww poor Vinnie...but lovely for us...
hiabowman I'm fairly sure my MacBook is :(
Itxi Bowie flies off into space again...& meets Beatles underway... (reblip)
Itxi Cuz Fischerspooner are simply hot..remixed or not..
Itxi Revenge can be sweet, when it's done in music....
Itxi Classic favorite...
Itxi Because there are other ways of looking at it...that are beautiful...
Itxi bit of a dance vs hip hop thang going on...
demonchild6 For all the lost boys and girls.
MatBlackmore This goes out to all who have ever lost in love. Lyrically perfect. I'm not crying.
Itxi For all ya ladies out there, and for the dudes who wanna do somethin for their ladies...
Itxi If you like beats: you gotta dig mr Oizo's freakiness..
warren_bennett it's raining.that means i get to wear a hat for my coffee walk later.nice.
Itxi When two giants meet....you get puuurdy music....
Itxi Fo those lazy afternoons in the sunshine...
Itxi Aaaand to wake up again, ready to get stuff done....
Itxi *play loud when pep is needed*
Itxi More than one minute left....but who's countin'...
Itxi Cuz they made dance music in the olden days too....
Itxi Randomly from my ipod...
warren_bennett It's like we're picking up trash in dresses... this came second.
Itxi *utility belt, '70's porn stache & drill* (reblip)
demonchild6 Good morning all. Start your day funky.
Itxi Another Funky morrow tune...inspired by superutilitybeltpornstacheman...
Angpang It was only a matter of time before I blipped this. White Lines...
Itxi Captain Kirk goes *ballad*...
Itxi Feeling reinvigorated *hazzaaaaa!*....

Survivor - Eye Of The Tiger

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Itxi Working on budget, oh yeah money you're so dirrty....
Itxi Meet: The Ballsac Club <3 @demonchild6 - Bender, @Itxi_Itx - Ally, @abiblackmore - Andrew, @maybeitwasutah - Brian, @learymay - Claire
Itxi ...maybe we can go down a spiral staircase...
Itxi ...but then I could be wrong and then you might want...
Itxi ...uh oh! careful you don't get.... (reblip)
Itxi ...cuz then you might turn into a...


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Itxi For all of you who've had a shitty day today...*yes me too*...

SokoShitty Day

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Itxi Song out of the "soundtrack" of the play I'm currently directing....

etta james - i just want to make love to yo

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Itxi More music from my play's "soundtrack"....
Itxi Openings tune 2 my play....
Itxi Another tune from my play....and appropriate for this past week...hehe
Itxi Remember this funky somethin' somethin' from not so very long ago?
Itxi Blushingly kinky, but utterly groovy and therefore a former (serious) contender for my play's soundtrack....you might know it from "Boogie Nights"....
Itxi Very fitting after the last tune...and also contender.... (^_-)
Itxi The result of all that kinky groovy-ness....(and yes...this one too...)...
Itxi For all ye who were M.I.A. (with and without boobies)....(^_^)
Itxi @doodlewhale image of you flying with this on the background...
Itxi @waitingword for you girrl...

Rocky Raccoon

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eyglo Might as well work... :)
sarahpinborough For Twitter's favourite part-time cross dresser...@warren_bennett. Work that slutty look!


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Itxi In the time of chimpanzees I was a monkey....


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Itxi Enter the fluffy darkness....

BeckDark Star

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shadowhoney Love this.....! Video was amazing!!

fugies - fugees - ready or not

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fugies - fugees - ready or not

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Itxi Leftfield - Phatplanet
warren_bennett Getting in the mood for saturday.I don't move as fast as i used to.
Itxi More lovely Chet...witchcraft....
warren_bennett Goodnight all... time for tea,work and sleep.
doodlewhale yay, conchords on at 10:30, most beautiful tv (in the room)
Itxi Oh hell yeah, Isaac, bring it ON...
juliansimpson Welcome to another #WankpotWednesday, Twitter. Bring the noise...
Itxi Time to shake awake....shake thine head oh Twitteeroos!
Itxi More head banging in the morrow.....
juliansimpson At least this one works. Might even make @sarahjpin smile.
juliansimpson Tunes don't come any better than this EVER...
sarahpinborough Taking it old Skool..I loved this..had the Album tape..;-)
Itxi Raaaaaaah inhale inhale!
Itxi Black Hole sun...with a jazzy twist...
Itxi Billy pimped by Paul... (^_^)
Itxi Left the best for last...Nirvana...Jazzyfied...
Itxi Fabo tune...and yes...also "She rubs the lotion on..."
Itxi Mid-Week-Move-Your-Tush-Time!
eBeth oooh.... I need a fog machine. Like, now.

