Travvybear this one is creeping into my top 5 quick....enjoi :)
DJJuxtaposedJunkie ^^ *Gives A Sweat-Drenched Sigh, Wipes Forehead With Brim Of Cowboy Hat And Exclaims* "Wooo Doggie! Indie Trailmix!" ^^
Atomik Charlie – Spacer Woman
DJ_HeckaCool and delicious! Wait, what? ;) @Doggonahogg: "rb @DJ_HeckaCool - Love them Doves. They're so fluffy white and talented." (reblip)


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MyMixedTape tried to re-blip but it wouldn't let me. que fabuloso!


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FOGGIELOANER This is my earliest blip that still works. @Arth @Corts (reblip)
MyMixedTape the video is Tim Burtonesque and the song is freaking awesome@daretoeatapeach: "Here truly is a rad animated video. @DjEntronic]" (reblip)

Gotye 'Hearts a Mess' By Gotye

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MyMixedTape you should really listen to this one
Stephydel Thank you!@ducks2007: "Camera Obscura – "French Navy" official video" (reblip)
MyMixedTape this is new amazingness@DJstromer19: "<><>I know" (reblip)

Alex Lloyd What We Started

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Catherine Feeny "Mr. Blue"

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Lisa Mitchell Coin Laundry

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MyMixedTape today I am only re-Bliping@LikeAnAngel: "<poke>" (reblip)
MyMixedTape and now a little something from Fu...Gu. (reblip)
MyMixedTape @DareToEatAPeach: "New to me. Thanks @pecusita: "Class Actress - Journal of Ardency"" (reblip)
MyMixedTape @nastysurprise72: "@MyMixedTape I can't take sole credit for starting this, @JumpinjEllybean provided the inspiration." (reblip)

Ian Mcintosh, Awakened -With Lyrics

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Cleo's Mood ~ Junior Walker

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MyMixedTape @HellenKellersIpod: "It's not, but it feels like it here" (reblip)
indieearcandyforeveryone thank you. i wish you the same.. ;) @outoforder: "Hi & thank YOU @indieearcandyforeveryone. I wish you a happy week with lots of music. :)" (reblip)
MyMixedTape (!!!!!!!)...such a sweet crush
MyMixedTape If you don't listen to anything else...just trust me on this one.
OKnightmare From what I hear, the new album is a bit of a let down but no one can argue with the greatness of this song


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MyMixedTape (!!!!)reminds me of zeplin. don't ask why.
MyMixedTape @nastysurprise72: "@CreepyGirl @mysteryem @Atwater Wait a minute. Being hustled is something else entirely. Now I'm jealous." (reblip)

It's Thunder and It's Lightening

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Yeasayer, Ambling Alp (Odd Blood)

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Alturn8tive {Pretty Lights – Up & Down I Go}seeing him this week :)
atank rb@MyMixedTape: "@atank you always throw off my a good way." (reblip)
MyMixedTape going out to take some pics before @atank can distract me *-*
SlipperyDistortion rb @MsBojangles. She's a jar. You're a pickle. :) (reblip)

WilcoShe's a jar

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GUS BLACK-Love is a Stranger

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Rilo Kiley "Capturing Moods"

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Neon Neon-I Lust U featuring Cate Le Bon

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MyMixedTape yay for inspiration!@indieearcandyforeveryonenot really sure why, but that song inspired this one@MyMixedTape the beat maybe...i don't know (reblip)
Stolen Self-explanatory. [Oh, and I'm doing a genre change too, didja notice?] Yr Wlcm @koiheart :)

Aimee MannOne

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Joy Electric-You're Material + Lyrics

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onceacurmudgeon i'll leave you with this. the single song i haven't been able to get out of my head since i 1st heard in dec. flipping fantastic! vi@Lindyloulou #Best (reblip)

Best Coast | When I'm With You

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MyMixedTape @Moskow<----new Blipr that plays good music! =) (reblip)

The xxVCR

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The London Apartments [Put a Jacket On]

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MyMixedTape I like doing a little dance to this one@yeah_so: "The xx -- VCR" (reblip)

The xxVCR

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weltschmerz so simple and mesmerizing! @Alvaroxx: "Warpaint – Billie Holiday..." (reblip)
MyMixedTape the chic from america's got talent just danced to this and it's awesome!

LambWhat Sound

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DareToEatAPeach @Martinshorn Love your audio stream kind sir. You're swell. (reblip)
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