Oldies Creedence Clearwater Revival – Bad Moon Rising
Karenin ygor "old wolf" scripnic, nerso - in trance we trust,E. T. Pascoal, A volta do cão arrependido, bruno, hail nerds!, Paul McCartney!
Karenin A volta do cão arrependido diz (15:54): Se bem que Nina Simone tem um vozeirão lindimaisdaconta
Karenin ah but do you know what movie it is from? (reblip)
sinistercinnamon You can't fool the children of the revolution.
paeix thanx____________________________☆_______________________ from@themarmalade (reblip)


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paeix thanx____________________________☠_!______________________ from@SoundSystemSDC (reblip)
Aluciel This song has been in my head all morning, so I'm gonna share with you, so you, too, can hear what's in my head. ^_^
bthecat FABULOUS!!!!@luisjsantos: "@bthecat for real drama try this drama pill (the best comes at the end) Opfer dieses Liedes (reblip)
diverbh Marilyn Manson – (S)aint
Karenin Menu executar -> telnet towel.blinkenlights.nl.
BruceC The late great Grover Washington Jr. ~ Mister Magic (reblip)
SAbreu Essa vai pra lista de Fucksongs, com direito a uma dançadinha antes, saca?
JasonLydford from U2 to Shaggy - Hmmm mr lover lover.... :)
Rajio "If you' an obstacle she just drop ya cold, 'cause one monkey don't stop the show." - Tariq Trotter
delmadeira a experiência no metrô foi quase a mesma descrita pelo Rakes nesse hino da paranoia terrorista - Suspicious Eyes
paeix thanx___________________________________________________ from@OCkracker (reblip)

Happiness is a Warm Gun

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Karenin I loooovee youuu!


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allen "I wonder how it came to be my friend That someone just like you has come again" :~
cphan lalalalalalalalalalalalalalala
sarah_crisman Nobody understands... except maybe Belle & Sebastian.
sarah_crisman Take the time to see the world another way, I wanna be more than yesterday, and somehow find my way to this new religion.
sarah_crisman Among my Top 10 Live Music Moments (with a little help from my friends)
ladypn Saturn on a line, the sun afire of strings & wires.Spin above my head &make it right. Anytime you'd like, you can catch a sight of angel eyes....
Rick_Rocks @marcelle_moon tem varias dele que eu gosto, essa mais rapidinha é uma delas...
paisley I Wanna Have Your Babies – Natasha Bedingfield (reblip)
sarah_crisman This makes me feel so far away.
Karenin @eliott_is_dead É q na vdd é sobre o livro msm. Karenin é o único personagem equilibrado entre o peso e leveza :D
returner this is a woman's world...
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