Led Zep-Black Dog

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Itxi Buenas noches, mes petits..I leave you with a lovely oldie...
Itxi All time favo dance-ish tune...
Itxi Wouldn't it be good...to sit on a beach somewhere right now....
Itxi Time for a little Bass...to break up the day...waddayasay?
Itxi Morroww is nothing without a little Bowie...in a Brazilian jacket...
Itxi Cuz nobody really should...but still definitely would...
Itxi R-U-Ready to Uff....uhuh....
Itxi Slaughtered or not...they be pumpin'....
Itxi Merci George, ça 'c est trés joli....
Itxi Sebastian fait sa chose avec les Punks....
FaderCreep Portishead - Roads - This song suits heavy rain, a tired brain, & thoughts of throwing yourself under a train. Enjoy!
Itxi I totally agreee...RT @FaderCreep: "Portishead - Roads - This song suits heavy rain..." (reblip)
Itxi cuz the rain is drip drip dripping....and the city's quiet as a result....
warren_bennett It doesn't actually get more wrong than this.He even looks stupid.But I love it!
Itxi for all yo sexy mamacita's and papi's out there...you know who you are...
maybeitwasutah From one end of cool to the other.


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Itxi Another cheesy-puff that utterly rocks...and made it into one of my plays...

Supertramp - Dreamer

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Itxi Cuz people keep forgetting...but it rocked!
Itxi Time for more Rockin' rock inbetwixt the cheesy cheese...
demonchild6 My all time favourite song in the world ever. I thing I know you all well enough now.
maybeitwasutah This is Edie and I backing out of the room for bedtime (hers not mine)
demonchild6 Forget the last version. Here it is live and glorious.
Itxi Now where were we...ah yes...RZA in tha houseee...
Itxi Cuz N.A.S.A. rocks...and no, not the space program...
Itxi Whatchadoin? - N.A.S.A. gold, feat M.I.A., Santogold, Spank Rock n' Nick Zinner...
Itxi ...and with that...more of the luscious Santogold...
doubledrat @Rollerballrocco @whistlin_indie im through casting aspersions only gets me in trouble. smiles from now on. 4those about 2rock, i salute u. ;)
doubledrat vi@sartorialwhimsy ...not exactly what im in the mood for but cant help myself... hey @Itxi. welcome to the terrordome.... (reblip)
Itxi ..the best old Skool hip hop tune....
doubledrat Liz Phair – Girls, Girls, Girls -- Exile In Guyville 6/24/1993 #matador releases cheers @radolo @katost @nick_sorg @Northrunnnercan
Itxi Summery tune in tha pre-summer...
Itxi For the space-men out there...and space-ladies too of course...
Itxi And if you're having brekkie, here's one for you...
Itxi Don't bring me down...cuz I'm feelin' fluffy....

13 - Benny Sings - No more drinks for me

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Itxi Benny SIngs - Coconut


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Itxi In honor of the book club....
Itxi Fantastic title for a song: "The world was a mess but his hair was perfect" - The Rakes
Itxi Peaches rocks it.... Peaches & Soulwax - Talk to Me
burntbroccoli May never be able to listen to this song with a straight face ever again because of the Boosh. :D
Itxi G' night twitteroos! (^_^) And remember.....
jonjonnyp Don't mind if I do. 'later, twats.
Itxi Oh damn...I need to pee...
Itxi Beatles love...


