Shandizzle A better version of Slowdive's Crazy for You. Now I'm happy.
Shandizzle Who HASN'T blip'd these guys?
Shandizzle theSTART covered Raindrops + Sunshowers for a Pumpkins tribute album. Don't think it ever saw the light of day, but I like this version more :-X
Shandizzle much has changed since last year this time?

Elastica - Connection

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Shandizzle eff that theSTART's the 1234 didn't play the entire song on here.
Shandizzle This song takes me back a bit.
Shandizzle Ok...goodnight. Gonna go watch Rachel Maddow now.
Shandizzle RB @DJADAM12 You effer...I was trying to play this song earlier, but none of the hosted versions were "available" Ok. I'll just jack it. (reblip)
Shandizzle Mourning sucks. I know this song is more about something else, but my mind still associates it. And if the devil is 6 then God is 7!
Shandizzle Probably one of my favorite recent songs by The Church.
Shandizzle I love Lush like whoa. Thanks Jenine for exposing me (to them ;-)
Shandizzle Woke up with plenty of energy today. It's now being eaten by my allergic reaction to the olive trees blooming in Vegas now.

AirAnother Day

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Shandizzle How can you offer me love like that? I'm exhausted...leave me alone.
Shandizzle I'm definitely, definitely, definitely on a Bjork kick.
Shandizzle Ah...seeing this band tonight was fun. Thankfully Tyler was there with me to dance like a geek the entire show. Yay dancing!
Shandizzle Baby, please don't let me surrender.
Shandizzle When I'm able to breathe again...I'll look back on this and think it's all funny.
Shandizzle Totally also having a Pretenders moment.
Shandizzle Love this song for the harmonies that it provides for. And my buddy who does them with me :-)
Shandizzle Dunno why this song is stuck in my head. Love it, though.
Shandizzle YAHOOO! Favorite song off of the new The day after... album. Enjoy.
Shandizzle featuring Chelsea Davis of theSTART.
Shandizzle I've had this song stuck in my head all day.
DJADAM12 Vince Guaraldi, amazing...


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Shandizzle Can never go wrong with Lush.


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bizzy Every street you walk on, I leave tear stains on the ground.
Shandizzle Totally on an Acoustic Alchemy kick right now.
Shandizzle I like this version, of course. But I've heard someone's cover of it that made me drool when I heard it.


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Shandizzle :-) Bjork's I Go Humble always puts me in a good mood.
Shandizzle You know, I kinda have's like in my lesbian contract or something. I lose my home depot card if not.

k.D. Lang - Constant Craving

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Kaleem1966 via @Lizelizabeth dont you just love her? (reblip)


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Shandizzle Because Annie Lennox is amazing.
Shandizzle Anytime is a good time for Slowdive.
Shandizzle These guys are coming to Vegas, and I pretty much pooped my pants when I found out.
Shandizzle Wow. This band was amazing. Really sad they broke up.
Shandizzle Probably my favorite song by these guys. The singer is a classically trained singer. Also, thanks to all of my new listeners!
Shandizzle I need me some @aimeeecho up in this place. Mmmm. Excellent song. xoxo


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Shandizzle Definitely a band you need to get to know. Las Vegas natives.
Shandizzle Too bad I don't remember seeing them too much. Blast my friends for opening for them and got me so drunk I had a 3 day hangover.
Shandizzle This goes out to Daniel Kloza hahaha.
Shandizzle The live version is fine, but I like the way the studio version.
Shandizzle I got wasted, and she got mad...she called me names and she called her dad. He got crazy and I did too. Wondered what I did to you...
Shandizzle A nice piano only version of Paranoid Android. I heard it @ Starbucks a while back while working.
Shandizzle Can anyone really argue with bjork?
rociof transmission

JOY DIVISION-Transmission

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Shandizzle Louise I miss this kind of music. Love you, but...yeah.
Shandizzle This song is more than likely gonna break my bandwidth.
Shandizzle Now that your wallet is all lit up...
Shandizzle The day after... - Leeches (Ft. Chelsea Davis of @theSTART ) *again because this song is amazing*
Shandizzle I really need to unwind. Love this song and video.
Shandizzle Pardon me, I'm still chillin
Shandizzle Old Broken Social Scene.

Ambulance for the Ambiance

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Shandizzle Go on with yo bad self, Lauren Rocket :-)

The Church-Reptile

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TankPilot shitty sound, otherwise a kick-ass performance!
Shandizzle The Sugarcubes - Mama


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Shandizzle Wow. I'm glad this is on here.
PokerTunes Tune of the Day...from the Breeders...
Shandizzle I totally took some benadryl.
Shandizzle Can you forgive the boy who shot you in the head?
Shandizzle *reeeeeeer reeeeeeeeeer reeeeeeeeer reeeeeeeeeeeer reeeeeer* VALERIE LOVES ME!!!!!
olumi_day A Tribe Called Quest – Award Tour
Shandizzle The day after... - One Armed Bandit


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WtfFiles You have to love a sentimental song about a whore house district.
Shandizzle @michellebranch just nailed this solo @ the whitehouse.
Shandizzle This was awesome yesterday. John Mayer's faces...can't get enough of them haha.

John Mayer performing Human Nature Michael Jackson Memorial Tribute

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Shandizzle band from LAlaland. Really quite awesome. Cheer Up is an awesome album.


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Shandizzle I'm seriously in love with this album. I just wish I wasn't half deaf. Would make headphones more awesome for this song.
Shandizzle Why do the ID3 tags not work when I bought it on iTunes? This is: Rat Tat Tat (Ft. Chelsea Davis & Aimee Echo) - Street Drum Corps.