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sarahpinborough But then again..the day may go like this..I'm off to find out..
HifiLoki #musicmonday To start the ball rolling, something easy listening...
Itxi #musicmonday Cuz the best way to give interesting & encouraging info on a monday comes through music...
Itxi #musicmonday As long as we're being informative...here's some facts about Fu...
FaderCreep This is what that transformer should dance to on the car advert really.


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juliansimpson OH YES! Kneel before me, Twitter... (Wish it was better quality tho)


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Itxi riiight...the person who posted this clearly had no idea who composed this...still jummy tho...
Itxi Gooooooooood moooooorniiiiiiiinggg Vieeet...eh...Twitteroooooos!!
Itxi And what's a morning without a slight dab of freaky beats? Exactly...so here comes! (reblip)
CraigMarr @Itxi_Itx not as soothing but inspired by Rachmaninov
Itxi Seriously beautiful Spanish heartache...
Itxi @psibreaker some dark Jim sunrays...
Itxi Remember "Tour of duty"?

Tour of Duty - The Rolling Stones

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HifiLoki Ministry - Jesus Built My Hotrod... 'dancing' to this gives you incredibly neck-ache!
HifiLoki Random Mike Patton guest vocals...

Lovage - Music to Make Love to Your Old Lady By - 12 - Sex (

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gigi_peterkin my head is full of magic baby and I can share this with you...
HifiLoki Dedicated to @eBeth and @Itxi_Itx for constant repetition of the two Cs in a Twitter conversation...


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twittemusicboy Ahhh. The strokes remind me of old times =]
HifiLoki Plinky plonk new age spookiness...


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Itxi Good to hear this again, thanks! :D RT @warren_bennett: "great version of John Barry's OHMSS." (reblip)
Itxi In relation to 'Cha...mon...here's "tah, tah, tah" and "hee heee"
Itxi Riiight...time for some (relaxing) music...

Zero 7Polaris

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Itxi Yaaaaaay my favorite videooo!! (music wyse & doggie wyse)

Goldfrapp "Ride a White Horse"

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Itxi Disturbingly good Chris Cunningham video...and ace beats from Squarepusher
eBeth She's often inclined to borrow somebody's dreams till tomorrow..

See Emily Play

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warren_bennett my favourite voice....

John Lennon stand by me

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Itxi Just live it, love it and appreciate it...cuz you never know when it ends...lets rock this party we call life! (^_^)
Itxi Diggin' the poney....and more, on a rooftop....

The Beatles Apple Rooftop Concert 3/3 (HQ)

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Itxi Aaaawwww...look how clean cut they were in the early days...*fuzzy fuzz*...
warren_bennett @gibbzer I love them all. If I had to,I could live with just my Beatles records,together as a band and apart.
Itxi YOMG! A Beatles rehearsal!! Ok..I've died and gone to heaven.... (^_^) This is actually funky-er than the final version...niceee
Itxi JOY!

The Beatles: Hey Bulldog Cartoon

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Itxi Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmhhhh

Savoy Truffle

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Itxi Air guitar!! Air drums!! Air bass!! And mental head banging...Beatles? yes please! :D
Itxi He's only sleeping...ssssh.... *chuckle*
Itxi heheh bizarre n funny....

Zero 7Distractions

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JRGibson Been a while, still love it - "We all dressed in black..." :D

beastie boys-egg man

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Itxi Here's the original (live) version @JRGibson
JRGibson For the life of me I can't get this out of my head - great video too
JRGibson Time for bed - 'The Last Of The Melting Snow'

The Leisure Society 'The Last Of The Melting Snow'

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Zita Swoon-Thinking about you

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warren_bennett He doesn't twitter,barely uses a mobile,but this is for my dad.In honour of the Eurovision last weekend.They came second with this nonesence in 1975!!

elvis presley blue suede shoes color

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Itxi Good might,mes petits, I too must rest my weary body...I leave you with a lovely, mellow tune for the night...

Etta James / At Last

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Itxi In loving memory of a sweet little playful furball...

Yummy Yummy Yummy I got love in my tummy

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Jose Feliciano & Johnny Cash

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Insensatez -Antonio Carlos Jobim

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Frank Sinatra & Antonio Carlos Jobim

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eyglo @itxi_itx perhaps this should be our apocalyptic theme song? =)
maybeitwasutah Thanks to @gibbzer, found new tunes.

The Weepies-World Spins Madly On

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Ast oooo...oooooo.....o.o.o.o.o.ol.o.o.o....oooo.olo.
doodlewhale @itxi_itx whilst your finding your way :) x
doodlewhale twitter my true love waits.....x

true love waits

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doubledrat Window Twins – Maybe It's Time
Itxi <3

Chet Baker Live (Belgium 1964) : Time After Time

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warren_bennett tea and a tune for @sarahjpin.....

The Beatles-I'm So Tired

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The Beatles;A Day In The Life

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Itxi Still gives me a big lump in my throat this version...Let it Be...
HifiLoki For those of us who can see sunlight, but aren't escaping the office this lunchtime... feel good tune!
Itxi Luscious! :D RT @HifiLoki: "For those of us who can see sunlight, but aren't escaping the office this lunchtime... feel good tune!" (reblip)
Itxi Dunno why, but this always reminds me of lazy sunny summer days...
apdunne You were wearing funny shoes…

I Turn My Camera On

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Itxi West Coast - Coconut Records....cuz it's love...

Coconut Records "West Coast"

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Easy Alohas video

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Ratatat "Cherry"

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Itxi Good morningggg *yawn*..... (^_^)

Muppet Show Moreno and Animal

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Itxi Muppetshow's Beaker - Feelings *chuckle*

Savoy Truffle

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burntbroccoli I can't believe I just found this: Flight of the Conchords / Nine Inch Nails – GOD GIVEN / SUGAR LUMPS mashup
gigi_peterkin Kicking it off with OMD - we were all pretty in pink...

OMDIf You Leave

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gigi_peterkin Ladies and gentlemen, Dr. Noah Drake...

Rick Springfield- Jessies girl

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gigi_peterkin The lovely Michael Hutchence...with an homage to Dylan at the end of the video
maybeitwasutah If you are still in the mood to shake your ass, then this might help.
Itxi raaaaahhhhhhhh *stretches* Morrowwww peeperonie's!
Itxi YOMG!! It's like summer out there.....mmmmmmjummmm..... (^_^)

The Surfaris Wipe out 1963

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Foo Fighters: DOA

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Take Off Your Clothes Video by Morningwood

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Itxi Oh yeeesshhhhh soooo hotttt
eBeth Looking through the window above, it's like a story of love..

YazooOnly You

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Itxi Sleep engulfs this tired body, and soon it shall take me adrift...good night twitterocean....
Itxi Good morning twitterocean...

Richard Ashcroft "On A Beach"

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The Ramones: Sheena Is A Punk Rocker

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shadowhoney Wooohooooo....c'mon.....BOUNCE!!!

Taio Cruz 'Come On Girl'

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Itxi Goooood mooooorniiinggg...boogiee oooon doooown!


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Electric Six It's Showtime

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warren_bennett don't monkey with my business...

Duran Duran "Notorious"

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warren_bennett and that is how you do it when you're a fucking genius....
apdunne Horns a-go-go!

Penny Lane

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warren_bennett I'll cross that bridge when I find it....
Itxi Good morrow twittfolk!

Zero 7Home

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Rodney Yates

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warren_bennett I still love the origional of this...

David Holmes ( I wish I had) a Wooden Heart

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juliansimpson Oh I say...

Queen+Max Raabe- We Will Raabe You

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Out of Space .Prodigy

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Simian Mobile Disco Synthesise [HD]

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Itxi I dunno...is it you, perchance?

The Isley Brothers-Who's That lady

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Itxi Give it up and groove with me...you know you wanna...
Itxi It won't be televised but let's see if we can start one...
Itxi Cuz there's this gal...and she knows it!
Itxi Wonder if Big Bird will have a guest appearance in this one....
eyglo "Everyone wants to go to heaven, but nobody wants to die"
Itxi My personal fav Aretha tune....
Itxi You might remember this from "Dirty Dancing"...
Itxi And true too...