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Shandizzle I can't explain how much I love Slowdive.
Fondello @marilovisky sumiu hein?!?

Radiohead How To Disappear Completely (perfect audio)

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Shandizzle Ahhhhh...Louise Post.

Veruca SaltFly

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Shandizzle My favorite cover of Landslide.
Shandizzle I kinda need to share some theSTART goodness with you...


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Shandizzle More @theSTART goodness.
Shandizzle Friends of theSTART's: DREAM SEQUENCE TRAILER & EQUIP STOLEN IN VEGAS! PLEASE RT! (info on equip in link!)
Shandizzle have this song stuck in my head for no apparent reason.
Shandizzle I remember dancing to this song with a person who makes me feel like I'm in heaven.
Shandizzle You're no gooooooooooooooooood. You're no good, you have never been. I need yooooooooou, oh yeah. I need you to fix this mess I'm in.


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Shandizzle Another song used in a VW commercial in the 90s...

StyxMr. Roboto

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Shandizzle zzZZZZzzzzzzzzZZZzzzzz

Brian Eno2/1

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Shandizzle I may or may not be singing this tonight...


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The Action Design "Connect / Disconnect"

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Shandizzle Good morning, friends...
Shandizzle two in a row...thanks @catdowns. Good taste! (reblip)
Shandizzle This was the first song I ever sang. Ever. 2 years old. (reblip)

Van HalenJump

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Shandizzle Anyone in Vegas? Come see these guys @ the HOB tonight for $10 (18+) All proceeds to ASPCA. 7:30PM.
Shandizzle May or may not be playing in Vegas @ the Beauty Bar tomorrow night with @Pandesalband.
Shandizzle I GET TO SEE THESE GUYS ON SEPT 22! I'm so stoked!
Shandizzle Getting excited for this show...Sept. 22nd HOB Las Vegas with Amusement Parks On Fire :-)
Shandizzle This song still has the ability to make me cry.
Shandizzle It was hard to decide between this version and the live. The live is cool too. Way different.
Shandizzle Song reminds me of an ex...not because she saved me from any robots, however.
Shandizzle Welcome to my 2005...
Shandizzle I think this song was playing one of those whirlwind nights...
Shandizzle I made the first move while this song was playing.
Shandizzle The bass on this sounded really amazing in my car...
Shandizzle I am in love with this song.


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Shandizzle I can't wait to see this movie. I'll have to wash the creep off afterward, though.

Billy Joel We Didn't Start The Fire

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Shandizzle man...I remember listening to this cd with my family when I lived in CA...and we were driving to LA.
Shandizzle "There's too much future to get out of the way..."
Shandizzle Tonight your ghost will ask my ghost "Who put these bodies between us?"
Shandizzle <3 this song was playing in my head when I woke up this morning.


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Shandizzle Thank you for this@bizzy I needed it: "You're a dream to me." (reblip)
Shandizzle This song reminds me of the 6th grade!
Shandizzle Just a kiss...I'll make you see...
Shandizzle Thanks @tattoothestars for this. This makes me happy every time I hear it.
Shandizzle Sweet! a video! That lady rocks a kit like whoa. Go see a show of theirs if they come to your city!
Shandizzle Best live show I've ever seen in my life. Period.
Shandizzle The other band that played at the best show I've seen in my life (tonight)
Shandizzle <3 this song.

Royksopp - Only This Moment

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Shandizzle :-) Starbucks is carrying a new compilation with this song on it now.
Shandizzle We wait for Christmas to see the cracking faces.
Shandizzle Woke up with this song in my head for no particular reason. :-) I'm going there tomorrow, so I guess it makes sense.
Shandizzle This band is too amazing.


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Shandizzle Heard this at Bar Pink last night and it made me happy.
Shandizzle This band is one of my new favorites...
Shandizzle The intro to this song is quite neat.
Shandizzle Goodnight everyone. I'm ready to get my extra hour of sleep now :-)


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Shandizzle Wanted to blip this last night, but it didn't work. I dunno why.
Shandizzle This guy does an amazing version of Paranoid Android as well.
Shandizzle You've been a juvenile with a dolphin smile.
Shandizzle I do believe this was the last recording that Louise and Nina ever did together...
Shandizzle I've been getting into these guys a bit lately.

Zero 7Destiny

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Shandizzle I wasn't allowed to listen to "...those alternative stations" due to songs like these. Mentioning killing/sex/nudity/drugs...yeah.

Poe Angry Johnny

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Shandizzle beware: all those angels with their wings glued on.
Shandizzle I miss songs like this coming from Michelle Branch. *sigh* And with that, I'm going to lay down (to go to sleep.)

michelle branch- lay me down single (Hotel Paper Deluxe Edition 2009)

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Shandizzle I told my boss and co-worker that I'd blip this song for them. Only, this is a cooler version. With a symphony.
Shandizzle make sure if you're listening with ear bud type headphones, you have both in.
Shandizzle So, my iPod in my car decided to play a lovely gloomy rainy day mix today. Here's the tracks I remember.
Shandizzle I've had this song stuck in my head pretty much all day, and I have no idea why. Haven't heard it in a while.
Shandizzle I kinda feel like it right now...
Shandizzle Why'd you leave me in between Siamese cities?
Shandizzle Time for bed for me. School starts back up in 7 and a half more hours for me.

1/1 Brian Eno

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Shandizzle There's something about the Smashing Pumpkins post Aeroplane that just fits on a rainy day...

Smashing Pumpkins "To Sheila"

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Shandizzle Put my heart in its recipe...
Unaturalsoul @Sharuana: ""The Lion Sleeps Tonight" - Chór Akademicki UAM" (reblip)

The Lion Sleeps Tonight

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