Dinah Washington / What A Diff'rence A Day Makes

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ememess Caution: loudness -

buck rogers

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Itxi I can feel it, I can feel it, I can feeeeel iiiiiiiit

jackson 5 can you feel it

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Itxi Gooooddddd morningggg! (^_^)

The Streets "Weak Become Heroes"

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Boys and Girls

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Itxi Layo & Bushwacka Sleepy Language

Layo & Bushwacka Sleepy Language

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Itxi Just heard this on my ipod on the way here...luv it, dunno why...just do... (^_^)


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maybeitwasutah Why oh why haven't I blipped this before? Love this song and vid.

Yes "Owner Of A Lonely Heart"

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Itxi Time to take the rocket to snoozeland, mes petits...sweet dreams to you all...
Itxi *sigh* possibility to sleep 2 more hours...but wide awake...ok, some soft Jobim Bossanova then....Good morning peeperoni's!

Chet Baker "Look For The Silver Lining"

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Itxi Seu Jorge - Life on Mars

Life On Mars

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Radiohead ~ Exit Music (For a Film)

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Itxi RT @eyglo just the ticket, for this morning... :) (reblip)

Radiohead ~ Exit Music (For a Film)

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Itxi Joan Collins does bath tub....
Itxi summery mammmbo anybody? (reblip)

Yma Sumac Malambo Nº 1 Early Version

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G. Love and Special Sauce- My Baby's Got Sauce

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Itxi Yes, it's George Clooney's mom.... ;)
Itxi Gooood morninggg twitteroni's! And so a long day of editing starts...Will be using this song in one of the vids... (^_-)

the kinks- you really got me

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Itxi Another song from my play...n nice n mellow for a day like this...
Itxi Original lso in my play (by Engelbert Humperdinck) wish I could show you the choreography that goes with it...but it's as funny as this lame version
Itxi for @estebanics as requested... (^_-)
Itxi @estebanics jaaaaah maaaan

bob marleyjammin

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Itxi @estebanics even more for jah...
Itxi @estebanics hop on that train man...jaaah
Itxi @estebanics ...dude this one was madeeee for ya... (^_-)
Itxi @estebanics sheesh, this one brings back old skool memories.... :)

Bob Marley & The Wailers 'Could You Be Loved'

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Itxi Just edited this song into a raging flames video.... rawr
Itxi Speaking of "raawwrr"....PG13 groove from the '70's... (^_-)
Itxi Aaand to put out the fires somewhat.... (^_-)
Itxi Chilliy kisses....brr....
Itxi Oh that Henry....whoever he might be....
Itxi Mebbe he knows Rudy....

A Message To You Rudy

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Itxi ...sometimes....at night.....
Itxi Well mes petits, and hot stuff....time for me to find a fluffly pillow to rest my head on...like this girl...altho prolly not as sylized... (^_-)
Itxi Good morrow, petit suisses! Time to get ready for a long day of rehearsals...here's some Nneka to start the day off with....play loud! (^_-)


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Itxi Mathar (Discovery Of India Remix) by "Indian Vibes" ....wait for the beat... (^_-)

Mathar (DiscoveryOfIndiaMix)by "Indian Vibes"

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KenArmstrong A little Bollywood joint - used to good effect in 'Inside Man'...
Itxi Something completely different...Flamenco with Arabic influences...
Itxi This band is AMAZING; they mix flamenco-, Judaic and Arabic influences to an almost medieval sort of southern Spanish music...

Radio Tarifa -Mañana

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LeftField Melt (audio only) Leftism

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HifiLoki Last.fm suggests this as a follow up to M.I.A. - the lyrics are profound, innit.

Lady Sovereign-Love Me or Hate Me(Lyrics):D

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HifiLoki This is a pretty cool tune I've stumbled over... :-)
Itxi Good morrow, duderino's & chiquitita's! This is what you get when you mix Sat Night Fever, Beethoven & Thicke...and a bike....

Beck Dark star

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Beck: Sexx Laws

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Beck Nausea music video

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Itxi Listen to the beat, the beat of the song song, a buzzing through my head, my head like a....
Itxi Aww heck...here's sexx laws again...why? Cuz it makes me grin...yowzah! (reblip)

Beck: Sexx Laws

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Itxi Is it a bird? Is it a plane? No, it's....

Superman (Main Theme)

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Itxi And so....time to curl up n sleep...I leave you with the lovely Coconut Records - Slowly for the late-nite...Noches!
doubledrat Azure Ray – Raining in Athens ...last one... thx @ll...will hit you back tomorrow if i didnt get there tonight....
Itxi *yawn* A new day...new chances...or so they say, good morrow peeperoni's! Slip into the sunshine y' all! (^_-)


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HifiLoki @HifiLoki: "It might be too early for something so ridiculousy upbeat as this, but sod it. I'm in a good mood. Possibly because of this song." (reblip)

Reebok Video / Bastien Lattanzio / Guillaume Berg / Yelle

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Itxi Thanks @ratbanjos for bringing this to my attention! :)
Itxi Wow 100 listeners on Blip! Welcome all! Hope you enjoy my musical mayhem.... :)

LCD Soundsystem Get innocuous

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Itxi Song about Michael Jackson....don't try to deny it... ;)


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Itxi Classic logo's galore...


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Itxi Aleluyah, light be praised....

The Presets- Steamworks

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Itxi Raaaaaaaaah good morning twitteroo's...*stretches n yawns*...here's some Brian Jones Massacre....

The Brian Jonestown Massacre- Talk-Action=Shit

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Itxi Whooooooooooooooooooooooooooo (^_^)

Brian Jonestown Massacre-When Jokers Attack

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Itxi Yaaaay been looking for this for agessssss! :D

campag velocet bon chic bon genre

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Itxi Rawrr

The Dandy Warhols "Get off"

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Itxi Puppets in an elevator....

The Dandy Warhols "We Used to be Friends".

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The Dandy Warhols-Boys Better

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Itxi Ok...while I go get a drink... (reblip)
Itxi In Darjeeling Limited and an awesome tune by The Kinks...Yowza!
Itxi Porn Stache sings lovely tune...also Darjeeling Ltd & Hotel Chevallier....

peter sarstedt. where do you go to my lovely

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Elliott Smith : Needle In The Hay

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Itxi Good night tweeperoni's...time for me to snooze off into temporary slumber....Noches!! (^_^) I leave you with a lovely tune.... (reblip)
Itxi Good morrow twitteroonie's! Rudely awaken by bongo players...and now time to start the editing day.....
Itxi Back! Was deluxe, now time for some music while I start all enginesssssssssssssss

Goldfrapp-- Oh La La

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Itxi Ooooh a Benny Benassi remixxx.....mmmmmh saucy....


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Itxi Pourtant 'c est *cet* moment pour moi; le moment pour vous dire bonne nuit, mes petits!! Must away to slumberland.... :)
Itxi Good morrow tout le monde! (^_^) Look away if you don't like sweaty n oiled up bods.... ;)
hiabowman Sunday blip tradition, enjoy :)
Itxi Aaaawww Mike Patton...aaaaaawww...

mike patton and the metropole orchestra 2008 1 live 01. IL CIELO IN UNA STANZA 02. CHE NOTTE

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Itxi Whooooop!! Am bouncy as hell....hehehehe (^_-)
Itxi Good morrow y' all, time to embark into another busy dayy... ;)

Gnarls Barkley-Transformer

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Itxi For some reason this vid always cracks me up, check out the left dancer she's REALLY enthusiastic....
warren_bennett tea,cake & gilda....

"Put The Blame On Mame"

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warren_bennett bang a gong....

Bang a Gong (Get It On) by T.Rex

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Itxi One of the hottest T-Rex songs....rawwrrr..... (reblip)

Vive la fete-Hot shot

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sarahpinborough For Mr Fing the dirty stop out cat who's really a girl and I'm very glad she came home...again...
Itxi Good morrow, twitteroo's!! (^_^) After a weird night another filled-up day awaits....omg! (^_-)
Itxi Keep it vibrant yo! I'm off to do some stealth action stuff before this eve...will be back... (^_-)

Q-TipVibrant Thing

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Itxi Playing the technicians some pumping beats while we hang the lights....

Junkie xl- Billy Club [Crazy Man]

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Itxi Last one before our pizza's arrive....(I hope! As we need to have dinner early t be able to prep things before audience arrives...)
Itxi Smells like teen spirit...or does it, mr Moog?
Itxi Good morrow me droogies! Another day of excitement dawns...so here's some moog black hole sun...to giggle it up....
Itxi So much good music out there...but I guess this is my song... @psibreaker , in the positive sense of it... (^_-)
Itxi Winding down...some calm music before I snooze...sleep well, twitteroo's & twitterettes!! Thanks again..... (^_^) *fluffy n fuzzy*
Itxi Good mornin' y' all!! *yawns & stretches* Time for another fullly packed day with a dash of exitement....

Good morning original version

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Itxi Sssssssssssssleeeep....zzzzzzzzzzzzzz....buenas noches, mes petits!! Sleep well! (^_^)


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Itxi Awake...shake dreams from your head, my pretty child, my sweet one, choose your day....Good morrow!! (^_-)
Itxi @kevpj Good one! Haven't heard it in a while....(I'm so drained today that I can't even come up with tunes...hehehe)

Foo FightersLow

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Itxi Thanks @elliottbeth!! Just the ticket! (Now why didn't I come up with them in the first place....hmmm...am worse than I thought...) (^_-)

The Black Keys "Just Got To Be"

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[RocknRolla OST] Have Love, Will Travel by The Sonics

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The Black Keys "Your Touch"

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Itxi Raaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh *headbanging mode*
Itxi Gosh, where's the mosh pit?!?! KALABUNGA!!!! (^_-)
Itxi Via @aschernathan (yeah, totally scrumptious tune!! Of course it is!!) (^_-)
Itxi Good morning twitteroo's...another sunny day....& a lovely slow morning for a change....mmmmmmmh...
Itxi Good morrow! As sleep falls from these weary eyes, they let in the light of a new dawn & fresh morning air fills my lungs... (^_-)

Slow Hands :Interpol

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Interpol- No I In Threesome

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Itxi Ahh...I should watch/read Clockwork Orange again!

Kings of Leon- Knocked up

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Kings Of Leon Revelry

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Itxi Video doesn't make much sense...but song is hawt... (reblip)
Itxi Your tweet reminded me of this song @apdunne

Stevie Wonder ~ Superstition

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apdunne MC's favourite - it's what comes of being a BBC Radio 2 listener from birth!


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N.A.S.A. "Hip Hop" (feat. KRS-One, Fatlip, & Slim Kid Tre)

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N.A.S.A. "Money" (feat. David Byrne, Chuck D, Ras Congo, Seu Jorge, & Z-Trip)

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Itxi Well, good nite mes petits! Here's some Ice Cream....
HifiLoki More happiness? Here you go!

Röyksopp 'Happy Up Here'

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The Wrath of Marcie by The Go! Team

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Itxi Hit me with your rhythm stick....


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Itxi It's really really windy outside....couldn't help think of this tune....right...Nite! ;)
Itxi Good morrow twitteroni's...it's sunny out...could this mean it's gonna be a lush & happy day? (^_-)

The Beatles- Nowhere man

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doctor robert / the Beatles / Revolver

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Itxi hahahahhahahahahaha those clothes!

Brown Sugar-Rolling Stones

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Fischerspooner: Horizon

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Fischerspooner: L.A. Song

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Itxi This must be my fave Fischerspooner vid...hawt!!
HifiLoki @Itxi_Itx The group's called VAST. Might need to be turned up for the little background beat. MY favourite video, questionable lyrics.
Itxi As the moon travels on the sky's starry roads, so shall I travel into dreamland...sleep well mes petits! :)
Itxi Buon giorno, ragazzi!! Time to enter a new day... (^_-)

Dave Clarke & Chicks on Speed: What was her name?

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maybeitwasutah The flute beatbox reminded me to find this. Check it @doodlewhale

"Mama Soul" by Harold Alexander

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maybeitwasutah Damn this is cool.

hodges james smith crawford nobody

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